Basic question about upgrade card

By PauloC, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions


Starting playing Armada more intensively not long time ago, I have a question,

I believe a basic one (sorry if this was already clarified in this community).

When a upgrade card has for ex. the text in bold "Blue (critcial symbol): xxxxxx", does it mean that if I rolled a blue critical in that dice I can follow the effect AND consider as a damage also OR I should USE that dice for the effect (spend) and ignore it for damage? (I do not see the instruction "spend" on the card like in X-Wing "spend a target lock", thus I believe I can use the effect AND the damage caused).

Any help is welcome.Thanks !!


It is not spent.

At the Start of the Damage Step, you may activate one critical effect.

That may be the default (The first damage card you deal is dealt face up, with this attack)... Or it could be another. Such as a Blue Crit, if you have the corresponding Blue Die showing the correct face.

Note that only one effect goes off, no matter how many crit symbol syou have.

This happens before you tally damage at all .

It will still count as damage when you get to that part of the step.

In short.

Crit: effects do not spend the Critical symbol/die unless explicitly stated - and so far, none have said so.

Hi Drasnighta,

Many thanks for your fast reply ! Clear now that I do not SPENT the die.

However, another question has appeared after reading your explanation:

Since I can only resolve 1 critical effect, does it mean that I should choose between the critical effect text in the upgrade card and critical effect granted by the damage card ?

For example:

-There is no shield in the hull zone

-I got a blue crit dice

-I choose the effect on the upgrade card

-I apply a damage in the hull zone, however the damage card is dealt face down (ignoring this "second" critical effect)



A resolved critical die deals a faceup damage card unless used to resolve an upgrade effect. So if you roll crit/hit on a ship with advanced proton torpedoes, you can either deal one faceup damage card THEN tally damage (APT) or tally damage and deal a faceup damage card if the hull zone has no shields. Once dealt a faceup damage card, that card is resolved and has no relevance to the one critical effect per attack rule.

Hi Drasnighta,

Many thanks for your fast reply ! Clear now that I do not SPENT the die.

However, another question has appeared after reading your explanation:

Since I can only resolve 1 critical effect, does it mean that I should choose between the critical effect text in the upgrade card and critical effect granted by the damage card ?

For example:

-There is no shield in the hull zone

-I got a blue crit dice

-I choose the effect on the upgrade card

-I apply a damage in the hull zone, however the damage card is dealt face down (ignoring this "second" critical effect)



You have it Mostly Correct.

You must choose, at the start of the damage step, which one single critical effect will take place... No other critical effects will take place, which includes the "Default" of "The first card dealt by this attack is face up..."

IF your Critical Effect results in a face-up damage card (due to the effect), then the Face Up Damage card will be used in its entirety...

For example:

You have Advanced Proton Torpeodes, and a Black Critical effect, and no shields on the target zone... You choose the APT Effect, which immediately deals a face up Damage card... You apply the damage card, face up, and then you resolve it immediately ... Then you count how much damage you have done, and then apply those as face-down cards.


You have NK-7 Ion Cannons, a Blue Critical Effect, and no shieldson the target zone... You choose the NK7 critical, which immedaitely makes the opponent discard a defense token... You then tally up your damage, and apply all of those as face-down cards. There is no face up cards, as you have forgone that critical effect for the blue critical effect.


You have Ion Cannon Batteries, a Blue Critical effect, and no shields on the target zone... You read Ion Cannon batteries, see that its effect either discards a command token, or reduces the enemy shield on the target zone by one... Seeing that the enemy has no command tokens, you decide to not use the Ion Cannon Batteries critical effect, and instead choose the default critical... You tally up your damage, and you deal the first card Face up, resolving everything that the face-up card says, immedaitely, once it is dealt.


Being able to use a "Second" Critical effect is exactly what the card "Fire Control Teams" is for. :)


Wow! I got it. TOTALLY clear now with the explanantions and examples.

Many thanks!
