Jango Fett Tactica Video

By Peacelord, in Star Wars: Destiny

good videos, very informative

unfortunately i only managed to pull a single Jabba and i was going to wait until i either get lucky and pull another or find a local trade. I don't want to pay the high cost of singles this early in the game as most of them are likely to drop significantly with a few either staying the same or dropping slightly in price due to demand.

on that note you actually got me thinking with your Jabba video about how even a single Jabba can make a deck go to work

not sure how soon i'll be able to test it out (currently a lot of snow fall happening and most people aren't going to be leaving their homes) but i spent the better part of the morning trying to create something that looks like it should have some pretty good control

i'm not sure if it's fast enough to counter the aggro decks, but i made sure to include a lot of cheap cost dice removal and mitigation to get me to the late game with hopefully all 3 of my character still standing

Jabba The Hutt (11)
Count Dooku (11)
Night Sister (8)

Imperial Armory

Prized Possession x2 (4)
Electroshock x2 (1)
My Kind of Scum x2 (1)
Abandon All Hope x2 (2)
Flank x2 (1)
Unpredictable x2 (0)
Disarm x2 (1)
Infamous x1 (1)
Thermal Detonator x2 (3)
Cunning x2 (2)
Jetpack x2 (2)
Force Throw x1 (3)
Immobilize x2 (2)
Sith Holocron x2 (0)
Mind Probe x1 (4)
Force Choke x1 (2)

Lightsaber x2 (3)

i'm not sure i really need the lightsaber, but i figured having some damage dealing weapons could be nice to help against aggro decks that generate enough resources to do what they need anyways

as soon as i get my secondary Jabba i plan to replace Dooku with another night sister

what are your thoughts? you seem to have great insight

Cards i do not have that might make this list better

Crimelord x2
Force choke x1

Edited by executor

Nice I'll take a look thank you