Amazon, holy crap!

By Rogue 4, in Star Wars: Destiny

Have ya'll seen the Amazon listing for boosters!

They have them for over $10 a booster pack!

For one!

Man, this is making me think, sell, sell, sell..............

(I wouldn't do that since I have a invested interest in the Star Wars universe)

Edited by Rogue 4

Must be trying to make some money back from all those booster boxes they sent out by mistake to people who ordered just booster packs :)

Must be trying to make some money back from all those booster boxes they sent out by mistake to people who ordered just booster packs :)

Wish I had taken the gamble on that one. I just saw some guy say he ordered 10 packs and got 10 boxes. Christmas came early there....

In other sad news, I still can't get an NES classic.

Must be trying to make some money back from all those booster boxes they sent out by mistake to people who ordered just booster packs :)

Just to be clear, this is actually a third party seller, not Amazon themselves.

only now, at the end, do your realize the power of the secondary market

Must be trying to make some money back from all those booster boxes they sent out by mistake to people who ordered just booster packs :)

seriously? wow, that's a big oops. somebody probably lost their job over that one

Must be trying to make some money back from all those booster boxes they sent out by mistake to people who ordered just booster packs :)

Wish I had taken the gamble on that one. I just saw some guy say he ordered 10 packs and got 10 boxes. Christmas came early there....

It was limit 3 so I would take that report with a grain of salt. I tried to even do two separate orders but was not allowed so he would have to get multiple people to place orders so possible but not plausible.

I too got in on the first wave but mine was caught before it shipped. I received a huge box full of airbags and 3 tiny booster packs. I believe the shipping materials had already been allocated when they caught the error, or it had already been boxed up so was adjusted.

No worries though, I already got a legitimate gravity feed, I also bought 2 boosters from my FLGS and 1 was a legendary so I'm satisfied.

Buy a box, open till you get all 6 legendaries, sell the rest for $10. This game makes magic look good.

Buy a box, open till you get all 6 legendaries, sell the rest for $10. This game makes magic look good.

I didn't know Magic needed help.

Must be trying to make some money back from all those booster boxes they sent out by mistake to people who ordered just booster packs :)

Wish I had taken the gamble on that one. I just saw some guy say he ordered 10 packs and got 10 boxes. Christmas came early there....

It was limit 3 so I would take that report with a grain of salt. I tried to even do two separate orders but was not allowed so he would have to get multiple people to place orders so possible but not plausible.

I too got in on the first wave but mine was caught before it shipped. I received a huge box full of airbags and 3 tiny booster packs. I believe the shipping materials had already been allocated when they caught the error, or it had already been boxed up so was adjusted.

No worries though, I already got a legitimate gravity feed, I also bought 2 boosters from my FLGS and 1 was a legendary so I'm satisfied.

I was the one who got 10 boxes for 10 packs. It's no lie. :) I posted a pic here:

Must be trying to make some money back from all those booster boxes they sent out by mistake to people who ordered just booster packs :)

Wish I had taken the gamble on that one. I just saw some guy say he ordered 10 packs and got 10 boxes. Christmas came early there....

It was limit 3 so I would take that report with a grain of salt. I tried to even do two separate orders but was not allowed so he would have to get multiple people to place orders so possible but not plausible.

I too got in on the first wave but mine was caught before it shipped. I received a huge box full of airbags and 3 tiny booster packs. I believe the shipping materials had already been allocated when they caught the error, or it had already been boxed up so was adjusted.

No worries though, I already got a legitimate gravity feed, I also bought 2 boosters from my FLGS and 1 was a legendary so I'm satisfied.

I was the one who got 10 boxes for 10 packs. It's no lie. :) I posted a pic here:

Sorry, I'm the most skeptical person on the planet. Unless I see a charge from amazon to your CC or debit card for $30-40 from that particular seller if applicable, plus a picture of you holding a printout of your receipt next to the 10 boxes, it's fake.

Edited by nismojoe

Must be trying to make some money back from all those booster boxes they sent out by mistake to people who ordered just booster packs :)

Wish I had taken the gamble on that one. I just saw some guy say he ordered 10 packs and got 10 boxes. Christmas came early there....

It was limit 3 so I would take that report with a grain of salt. I tried to even do two separate orders but was not allowed so he would have to get multiple people to place orders so possible but not plausible.

I too got in on the first wave but mine was caught before it shipped. I received a huge box full of airbags and 3 tiny booster packs. I believe the shipping materials had already been allocated when they caught the error, or it had already been boxed up so was adjusted.

No worries though, I already got a legitimate gravity feed, I also bought 2 boosters from my FLGS and 1 was a legendary so I'm satisfied.

I was the one who got 10 boxes for 10 packs. It's no lie. :) I posted a pic here:

Sorry, I'm the most skeptical person on the planet. Unless I see a charge from amazon to your CC or debit card for $30-40 from that particular seller if applicable, plus a picture of you holding a printout of your receipt next to the 10 boxes, it's fake.

lol. Ok. I don't really care if you believe me or not. It happened. It's up to you to decide if I'm lying for some reason.

