Best part about a Rogue One Expansion

By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Destiny

I've heard that they plan on doing 4 characters for each color per expansion. (I think 4 per color, per side... but I digress...)

This means we'll need BLUE characters for Rogue One.

Which means Donnie Yen! Ip Man himself!

They'll almost certainly do Chirrut Imwe !!!! This is awesome and considering he's supposed to be a force believer, but not a Jedi.... you can give him a lightsaber and he'll be so happy to finally get one!

I also think they'll have to borrow from SW Rebels if they want a "Rebellion" themed expansion, as there probably won't be enough blue characters to pull STRAIGHT out of Rogue One, so maybe Kanan or Ezra also! And maybe some Inquisitors for the Empire.

I was underwhelmed by Ip Man. And god help us all if they ruin another game with that Rebels tripe. Do we really want to see a saber-copter upgrade?

Do we really want to see a saber-copter upgrade?


#notmystarwars #getoffmylawn

Sorry you didn't enjoy Ip Man. I loved all of the films. Love Donnie Yen too!

And REALLY sorry you don't like Rebels. I feel it's one of the best shows on television. Even though the Saber Copters were silly, I can handle a dumb thing once in awhile, so long as the show hits hard every week like Rebels does!

Hopefully some characters of the old universe will be part of the new expansion... wanna see Obi-Wan, Boba Fett, Chewbacca, Lando, Darth Maul...

Sorry you didn't enjoy Ip Man. I loved all of the films. Love Donnie Yen too!

And REALLY sorry you don't like Rebels. I feel it's one of the best shows on television. Even though the Saber Copters were silly, I can handle a dumb thing once in awhile, so long as the show hits hard every week like Rebels does!

I should add that it was built up by my friends, both of whom are Asian studies majors. It's not that I didn't enjoy it - I enjoy most films of even middling quality - it just didn't live up to the hype. I'm actually very excited to see an established martial artist portray a Star Wars character, one who presumably won't end up like Ray Park.

Hopefully some characters of the old universe will be part of the new expansion... wanna see Obi-Wan, Boba Fett, Chewbacca, Lando, Darth Maul...

I see no reason why they wouldn't be. I'm afraid we'll never see the likes of Kyle Katarn again, though, which saddens me to no end. Did anyone else notice the rail gun from Dark Forces 2 on Use the Force?

Hopefully some characters of the old universe will be part of the new expansion... wanna see Obi-Wan, Boba Fett, Chewbacca, Lando, Darth Maul...

I see no reason why they wouldn't be. I'm afraid we'll never see the likes of Kyle Katarn again, though, which saddens me to no end. Did anyone else notice the rail gun from Dark Forces 2 on Use the Force?

Yep, the Rail Detonator.

Pretty sure that's Kyle coming down the ramp, for that matter, but you can't really see the shoulder pad.

I know, it's hard letting go of the good old days. I was raised on Dark Forces, too, but... come on, man. That was ages ago. The new stories are at least as competent as the old, even if they do lack the glamour of nostalgia.

The saber-copter was bad, but we've also only seen it once and never since. Basically everything else Rebels has done has been pretty good.

Oh, and C1-10P is godlike, and I need him as a support.

While it appears that the next expansion will focus on Rogue One, it will certainly contain characters from elsewhere. Not only out of necessity, but due to the "Saga-Spanning" nature of the game. Awakenings, after all, includes Jango, Dooku, Qui-Gon, Jabba, etc...

The big question:

Whose Lightsaber are we getting next?

We've got Kylo and Luke's

We need:

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber
Anakin Skywalker's Lightsaber
Darth Vader's Lightsaber

etc, etc...

While it appears that the next expansion will focus on Rogue One, it will certainly contain characters from elsewhere. Not only out of necessity, but due to the "Saga-Spanning" nature of the game. Awakenings, after all, includes Jango, Dooku, Qui-Gon, Jabba, etc...

Are you gonna make it into the shop some time and play a few games with us?

Sorry you didn't enjoy Ip Man. I loved all of the films. Love Donnie Yen too!

And REALLY sorry you don't like Rebels. I feel it's one of the best shows on television. Even though the Saber Copters were silly, I can handle a dumb thing once in awhile, so long as the show hits hard every week like Rebels does!

