This is not Magic !

By ozmodon, in Star Wars: Destiny

I am a long time fan of FFG. I own and have played many of their games. With the ruling on how some cards are played, it looks like a page right out of Magic. I even went as far as to tell some of my long time magic players that and they were like no way. Then I showed them the faq and they were well **** that's the way they want it.

I get Magic has been popular but some of the messed up game mechanics are why some of us never played it and long time players are looking for something that isn't so screwed up.

I have already spent over $200 dollars on this and am one more sh*tty magic like ruling away from dropping it. So please, I know it sounds hard but just use some common sense. Don't turn this into Magic!

What exactly are you talkin about?

I'm talking about keeping all ages interested in this

What exactly are you talkin about?

Sound for me that he is talking about FFG should make COMMON cards not worthless like they are at the moment...

After three displays you can only use them to throw to garbage...

I have already seven of each common card... :(

A quick Guide to constructive criticism or lodgin effective complaints:

- Be Specific. What is the problem exactly?

- Be Respectful. Swearing and Name calling gets you dismissed out of hand.

- Offer a Way Ahead. Having a way to fix the problem shows you have given your critique serious thought.

Actually, if you want this game to thrive and grow, being similar to MTG isn't all that bad. MTG is the most successful game of all time in the CCG market and maybe other games too. If this game tries to emulate MTG a little and has even 25% of the success MTG has had it will be a homerun for all of us that enjoy Destiny. If they could get their product to shelves as reliably as Wizards/Hasbro does that would be even better. :)

What rulings are you having a problem with? I don't understand what the problem you are having is.

What exactly are you talkin about?

Sound for me that he is talking about FFG should make COMMON cards not worthless like they are at the moment...

After three displays you can only use them to throw to garbage...

I have already seven of each common card... :(

I actually find the commons very useful; I'm 6 decks in and haven't found a card yet that looks completely unplayable. Compare a pack of Destiny to a pack of MTG and you'll appreciate just how playable Destiny's commons and uncommons are relative to it.

I actually find the commons very useful; I'm 6 decks in and haven't found a card yet that looks completely unplayable. Compare a pack of Destiny to a pack of MTG and you'll appreciate just how playable Destiny's commons and uncommons are relative to it.

I was talking about that these cards are trash after second display as you have already each of them.

Nobody will trade uncommons against commons and so they are useless if you have already two of each common card!

What exactly are you talkin about?

Sound for me that he is talking about FFG should make COMMON cards not worthless like they are at the moment...

After three displays you can only use them to throw to garbage...

I have already seven of each common card... :(

You are exaggerating because you can't get seven of each common with just three displays.

What exactly are you talkin about?

Sound for me that he is talking about FFG should make COMMON cards not worthless like they are at the moment...

After three displays you can only use them to throw to garbage...

I have already seven of each common card... :(

That doesn't even remotely seem like what the other poster was talking about.

Nor is it an issue. Common cards are playable so the only way to make them more valuable would be to have less of them in a pack. Why would that be a good thing?

Look at "Let the Wookiee win. It is a prime example of the lack of common sense and Magic like thinking.

I'm talking about keeping all ages interested in this

In what way? What rulings are you talking about? In what way do those rulings prevent all ages from being interested in Destiny?

Look at "Let the Wookiee win. It is a prime example of the lack of common sense and Magic like thinking.

You're going to have to elaborate. I have no idea why this shows "lack of common sense and Magic like thinking".

Look at "Let the Wookiee win. It is a prime example of the lack of common sense and Magic like thinking.

Is it that your opponent can legally choose the option that has no effect on them, deal damage to exhausted character when non are exhausted. I agree that this ruling makes sense following the wording to the letter, but as a game mechanic it's strange.

I like how this is really more about him not liking the ruling because he told his daughter it would work the opposite way originally and that was incorrect (based on the link from malcogent).

This feels like you are just angry because it's not what you expected or wanted ozmodon.

If that's the case, sorry? I guess?

FFG can't base rulings on what ozmodon told his daughter. They have to base them on how they want the game to work. And apparently they are comfortable with people being able to choose options that don't have impact.

A lot of us long time card players applaud them for this, since it means "Choice" cards are situationally powerful as they should be but do not force a player to take the worst case every time.

Might not be magic, but it sure is *magical*


I still don't see how that translates to being a "Magic" thing. This is a CCG, and every CCG has rulings/clarifications on how certain effects/abilities function, or were meant to function.

Yeah. Totally don't get the common sense or Magic reference. This seems like a pretty standard "player disagrees with ruling and threatens to rage quit" situation. Happens every day. Nothing to see here.

If you play a "choose one of two options" cards, make sure that both options will hurt your opponent. Otherwise, the opponent will choose the benign option every time. Seems pretty straightforward.

Look at "Let the Wookiee win. It is a prime example of the lack of common sense and Magic like thinking.

How is this card like Magic?

I opened this card on pre-release day, without ever having looked at it before, and my first thought was, "Dang, that's a good card as long as I can play it when both those options exist. Fortunately both conditions are pretty easy to line up."

The card seems perfectly common sense to me. But then again, I've never played Magic. Is it a game rooted in common sense too?

I'd go so far as to say that Destiny is a game rooted in Magic.

"Space Wizards!"

Destiny is definitely not Magic. I did not have to fill my deck with uncommon/rare/legendary especially to be competitive. FFG did a great job of making Commons that are needed to make decks competitive.

Edited by shadowswalker