The PC is a hitman. He specializes in longer range hits where he can shoot the target and then just fade away into the scenery.
In a particular situation, it is night, and he is hidden in the darkness of an alley across the street from a local bar he is expecting his quarry to exit from. He's lurking in the alley, with his blaster rifle pointed in the direction of the door.
The target exits through the door as expected. Player says, "I shoot him."
Which is the better way to resolve this...
A) The player rolls his dice as a free shot on the target. After that, there can be an initiative roll if the target is still kickin'.
B) Roll initiative. PC rolls Cool, target rolls Vigilance. PC hopes he gets the first slot. If the target gets the first slot, then he has spotted (or heard) the PC and may react appropriately.
C) Target makes a Vigilance vs. Stealth check. If unsuccessful, PC gets the free shot (A). If successful, initiative is rolled (B).