Um, if the game is out for purchase, then why does....

By Saizo, in Cosmic Encounter

Why has still not shipped my game????? It is still saying estimated delivery of Dec. 22nd. Getting frustrated and I hate to cancel it because the price is awesome for the pre-order. Any news I'm not aware of?

Distribution and demand can delay deliveries. Amazon is usually pretty good about such things, but I've had a handful of instances where I have not recieved product 3 or 4 weeks after release.

Yeah, I know. I just want the game now! lol

I think order time will be a big factor here as well, the lower price was plastered on BGG for a while, so I think a ton of people ordered it from Amazon. ie: They may not get enough in the first round. Hopefully ordering in September gets me in that first round… ;)

Saizo said:

Why has still not shipped my game?????

You'd have to ask Amazon. They are generally clueless about games, though; I stopped ordering any gaming stuff from them a couple of years ago. The savings just aren't worth the frustration.

Any idea if you can cancel an Amazon preorder without being charged for it? At this point, I just want the game. The savings certainly aren't worth the uncertainty. I'm going to give it until tomorrow at least since they may have only just gotten the games in yesterday.

That is my thinking as well. If it doesn't ship tomorrow, I'm canceling and going to the mall. happy.gif

Go to Account>>Order History>>Recent Orders (or something similar to that) and click on the order. If you see a "change quantities" indication, you can just change the quantity to 0.

If you don't see something like that, you'll probably see a note that says your order is "being completed" and cannot be altered.

Amazon is always behind on anything FFG related. Buying from Amazon means a cheap, but belated arrival.

If you want it quick, you are better off looking to your LFGS and paying the full price.

Well, I canceled my Amazon order and got it from Nobel Knights instead, which lists it as in stock, cheaper than MSRP (not as cheap as Amazon though), and was a pretty good experience overall. I should get it in 2-3 days from tomorrow. Of course, I fully expect Amazon to start shipping tomorrow just to spite me. :)

So I wrote Amazon and here is what they had to say:

Thank you for writing to us at

Please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience that may have caused you due to this misunderstanding and please allow me to explain.

"Cosmic Encounter" has not yet shipped because it has not yet been released. As listed on our site, it is currently scheduled to be released on February 25, 2009.

Please note we rely on the publisher for release date information.

As soon as the item has been released, we'll be able to ship it to you. As per our standard policy, we do not charge you for items until they enter the shipping process, so you will not be charged for this item until it is available and we have shipped it to you.

When your order is shipped, you should receive an e-mail message confirming the date, contents, and method of your shipment.

While we do still hope that copies will be made available, we cannot provide more precise information about the fulfillment of the order. In light of this uncertainty, we will understand if you would prefer to cancel your order. As of yet we have made no changes.

You may cancel orders yourself on our web site.

Simply click on the "Your Account" link at the top of our home page and select the link that says "Cancel items or orders." After signing in with your e-mail address and password, you will be able to cancel your order for any item that has not yet entered the shipping process.

I hope this information is helpful.

Again the intresting part is that my local hobby store has it in stock right now.

It's always nice to get a personal note like that from someone you're trying to do business with. bostezo.gif

Even when they're clueless....

bioball said:

"Cosmic Encounter" has not yet shipped because it has not yet been released. As listed on our site, it is currently scheduled to be released on February 25, 2009.

Please note we rely on the publisher for release date information.

Again the intresting part is that my local hobby store has it in stock right now.

This is the exact situation so many of us ran into almost a year ago when Dark Heresy was first released by Black Inudstries (prior to it becoming the property of FFG). Many people had ordered through Amazon because they were cheaper, and then the game completely sold out in FLGS's. Amazon took almost a month and a half before they ever released their books to the public. There were plenty of people who got burned and couldnt get the book initially and had to wait for Amazon to fill their orders.

Amazon simply does not place a priority on games and gaming systems and is extremely slow to update release dates. If a publisher changes a release date, Amazon does not generally follow suit with their database. The result is if you order from Amazon you get a very late product. Amazon is great for ordering things that have been out for a while - just never order from them if you are wanting a new released game.

@ Wildeyejester

Yeah, I was about to send Amazon another email with a link to FFG's store to demonstrate it was available and ask if my email was seen with eyes made of meat. But instead I just went to my local hobby store and bought CE. I could not wait, I have been since I "preordered" Oct 13. Almost bought Android too.

I like Amazon, but it sucks they don't seem to give prioity to all of there products equally.

Well, then. My question is...I've looked all over my two towns(Anderson and Muncie) that I live in and work in, respectively, and no one has it in yet either. Does anyone who might live around Indianapolis, IN. know of a store?

Amazon is notoriously slow to ship game preorders. My BSG didn't ship until nearly three weeks after release. But on the other hand I got it for $26 including shipping, so I'm not complaining.

CE is in the same boat. They likely won't even show it in stock for another week or so, and if you preordered with the free shipping option, you'll likely be waiting at least another week for shipment. But then again my preorder price is $32, so I'm quite content to wait.

* Weeps * I just got an update from Amazon... New estimated arrival date: 01/30/2009 - 02/20/2009. Even with an order date of 9/20 (and the $32 price) it's not coming. preocupado.gif sad.gif

It may be a pretty price tag, but it's not actually a good deal if the game never ships, though perhaps Amazon will argue that they are saving you $60 since you aren't ever getting charged for it.

I find it annoying that Amazon won't be shipping the "pre-order" until february 2 or something as well. Bought a copy locally but I'm not cancelling the Amazon order, what the heck it'll make a great gift for someone at that point. And they'll think I paid 60 bucks on them. Win win.

I don't think the problem is with games and Amazon exclusively either. It seems less and less stuff is coming from Amazon when I order from there. Half the time it's another vendor and Amazon is acting as the middleman or something. Which means I've been finding less and less good deals on their site and it's becoming more the google of shopping than a megastore.

Amazon shipped my "pre-order" today. Mind you the USPS will take 4 business days to get it from North West Indiana to North East Illinois, but what do you expect for free delivery?

Limey Sponge said:

Amazon shipped my "pre-order" today. Mind you the USPS will take 4 business days to get it from North West Indiana to North East Illinois, but what do you expect for free delivery?

What do you know; it arrived today. *Happy Dance*