Warp Perception + Crush = Win
Can my character be in one room > use warp perception to view a wholly other room and thusly using say crush in that other room to indirectly attack foes from afar thus keeping my character safe from harm for the ultimate win every time? LMFAO
- what if there are doors and thick walls between me and my targets > i.e. I can't feel their vibrations (if that's the "explanation presented") > otherwise this should include closed doors / portals between me next said "next room" > I'm thinking this is like a magic invisible third eye (aka wizard eye) I can fly around thru walls and stuff?
Warp Perception
The psyker opens his senses to the Warp, allowing unnatural
tendrils of energy to augment his own perceptions. His flesh no
longer limited, he casts his gaze wider and hungrily scents prey
from farther afield.
Value: 100 xp
Prerequisite: Willpower 35
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Psyniscience test
Range: Self
Sustained: Half Action
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: The psyker gains the Unnatural Senses (X) trait, where the
X value is equal to the psy rating multiplied by 10.
Unnatual Senses
The creature can perceive its surroundings using senses other
than sight or hearing, such as special organs, fine hairs, or some
other disturbing ability. This trait always includes a range in metres
indicated by the number in parentheses (X).
Rather than using his abilities to turn inanimate objects into
weapons, the telekine focuses directly on his enemy to squeeze
him in an invisible fist of power. Unless the target can repel the
psychokinetic assault, he is bludgeoned horridly. Even should he
survive, the overwhelming psychic force nonetheless pins him in
place under a tremendous weight.
Value: 300 xp
Prerequisite: Willpower 45
Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Opposed Willpower test
Range: 10 metres x psy rating
Sustained: No
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Effect: The psyker nominates a single target in range and line of
sight who opposes this power with a Toughness test. If the target
fails to resist the power, it suffers the attack below.
In essence I'm trying to mimic this ability from another roleplaying game...
A ranged effect with this modifier can originate from a point other than the user, ignoring cover between the user and the target, such as walls and other intervening barriers, so long as they do not provide cover between the effect’s origin point and the target. An Indirect effect normally originates from a fixed point directed away from you. In some cases, an Indirect effect may count as a surprise attack (see Surprise Attack ).
Indirect 1 : the effect originates from a fixed point away from you.
Indirect 2 : the effect can come from any point away from you or a fixed point in a fixed direction (not away from you).
Indirect 3 : The effect can come from any point in a fixed direction (not away from you) or a fixed point in any direction.
Indirect 4 : The effect can originate from any point and aim in any direction, including towards you (hitting a target in front of you from behind, for example).
Edited by MorbidDon