A PC "recovers" a light blaster pistol that its former owner, an Outlaw Tech, Tinkered, Jury Rigged, and modified.
I know the Jury Rigging goes away. In effect, Jury Rigged items must be lovingly maintained by the Jury Rigger to keep its benefit.
But what about the extra hard point from the Tinkering? The full talent description says that if the Tinkered item is lost, she can apply the talent elsewhere. That's nice for someone with the talent, but what happens to the Tinkered item?
Especially in a case where the extra hard point is in use.
How does it play out?
A) Does the blaster keep its extra hard point and attachment? This could mean someone with the Tinkerer talent can add extra hard points to items all day long as long as she doesn't keep the item.
B) Does the blaster suddenly have an attachment fall off that can't seem to be reattached? Which one? Chosen at random?