Crime Lord vs. Second Chance + Shields + Damage

By grokssilk, in Star Wars: Destiny

I know questions around Crime Lord have already been started in other threads, but I wanted to start another with a clear title so we know exactly the case we're discussing.



An opponent's character has:

- Second Chance

- 6 Damage accrued

- 3 Shields

I resolve the special on Crime Lord against that character:

"Spend 5 resources to choose a character. That character is defeated after this round ends."



(as we've been playing it)

0. round ends

1. character is defeated (via Crime Lord)

2. interrupt (via Second Chance) -> "Before attached character would be defeated, instead heal 5 damage from it and discard this upgrade from play."

- heal 5 damage on character

- discard Second Chance

FINAL RESULT: Character remains in play with 1 damage accrued, 3 shields

...does this sound right? is this how others have been playing?

sounds right to me.

second chance blanks the defeated part of rime lord and replaces it with its own result, its right and a funny result at that, consider running disarm or confiscation to counter it

Or don't use Crime Lord on a character with Second Chance...

second chance blanks the defeated part of rime lord and replaces it with its own result, its right and a funny result at that, consider running disarm or confiscation to counter it

Disarm only works equipment and weapons. Second Chance is neither.

Or don't use Crime Lord on a character with Second Chance...

Or maybe it's the person's last character and you need to get second chance off them and you have been rolling/accumulating resources like crazy and need to spend them on something.