activate and exhaust

By drunkensith, in Star Wars: Destiny

whats the difference between these to key words? im mainly asking about "drudge work" support- exhaust this support and one of your characters to add one resourse. I don't get to roll there dice right? what am I missing? why would I use this card? I get the feeling there is something I don't understand.

you're giving up an activation for the purposes to get more resource. the card is not very good as it's very situational, but if you're desperate to get a resource it could be worth using on something like a 1 dice trooper that's highly likely to roll a blank anyways

Edited by executor

another question. Natural talent says resolve one of you dice increasing its value by 1. Can this be a + dice? I assume no but?? Also if its a dice that cost a resource I still have to pay the resource right?

Edited by drunkensith

sorry but thanks for help. another one. who gets the shield when you roll a shield? some cards say to put them anywhere whitch makes me think if you roll one with a charater it goes on THAT character. But there are support cards that can roll them... soooo?

to resolve any dice it's telling you to resolve it as normal but with a special perk of having an increased value of 1, so no it won't work for +dice, if it costs a resource, you still have to pay said resource unless stated otherwise and yes your shields can go anywhere you want as long as you don't go past the limit of 3 shields per character

Thanks executor! that was a timley response!

When resolving a dice with a card ability like Natural Talent, you have to follow the normal rules unless the card says otherwise. E.g. Awakening allows you to resolve a modifier + as if it was it was a normal dice of that type (damage etc).

When you use Shields on a dice, all the shields from each dice have to go on one character (though if you resolve multiple shield dice at one time, you resolve each one separately). Diplomatic Immunity has text that allows it to get around this - you can spread the shields around.

ahhh.. now it makes sence

or sense. I guess... would be the correct spellege

You use Drudge Work when running things like four stormtroopers, where you really need your resources to get upgrades out. If you've only got one die in the first place, you're even gaining an action. An extra guaranteed resource is pretty strong if you have enough characters to properly make use of it.