Rey starter question

By Hobbyist, in Star Wars: Destiny

So in the starter deck, can only Finn equip the f-11D rifle, or can Rey also equip?

Both should be able to equip it, there are no play restrictions on the card.

But you can't include it in the Hero deck unless you are using Finn. :)

Yes you can put the Blaster on Rey.

Once a card is in your deck (and has no other play restrictions) you can put it on any of your characters. What can be confusing is Finn's other text that allows him to ignore restrictions when equipping upgrades, this is a separate clause that allows him to have cards with play restrictions (like Force Throw)

Thanks! That text throws me off, and the rules aren't super specific about it.

What can be confusing is Finn's other text that allows him to ignore restrictions when equipping upgrades, this is a separate clause that allows him to have cards with play restrictions (like Force Throw)

FYI, the text says "You can attach any weapon to this character, ignoring play restrictions." Which would not apply to Force Throw since it is an ability upgrade. It would allow something like Luke Skywalker's lightsaber though. :)