Discard Decks (Mill)

By alleyman, in Star Wars: Destiny

Oh, there are plenty of ways to go infinite in Magic. I've done it once or twice with Nekusar; Mind Over Matter and Temple Bell on turn 6 is devastating.

Made a blue/green inifinte mana loop with a bunch of nasty stuff to spend that mana on, It could go infinite damage, infinite mill, summon all my (out of game) eldrazi at once or go for that stupid "put 100 tokens on this enchantment to win" card. Then I threw in Phyrexian hydra + distortion strike, so i could win by poison counters aswel. :D

And then I hear tell that yugioh is even worse. ;)

Played my ackbar and padme mill deck 2 twice today. Lost once to han/elite leia, and won against elite Kylo, stormtrooper x2. The han/leia game, I lost the battlefield but managed to get the opponent down to just his hand, but he edged me out on damage after I misplayed my strategic position too early, taking out 2 dice, when his next action rerolled and hit for 8 damage, crippling padme for the final turn. I was able to play survival gear and hunker down early to stave off his attacks, but he was able to control my detonator so it was useless. Also, I did not see hyperspace jump the entire game..both copies were in my last 10 cards. The second game wasn't even close. I won the battlefield, and I had outpost out turn one, and cunning turn two. I activated the battlefield multiple times in a turn l, and milled him out turn 4 or 5.

Edited by alleyman