Possible Stormtrooper Aggro deck?

By rynot916, in Star Wars: Destiny

I was messing around with a deck builder and threw together a stormtrooper aggro deck. No idea if this is even viable since I haven't played a game with it, just want to see some peoples thoughts and feedback:

Total Cards: (30)

Character: (28/30)
4x First Order Stormtrooper (Awakenings)
1x Starship Graveyard (Awakenings)
Event: (18)
2x Squad Tactics (Awakenings)
2x Tactical Mastery (Awakenings)
2x Aim (Awakenings)
2x All In (Awakenings)
2x Flank (Awakenings)
2x Logistics (Awakenings)
2x Probe (Awakenings)
2x Sweep the Area (Awakenings)
2x The Best Defense... (Awakenings)
Support: (2)
2x Drudge Work (Awakenings)
Upgrade: (10)
2x DH-17 Blaster Pistol (Awakenings)
2x F-11D Rifle (Awakenings)
2x Datapad (Awakenings)
2x Holdout Blaster (Awakenings)
2x Promotion (Awakenings)

Endless Ranks! It wins games, and probably a must have for this deck. I also think you are a little light on upgrades with only 10. As far as what to cut, I'm not sure Logistics does enough to earn a spot.

Endless Ranks is a must for this deck. You might even want to consider replacing one of the FO Storm Troopers for a Nightsister. This way you can get a pair of Power of the Dark Side into the deck. Infantry Grenades then makes for another great upgrade card to play along with Power of the Dark Side.

Endless Ranks is a must for this deck. You might even want to consider replacing one of the FO Storm Troopers for a Nightsister. This way you can get a pair of Power of the Dark Side into the deck. Infantry Grenades then makes for another great upgrade card to play along with Power of the Dark Side.

I really like that idea. Power of the dark side with stormtroopers just makes so much sense. I got rid of Logistics for 2 PotDS, and now its 3 stormtroopers and 1 nightsister. Having issues deciding what to cut to add 2 infantry grenades and Endless Ranks.

I've been really enjoying 3x First Order Stormtrooper + 1x Tusken Raider.

Rogue cards give you access to a few spicy 0 cost options like Hunker Down and Unpredictable, but more importantly Backup Muscle.

The ability to add unblockable damage that isn't dependent on your rolls is huge in a deck looking to take a quick kill within the first two turns, and Backup Muscle just gives the deck so much consistency and the ability to finish off characters while only costing 1 resource.

I have been running a Jango+2Trooper aggro deck, but just dropped 1Trooper for 1Raider. I have had too many blank rolls with my Troopers. Tough really need dice mods if you are going to run multiple Troopers.

I was messing around with a deck builder and threw together a stormtrooper aggro deck. No idea if this is even viable since I haven't played a game with it, just want to see some peoples thoughts and feedback:

Total Cards: (30)

Character: (28/30)

4x First Order Stormtrooper (Awakenings)


1x Starship Graveyard (Awakenings)

Event: (18)

2x Squad Tactics (Awakenings)

2x Tactical Mastery (Awakenings)

2x Aim (Awakenings)

2x All In (Awakenings)

2x Flank (Awakenings)

2x Logistics (Awakenings)

2x Probe (Awakenings)

2x Sweep the Area (Awakenings)

2x The Best Defense... (Awakenings)

Support: (2)

2x Drudge Work (Awakenings)

Upgrade: (10)

2x DH-17 Blaster Pistol (Awakenings)

2x F-11D Rifle (Awakenings)

2x Datapad (Awakenings)

2x Holdout Blaster (Awakenings)

2x Promotion (Awakenings)

Nightsister, bala, and raider are great for decks like this.

Does the battlefield mesh with the quick aggro build? You will be able to rush, so you want to make sure bf is good for that style. Separatist base? Rebel command room? Imperial armory?

1-2 of endless is good backup to have.

Can streamline events. Are better cards than probe and logistics. Cannon fodder is great in a deck like this.

If you are going aggro less supports are better; supports usually means extra actions. Drudge work is a good choice for this.

Dh-17 does work.