Sorry, I'm the most skeptical person on the planet. Unless I see a charge from amazon to your CC or debit card for $30-40 from that particular seller if applicable, plus a picture of you holding a printout of your receipt next to the 10 boxes, it's fake.

I remember a time when it was "pics or it didn't happen", looks like those days are long gone. Gamjuven was the person I was originally referring to, I saw him mention it over on BGG and have no reason to believe it's BS.



Sorry, I'm the most skeptical person on the planet. Unless I see a charge from amazon to your CC or debit card for $30-40 from that particular seller if applicable, plus a picture of you holding a printout of your receipt next to the 10 boxes, it's fake.

I remember a time when it was "pics or it didn't happen", looks like those days are long gone. Gamjuven was the person I was originally referring to, I saw him mention it over on BGG and have no reason to believe it's BS.

Considering multiple people at various places on the internet verified the claim separately, I'm inclined to believe it.

Sorry, I'm the most skeptical person on the planet. Unless I see a charge from amazon to your CC or debit card for $30-40 from that particular seller if applicable, plus a picture of you holding a printout of your receipt next to the 10 boxes, it's fake.

I remember a time when it was "pics or it didn't happen", looks like those days are long gone. Gamjuven was the person I was originally referring to, I saw him mention it over on BGG and have no reason to believe it's BS.

And I remember a time when people were good honest people. If it did happen, it was clearly a mistake, but you kept them?

Sorry, I'm the most skeptical person on the planet. Unless I see a charge from amazon to your CC or debit card for $30-40 from that particular seller if applicable, plus a picture of you holding a printout of your receipt next to the 10 boxes, it's fake.

I remember a time when it was "pics or it didn't happen", looks like those days are long gone. Gamjuven was the person I was originally referring to, I saw him mention it over on BGG and have no reason to believe it's BS.

And I remember a time when people were good honest people. If it did happen, it was clearly a mistake, but you kept them?

In his defense, when Amazon sends you the wrong product, they almost always let you keep it. So contacting customer service wouldn't have changed anything.

Sorry, I'm the most skeptical person on the planet. Unless I see a charge from amazon to your CC or debit card for $30-40 from that particular seller if applicable, plus a picture of you holding a printout of your receipt next to the 10 boxes, it's fake.

I remember a time when it was "pics or it didn't happen", looks like those days are long gone. Gamjuven was the person I was originally referring to, I saw him mention it over on BGG and have no reason to believe it's BS.

And I remember a time when people were good honest people. If it did happen, it was clearly a mistake, but you kept them?

99% of the time, a big retailer is going to tell you to keep the product and move on with their lives. Let's say Amazon is paying FFG ~60% for the product. That booster box is costing them something like 65 bucks. They got $3 for it, losing about 62 bucks in the process. Do you really think that AMAZON is going to spend more than 5 seconds considering whether or not to try to recoup the product from a handful of customers OR are they going to learn from the mistake, write off the loss and move on?

I think it's funny that people believe it was AMAZON who lost money in the Booster/Box debacle.... :D

...also, possession is 9/10 of the law.

Sorry, I'm the most skeptical person on the planet. Unless I see a charge from amazon to your CC or debit card for $30-40 from that particular seller if applicable, plus a picture of you holding a printout of your receipt next to the 10 boxes, it's fake.

I remember a time when it was "pics or it didn't happen", looks like those days are long gone. Gamjuven was the person I was originally referring to, I saw him mention it over on BGG and have no reason to believe it's BS.

And I remember a time when people were good honest people. If it did happen, it was clearly a mistake, but you kept them?

No me, I wasn't that lucky, but the person who this happened to did say he contacted Amazon and they said just keep them, it's in the BGG link that he posted earlier in this thread.

Edited by steves71

I can confirm that amazon did, in fact, ship booster boxes instead of individual booster packs. I was only able to get 3, but I called and informed them of the error and told them I would pay the difference. However, they told me just to keep the boxes, courtesy of them.

Safe to say, I will continue my prime membership. :)

I can confirm that amazon did, in fact, ship booster boxes instead of individual booster packs. I was only able to get 3, but I called and informed them of the error and told them I would pay the difference. However, they told me just to keep the boxes, courtesy of them.

Safe to say, I will continue my prime membership. :)

So YOU'RE to blame for me only getting three boosters instead of three boxes! lol


I can confirm that amazon did, in fact, ship booster boxes instead of individual booster packs. I was only able to get 3, but I called and informed them of the error and told them I would pay the difference. However, they told me just to keep the boxes, courtesy of them.

Safe to say, I will continue my prime membership. :)

So YOU'RE to blame for me only getting three boosters instead of three boxes! lol


LOL! I tried to get them to take it back. They were really kind and let me keep them. Got lots of trade bait! ;)