Commanding Presence and Specials

By Keigi, in Star Wars: Destiny

From rules reference page eight:

"Blanks and specials have no valve printed on the die, and are considered to have a value of 0."

Commanding Presence:

"Choose a Red die. If it is your die, resolve it, increasing its value by 2. If it is an opponent's die, remove it."

So, does that mean it is possible to resolve a special on a red die twice with commanding presence? I'm guessing the intent is, in the rules reference, "considered to always be a value of 0." But it would be interesting.

Edited by Keigi

A player cannot resolve the same die more than once per action (p.14)

A player cannot resolve the same die more than once per action (p.14)

It's an interesting question. I don't think this applies as you're not resolving the same dice twice, you're resolving the dice once but doing the action twice. The same as a 2-focus side allows you to focus twice, would this create what is effectively a 2-special side.

You can resolve a special, but specials have no value to increase.

You can resolve a special, but specials have no value to increase.

They are "considered to have a value of zero"

0 + 2 = 2

Again, think they meant "always zero" but it's interesting.

They are "considered to have a value of zero"

0 + 2 = 2

Again, think they meant "always zero" but it's interesting.

So if you change the value to 2, what do you do with it? Consider the other symbols:

Deal damage to a character equal to the value of the symbol.

Gives a character shields equal to the value of the symbol.

Gains resources equal to the value of the symbol.

etc. etc. etc.

There's no comparable rule for the special. It's not that the value is locked to 0 - it's that the value is meaningless. Even if you could change the value, you don't do anything with it, so it doesn't matter.

Yes you could use it to resolve a special and increase its value by two .... but it's not going to affect the action related to the special so you're just wasting a commanding presence.

This question makes no sense, value of the special symbol has no impact on related action of how many times you do that action.

Special (and blank) has no value so you cannot increase it. A value in this game is a number on a die. You don't take the action twice becuse you don't have two special symbols.

They are "considered to have a value of zero"

0 + 2 = 2

Again, think they meant "always zero" but it's interesting.

So if you change the value to 2, what do you do with it? Consider the other symbols:

Deal damage to a character equal to the value of the symbol.

Gives a character shields equal to the value of the symbol.

Gains resources equal to the value of the symbol.

etc. etc. etc.

There's no comparable rule for the special. It's not that the value is locked to 0 - it's that the value is meaningless. Even if you could change the value, you don't do anything with it, so it doesn't matter.

Just because it doesn't explicitly say this in the rules rules doesn't mean that it is the intent... for example cunning.

"A player cannot use the special ability on a different card; they must use the special ability on the die's matching card."

You use the special ability on cunning to resolve a special on another card, breaking this rule.

"The Golden Rule: If the text of a card directly contradicts the rules of the game, the text of the card takes precedence. If you can follow both the rules of the game and the text of the card, do so."

It's a stretch, and assume you would still only resolve one special. Because the intent is "always have a value of zero", and there is no "equal to or less than value of the symbol." Just wanted to get some thoughts on this, and start some discussion about multi resolve specials; maybe a future game mechanic?

Special (and blank) has no value so you cannot increase it. A value in this game is a number on a die. You don't take the action twice becuse you don't have two special symbols.

A value in this game is not always a number on a die. See the rules under blank and special.

Edited by Keigi

The long and short of it is this:

If you had a special die with a two written next to the symbol, how would you handle that?

That's what commanding presence is creating. As other have said, probably not best use of the die.

Edited by Keigi

That is not what it is doing.

I understand what you are saying - if a value = 0, what prevents that being modified? Unless something specifically said 'printed value'.

However, value X doesn't = 'resolve this X number of times'. So even if you had '2 Special', there's no function in the rules that allows that to do anything extra.

Also, while the RRG says the value is 0 line, the rules sheet says 'Specials never have a value', which is probably a better way to state it.

I understand what you are saying - if a value = 0, what prevents that being modified? Unless something specifically said 'printed value'.

However, value X doesn't = 'resolve this X number of times'. So even if you had '2 Special', there's no function in the rules that allows that to do anything extra.

Also, while the RRG says the value is 0 line, the rules sheet says 'Specials never have a value', which is probably a better way to state it.

Thanks, great find. That was what I was looking for.

I can see why the rules mention how to assign a value to a special die. There are places where the value of the die is neccessary. The initiative roll for starting the game needs to treats specials (and blanks) as zero. And Defensive position only affects dice with a value of two or higher. In those cases it is appropriate to assign a value, but as the rule sheet mentions, not when resolving the special die.

They are "considered to have a value of zero"

0 + 2 = 2

Again, think they meant "always zero" but it's interesting.

So if you change the value to 2, what do you do with it? Consider the other symbols:

Deal damage to a character equal to the value of the symbol.

Gives a character shields equal to the value of the symbol.

Gains resources equal to the value of the symbol.

etc. etc. etc.

There's no comparable rule for the special. It's not that the value is locked to 0 - it's that the value is meaningless. Even if you could change the value, you don't do anything with it, so it doesn't matter.

Hey somebody with common sense!

Also the SWD reference states: "Blank symbols have no effect and cannot be resolved. Blanks have a value of 0."

I understand what you are saying - if a value = 0, what prevents that being modified? Unless something specifically said 'printed value'.

However, value X doesn't = 'resolve this X number of times'. So even if you had '2 Special', there's no function in the rules that allows that to do anything extra.

Also, while the RRG says the value is 0 line, the rules sheet says 'Specials never have a value', which is probably a better way to state it.

Also, under the OP argument, a special die could never activate.

If the value of the die = the number of times that die activates, then the 0 value of specials means that a special die would activate 0 times.

Thankfully, the value of a die =/= the number of times that a die activates, and therefore special sides can activate, even though they have a value of 0.