If you are going aggro less supports are better; supports usually means extra actions. Drudge work is a good choice for this.

Are you saying Drudge work is fine to leave in or remove?

If you are going aggro less supports are better; supports usually means extra actions. Drudge work is a good choice for this.

Are you saying Drudge work is fine to leave in or remove?

With four characters trading one of their activations for a resource is good. Usually you will only have 0-1 upgrades on them early game anyhow. And trooper dice suck.

Drudge is also good in a slow build deck for the same reasons.

Look for supports that have passive effects and action economy built in.

Edited by Keigi

I played similar deck but with 1 NighSister for a few blue cards. I use 2xPower of the Dark Side, it's a great card with Trooper's die also 2xIntimidate to remove shields for free and 2xFeel your anger. All these cards don't need Nighsister to be alive, She can give you a reroll of ANY die for her action. Put 2-3 shields on her and you have 2-3 rerollls in one turn. I thik Endless Ranks is a must for this deck but I don't have that card yet.

I've been really enjoying 3x First Order Stormtrooper + 1x Tusken Raider.

Rogue cards give you access to a few spicy 0 cost options like Hunker Down and Unpredictable, but more importantly Backup Muscle.

The ability to add unblockable damage that isn't dependent on your rolls is huge in a deck looking to take a quick kill within the first two turns, and Backup Muscle just gives the deck so much consistency and the ability to finish off characters while only costing 1 resource.

I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but was looking at 4 Troopers. I didn't want to do the Night Sister just for PotDS, but I admit I haven't looked at the Yellow cards too much. I will have to take a look at these. I agree that 0 or low cost cards are the way to go.

Don't do quad trooper. Do double trooper + Nightsister + Bala Tik. Same thing, only miles better. Still only ranged damage so weapon upgrades aren't a problem, you get the Nightsister on-demand control ability, you get access to Enrage, Jetpack and Backup Muscle and all the good blue and yellow dice control events like Isolation, Feel Your Anger, Electroshock and He Doesn't Like You.

Alternatively, you can do double trooper + double Nightsister and get some Holocron action going, but I prefer the above setup TBH.

Also, Nowhere to Run is gold for decks like this.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

With the idea of adding in a Yellow character, what about Hired Gun? Trying to get enough Credits to pay for all the upgrades fast is important. The Hired Gun has 1/3 a chance for another Credit. That can be important, especially if you use a battleground like Imperial Armory.

Then again, maybe having a Tropper, Nightsister, and Hired Gun list would be good? You could take the best of all 3 colors.

how about nowhere to run ? now all of a sudden having two blanks on your stormtrooper dice isn't such a bad thing.

With the idea of adding in a Yellow character, what about Hired Gun? Trying to get enough Credits to pay for all the upgrades fast is important. The Hired Gun has 1/3 a chance for another Credit. That can be important, especially if you use a battleground like Imperial Armory.

Then again, maybe having a Tropper, Nightsister, and Hired Gun list would be good? You could take the best of all 3 colors.

Despite the look on his face, Hired Gun is a Hero.

how about nowhere to run ? now all of a sudden having two blanks on your stormtrooper dice isn't such a bad thing.

Not a bad card to have one of in a deck like this.

I use Captain Phasma and two Storm troopers

I think I would drop the probes and the datapads. You are going for the jugular of your opponent and these cards, while nice, do not keep the aggression up.

I'd go the Nightsister route using the previously mentioned PotDS and Endless Ranks, at least 1 Cannon Fodder and Drudge Work.

If you do choose to add Bala-Tik, you get Disarm and Backup Muscle (alongside the much-needed dice control for that abysmal die setup), which sound awesome to me. Tactical Mastery + Unpredictable with those numbers feels like a solid one-two punch to have.

Edited by K Genesis

I use kylo and 2 troopers as my main.

Redeploy blasters are a must running double trooper. People go after kylo in the early game, then you plop as many blasters on one trooper as possible, creates a HUGE immediate threat, and then kylo gets a breather and the guns all drop to your second trooper with redeploy. a couple support vehicles help, especially scout bike.