Is Retreat too powerful?

By pipstapa, in Star Wars: Destiny

Just started playing with my buddy today (we've played a lot of magic before this) and I played the card Retread mid/late game. It just felt overly powerful, it was my first action, so he decided to claim the battlefield. After that I could just do whatever I wanted to and inflicted some serious damage while taking none. But that is the way the card works, right?

It ends the action phase for everyone. Essentially you play the card, opponent does one action then a new round starts as if you had both passed.

Just started playing with my buddy today (we've played a lot of magic before this) and I played the card Retread mid/late game. It just felt overly powerful, it was my first action, so he decided to claim the battlefield. After that I could just do whatever I wanted to and inflicted some serious damage while taking none. But that is the way the card works, right?

No, that is definitely not the way it works. Like Battledroid said, it ends the action phase after your opponent takes one more action. When the action phase ends, no one gets to take anymore actions, you enter the upkeep phase and then start a new round.

I mean it's called Retreat, why would you be able to runway, but then still do stuff? :-P

Edited by netherspirit

To powerful?, no but it's very annoying and can miss up you or you're opponent's timing for the rest of the game, good for a mill build deck

Edited by Torg

To powerful?, no but it's very annoying and can miss up you or you're opponent's timing for the rest of the game, good for a mill build deck

It's annoying, but no more annoying than a million other cards. It OK for a mill deck, but I wouldn't consider it an auto include by any means.

The problem with Hyperspace Jump and Retreat in mill decks is that they only help after your opponent has emptied most of their hand for the round, which is pretty close to when they would end the round anyways.

i feel that retreat is better suited in hero aggro decks, hit em quick with damage and then retreat so they can't retaliate.. you can essentially put a lot of damage in their face and restart the round giving you an advantage the next round. Of course this can be a double edged sword when playing against other aggro decks,

It ends the action phase for everyone. Essentially you play the card, opponent does one action then a new round starts as if you had both passed.

Ahh.... :) Yeah I see our mistake now. No wonder we felt that the card was too good to be true.