I should add that it was built up by my friends, both of whom are Asian studies majors. It's not that I didn't enjoy it - I enjoy most films of even middling quality - it just didn't live up to the hype. I'm actually very excited to see an established martial artist portray a Star Wars character, one who presumably won't end up like Ray Park.

I'm assuming you never watched the Rogue One panel during Star Wars Celebration?

Sorry you didn't enjoy Ip Man. I loved all of the films. Love Donnie Yen too!

And REALLY sorry you don't like Rebels. I feel it's one of the best shows on television. Even though the Saber Copters were silly, I can handle a dumb thing once in awhile, so long as the show hits hard every week like Rebels does!

I should add that it was built up by my friends, both of whom are Asian studies majors. It's not that I didn't enjoy it - I enjoy most films of even middling quality - it just didn't live up to the hype. I'm actually very excited to see an established martial artist portray a Star Wars character, one who presumably won't end up like Ray Park.

I'm assuming you never watched the Rogue One panel during Star Wars Celebration?

Hmm, elucidate me.

Are you gonna make it into the shop some time and play a few games with us?

Man, that'd be nice. Maybe I can bring my stuff to work with me one of these days & swing down your guys' way. Been so busy organizing events up the hill that I hardly even play anything anymore, let alone go somewhere else!

Hmm, elucidate me.

PM Sent.

Speaking of characters that will come with a Rogue One set -


  • Red - should be no shortage of reds.
  • Yellow - Also, tons of yellows. Jyn Urso will probably be Yellow. Rumors say Chewbacca is in this set.
  • Blue - See above.

But Imperials...

  • Red - Krennic, and plenty of trooper types, notably the death troopers. Would be cool to see 3 Death Troopers in a build. 10 point non unique?
  • Yellow - This will be tough. They may have to pull from outside the film. Cad Bane? Aurra Sing? Doubt they will do Boba Fett here. He'll likely be the selling point of some other set. Maybe Mandalorians?
  • Blue - I doubt you'll be able to pull a single blue Imperial from this movie unless they plan to do a new version of Vader in every expansion. Maybe Inquisitors. Maybe Ventress. Hoping very much to see Darth Maul. Or even just "Maul".

While it appears that the next expansion will focus on Rogue One, it will certainly contain characters from elsewhere. Not only out of necessity, but due to the "Saga-Spanning" nature of the game. Awakenings, after all, includes Jango, Dooku, Qui-Gon, Jabba, etc...

Do we know if every expansion will be saga-spanning though? It makes sense that the first set would span the whole saga to attract as many people as possible. But for subsequent sets that are "themed" like Spirit of Rebellion, do we know if they'll still contain stuff from the whole saga or will they stick tot he theme - in this case Rogue One, maybe Rebels and the OT, then have other sets down the line that focus on Clone Wars or other time-frames?

It would make sense to have at least some saga-spanning bits in each expansion (since someone who doesn't care about the clone wars for instance might just skip an expansion if it has nothing they like and they aren't competitive), but has FFG said anything either way?

I've heard that they plan on doing 4 characters for each color per expansion. (I think 4 per color, per side... but I digress...)

This means we'll need BLUE characters for Rogue One.

The fact we've seen Mara Jade in X-Wing as a card and a Mara Jade like figure in a couple of the cards in Imperial Assault (even since Disney bought it)...what would you do if Mara Jade just suddenly appeared in the next set?? =P


While it appears that the next expansion will focus on Rogue One, it will certainly contain characters from elsewhere. Not only out of necessity, but due to the "Saga-Spanning" nature of the game. Awakenings, after all, includes Jango, Dooku, Qui-Gon, Jabba, etc...

Do we know if every expansion will be saga-spanning though? It makes sense that the first set would span the whole saga to attract as many people as possible. But for subsequent sets that are "themed" like Spirit of Rebellion, do we know if they'll still contain stuff from the whole saga or will they stick tot he theme - in this case Rogue One, maybe Rebels and the OT, then have other sets down the line that focus on Clone Wars or other time-frames?

It would make sense to have at least some saga-spanning bits in each expansion (since someone who doesn't care about the clone wars for instance might just skip an expansion if it has nothing they like and they aren't competitive), but has FFG said anything either way?

The first set is already themed; it's called "Awakenings." I'll let you guess what that refers to...

