Rogue One... I SCREWED up...

By ExpandingUniverse, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Due to unforeseen circumstances (actually being prebooked in the Summer), I will be unable to see R1 - did u like what I did there? - until after Christmas.

I understand it is unforgivable and an affront to all SW and FFGSWRPG fans. I have phoned my counselor, will be taking the phone off the hook, my mobile/cell phone will be turned off and I am temporarily deleting my Facebook, twitter accounts etc. The front door will be permanently locked so don't expect to be let in. I will only be using my laptop to watch SW films or reading the splat books I have. I will also be avoiding any discussions on these forums.

While I am out 'working' as a sound engineer, it ain't working for a living especially over this holiday period as I also get paid in bottles of Jack Daniel's, if the conversation steers towards R1 I will politely take my leave of the conversation and go to the bar.

Regards, Gutted!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by ExpandingUniverse

I didn't get to see TFA until about a week and a half after its release.

It's not easy, but you'll be ok. :)