Why I can't see my posts?

By BigBadassBurrito, in Star Wars: Destiny

Sorry but dunno where to post.

I posted 3 times but no post will be shown.

Always had this approval pending condition.

Can someone help me?

Thank you

Until you have a certain number of posts, they need to be admin approved. Stops bots.

Until you have a certain number of posts, they need to be admin approved. Stops bots.

when did they implement this? i don't remember ever having to have my posts approved when i first started on FFG forums in 2012

I made my first post in March of this year and that took a day to be approved.

I can't see my posts either, but I was such a troll I put an ignore on myself. :D

I can't see my posts either, but I was such a troll I put an ignore on myself. :D

that seriously made me laugh.. thankfully i wasn't eating or drinking anything at the time