While it appears that the next expansion will focus on Rogue One, it will certainly contain characters from elsewhere. Not only out of necessity, but due to the "Saga-Spanning" nature of the game. Awakenings, after all, includes Jango, Dooku, Qui-Gon, Jabba, etc...

Do we know if every expansion will be saga-spanning though? It makes sense that the first set would span the whole saga to attract as many people as possible. But for subsequent sets that are "themed" like Spirit of Rebellion, do we know if they'll still contain stuff from the whole saga or will they stick tot he theme - in this case Rogue One, maybe Rebels and the OT, then have other sets down the line that focus on Clone Wars or other time-frames?

It would make sense to have at least some saga-spanning bits in each expansion (since someone who doesn't care about the clone wars for instance might just skip an expansion if it has nothing they like and they aren't competitive), but has FFG said anything either way?

The first set is already themed; it's called "Awakenings." I'll let you guess what that refers to...

Means we got TFA themed starters, but the set as a whole didn't feel that themed to me.

Hmm, elucidate me.

PM Sent.

Speaking of characters that will come with a Rogue One set -


  • Red - should be no shortage of reds.
  • Yellow - Also, tons of yellows. Jyn Urso will probably be Yellow. Rumors say Chewbacca is in this set.
  • Blue - See above.

But Imperials...

  • Red - Krennic, and plenty of trooper types, notably the death troopers. Would be cool to see 3 Death Troopers in a build. 10 point non unique?
  • Yellow - This will be tough. They may have to pull from outside the film. Cad Bane? Aurra Sing? Doubt they will do Boba Fett here. He'll likely be the selling point of some other set. Maybe Mandalorians?
  • Blue - I doubt you'll be able to pull a single blue Imperial from this movie unless they plan to do a new version of Vader in every expansion. Maybe Inquisitors. Maybe Ventress. Hoping very much to see Darth Maul. Or even just "Maul".

they've already pulled from prequels in the first set, so you can count on them having a ton of blue reserves to pick from as well on both sides

they've already hinted at Ventress with both the "Night Sister" and "No Mercy", but the interesting thing about her is that while she is a force user, she went rogue so she might have access to yellow upgrades (Ahsoka Tano as well) which could really make things interesting

with the vast amount of heroes, villains and scum alike, i foresee that this game will have a long life ahead as long as we keep buying the product and FFG keeps doing a good job with everything

Also remember that we WILL be seeing characters used again. *Edited as it has not been confirmed that said die will have the same results and can be used with the same character die used before.*

*Edited once more to correct and avoid any misdirection or misleading information.* As it stands it has been noted that some characters will be used again. How? Why? When? We shall see. Example given was that of Darth Vader. Remember that while this may be talked about it may also never come to be.

I can see different versions of other characters such as Leia as bounty hunter, Luke as X-Wing pilot, Han as Rebel general and so on and so forth. All I know is that while the first set is awesome and I can not help but dream who will make it in the second set...or more so who I would like to see make it.

*Update: I have jumped the gun and my understanding (or more so lack of) got the best of me. There is NO confirmation at this time that the die will be the same and/or have the same results as the same character die before it. Vader has been noted as there will be another version HOWEVER we do not know IF his die will be the same or different. My lack of faith in the Force has been very disturbing and I shall see to it at once that it has been taken care of...*goes to Destiny set and pulls out Force Choke die*.

Edited by johnwiser

lando could be in a rebels expansion..

Also remember that we WILL be seeing characters used again. This is very interesting as it has been said that while the card will be different you will be able to use the new character die with the "old" character die. Which will make a lot of people happy as this will give players a chance to get that second die that they could not pull before. When will this happen? No idea but it WILL happen from what has been said.

So that means while the card art, ability and text will change it will have to have the same die results. The example of this was that of Darth Vader. I wonder if it will not happen until the second series (with each series consisting of three sets.) as who wants to see the same character(s) again in one series? To many characters to flush out for there to be a repeat of characters so soon or so says I.

I can see different versions of other characters such as Leia as bounty hunter, Luke as X-Wing pilot, Han as Rebel general and so on and so forth. All I know is that while the first set is awesome and I can not help but dream who will make it in the second set...or more so who I would like to see make it.

where did you get this info? the new card character with the old dice part.

Edited by drunkensith

Just give me K2, Chirrut, Kanaan and Ahsoka for the heroes and I'll be happy (preferably in fixed content starter packs).