Only starters shipping on the 15th?

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

Zippo big fat zero for any store near or in Chicago as nobody got any. 5 have canceled all their orders as they don't want the hassle anymore I was told. Some have stated people are giving away their starters as with the hassle of no boosters they don't want to play the game anymore .

Wow really? People are so impatient these days, the tournament scene hasn't even taken off yet. If the game was released on January 1st and enough supply for the demand, would people still be complaining? Yes. I have only played a handful of times and most with just the starters, its not like the next cycle is coming out in january and the current one will be out of print. People need to learn some friggin patience. If they are quiting the game that easily let them, they arent in it for the long haul.

Edited by Ryertangent

Hoping that my FLGS gets some booster packs this week (they expect to have them available Thursday) Have been playing starter only games with the kids since I was able to get a couple at a pre-release day sale when the store had the special art Rey cards and the little storage boxes available.

Zippo big fat zero for any store near or in Chicago as nobody got any. 5 have canceled all their orders as they don't want the hassle anymore I was told. Some have stated people are giving away their starters as with the hassle of no boosters they don't want to play the game anymore .

Wow really? People are so impatient these days, the tournament scene hasn't even taken off yet. If the game was released on January 1st and enough supply for the demand, would people still be complaining? Yes. I have only played a handful of times and most with just the starters, its not like the next cycle is coming out in january and the current one will be out of print. People need to learn some friggin patience. If they are quiting the game that easily let them, they arent in it for the long haul.

If this next wave of boosters is the same size as the last wave of boosters.... this game is going to be seriously hurting. Stores will be sold out again within an hour or two of opening their doors.

Seriously I hope it's like 10 times more product shopping to stores than last time.

If this next wave of boosters is the same size as the last wave of boosters.... this game is going to be seriously hurting. Stores will be sold out again within an hour or two of opening their doors.

Seriously I hope it's like 10 times more product shopping to stores than last time.

Not necessarily.

Massive purchases for this initial release were pretty much obligatory in order to have enough cards/dice to build out a good deck.

If the next release is the same size, I know I'll personally not be buying as many boosters as this release because I'll be looking at that point to enhance decks more than build from ground up. I buy less, more on the shelf for the next guy.

Edited by FSD

If this next wave of boosters is the same size as the last wave of boosters.... this game is going to be seriously hurting. Stores will be sold out again within an hour or two of opening their doors.

Seriously I hope it's like 10 times more product shopping to stores than last time.

Not necessarily.

Massive purchases for this initial release were pretty much obligatory in order to have enough cards/dice to build out a good deck.

If the next release is the same size, I know I'll personally not be buying as many boosters as this release because I'll be looking at that point to enhance decks more than build from ground up. I buy less, more on the shelf for the next guy.

No if the next wave isnt huge it will be fairly bad for the game, maybe you were just in a lucky area.

A decent amount of the stores in my area got 0 boxes, only starters. (and it wasn't because they didn't want them) Most stores only got a hand full, one of the biggest stores in the state got 6 boxes... Wasn't enough for 1 box a person let alone any product for people who didn't know of the game to try out. Between my family and friends we had 18box per ordered, in august. (ofc didn't get any yet)

We were told there would be shipments coming in every week in dec, from distributors.(which wasn't true) People can only wait so long until they just move on. If this weeks shipment isnt huge, im tempted to just cancel the pre order as i don't really see how a community is going to form/last at this rate. (and iv been dieing to play the game since i tried it at gencon)

Edited by shock

As someone who lives in Australia and has to wait for most games to get here, there is probably nothing I can say that won't sting.

But be patient and in a few weeks the delays will be long forgotten.

I can honestly say that I am fairly patient person. I have 3 young kids at home and my job sort of requires me to have some form a patience, however I can also say that this type of shortage can destroy games. Luckily I got my pre-order from MiniatureMarket in right away. My local store got at least 8 booster boxes that I saw the owner also told me he could have bought more if he wanted to.

I know from reading this forum and other places that some people really got hit hard with low to no stock. I remember when Dice Masters first hit stores my area in the 4 stores that I can frequent if I remember correctly 3 stores were to get stock. On release day 1 store got 1 box out of that box I ended up snagging 4 boosters. 2 of the stores after a couple weeks of trying and not getting boosters gave up. The one store that got the initial box tried to run tournaments but with people having limited supply to play with there was no success and the game died before it could even dream of succeeding.

I know that where I live that being Southern Ontario in Canada we got lucky and I got stock to play this game. Buffalo NY which is bigger then all the cities in my area combined I haven't gone into a game store there that has this product on shelves. So if the bigger markets are faltering and the smaller ones are striving and this trend continues this game would surely die as well. Also like Crabbok posted earlier there needs to be 10x more supply to really pump up the secondary market and level off the prices of these cards so people buy boosters to sell to the people who don't want to buy boosters anymore.

Zippo big fat zero for any store near or in Chicago as nobody got any. 5 have canceled all their orders as they don't want the hassle anymore I was told. Some have stated people are giving away their starters as with the hassle of no boosters they don't want to play the game anymore .

Wow really? People are so impatient these days, the tournament scene hasn't even taken off yet. If the game was released on January 1st and enough supply for the demand, would people still be complaining? Yes. I have only played a handful of times and most with just the starters, its not like the next cycle is coming out in january and the current one will be out of print. People need to learn some friggin patience. If they are quiting the game that easily let them, they arent in it for the long haul.

Well when a store is promised shipment of so and so on so and so date and WIFFFF zippo. It makes the store look bad to their customers. I went to 2 release day events and both yes both had to limit the player pool to 12 players due not enough product. Now imagine after driving an hour to a tourney and get told "sorry not enough boosters".

Plus its not a point of being impatient. Seeing here and on facebook some special stores getting tons of boosters and one particular store getting a big special shipment to a point of WTF!!!!

Some LGS still have to fill preorders they took and the rest is shelf product. So if a store only got 4 boxes and has 10 preorders when do they get to sell individual product? At this rate it looks like February it gets caught up while some stores (not naming names) are reaping the rewards of the product they got and keep getting.

When I had my store it was like when MTG Iceage came out I got less product so a few big wig stores can fill their preorders. I even got told this by my distributor. They didn't care I had preorders to fill also. People cancelled their orders because I couldn't fill them in a respected manner of time. Why wait when so and so has 1000 boxes right now for sale. That 1000 boxes could have been distributed evenly to many stores to satisfy customers and not just one store customers.

Edited by bravo29