Only starters shipping on the 15th?

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

For a game that's been out less than two weeks I see nothing wrong with that. They're obviously meant to be played out of the box, so go play them out of the box!

Considering all the usual 'Fly Casual' hooplah I see over on the X-Wing forums there sure are a lot of people taking this game too seriously. If a new player walked up to you with nothing but a starter would you seriously tell him/her to kick rocks because it's not a 'standard' deck?

Of course not... but I'd make sure they understood that they were probably going to lose. I play a mill deck and they're effectively starting with 1/3 of their deck "pre-milled". It's not going to be a positive experience for either of us.

Maybe it's just me, but if that occurred, I'd likely ask them to give me 5 minutes to either:

1. Reconstruct the opposite starter from my collection so we are on more event terms


2. let them borrow a character that compliments their starter and 10 more cards so they can get a better appreciation of the game.

That is how you grow a good community!

Indeed. As opposed to, say, buying a box and whining about how you didn't pull any characters (which is understandably frustrating), but then for some strange reason refusing to trade or interact with the secondary market.

That's just it. We're Star Wars fans! We Fly Casual in X-wing and will bring that same level of friendship and fun to this game. Let the "serious gamers" have their MTG.

Now now, let's not be disingenuous. There's nothing wrong with Magic.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Indeed. As opposed to, say, buying a box and whining about how you didn't pull any characters (which is understandably frustrating), but then for some strange reason refusing to trade or interact with the secondary market.

My friends and I have shared everything. I don't keep anymore than 4 of the same card (and generally I only keep 2) and trade/give the rest to my fellow players. They do the same. Every time we meet up we bust out our extra cards/dice first and see who wants them. It makes this game a lot of fun. Reminds me of when I collected Baseball cards in elementary school. All my friends knew my favorite team was the Braves. They gave me all the Braves cards they opened and I gave them the cards from their favorite team in return.

Problem is that if someone only has a starter then it's not even going to be close. I did that about a week ago. Dude had a starter and added a few extra commons to make 30 cards. It was one of the most miserable games I've ever played. Like, I completely destroyed him. After it was over I made him give me his shoes too so he had to walk home barefoot. Now he'll know to come strong or stay home.

Seriously though, I do also bring extra decks, but usually people want to use their OWN deck. I wouldn't ever want to play someone else's deck. And the kid gloves thing is fine for awhile... but at some point you want your community to develop a meta, and have a league, and a competitive scene AS AWELL as a casual scene...

And FFS the game has been out for like 7 months already it needs to get product on the shelves by now! My Gosh Darn Booster Preorder from Nov 21st STILL is on hold! GRGAUGSKUDJHQGSDJASKHDakjs!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just having a nervous breakdown, don't mind me.

That's just it. We're Star Wars fans! We Fly Casual in X-wing and will bring that same level of friendship and fun to this game. Let the "serious gamers" have their MTG.

I've seen some ravenous Star Wars fans in the X wing forum that could make a rules lawyer in MTG blush in jealous envy. I do hope the fly casual mentality stays dominant here a lot longer. Glad to be among some good dice brothers

Edited by LordFajubi

I helped a guy out last night with some cards...very enjoyable to help out a new player get some key commons/uncommons to make their deck better. I have a brick of the commons that are not doing me any good, so why not use them to help out those that are waiting for boosters to arrive (someday)? Build the community as best you can;that will keep folks that are getting frustrated with the delays from bailing out, IMO.

2 stores near me both confirmed boosters will be in this Friday. They didn't need starters as they still have quite a few left.

This will suck if no boosters this week. Got people that want to play but wont buy a starter until they can add to it.

That's just it. We're Star Wars fans! We Fly Casual in X-wing and will bring that same level of friendship and fun to this game. Let the "serious gamers" have their MTG.

I've seen some ravenous Star Wars fans in the X wing forum that could make a rules lawyer in MTG blush in jealous envy. I do hope the fly casual mentality stays dominant here a lot longer. Glad to be among some good dice brothers

I don't think those members of the forum represent the X-wing community as a whole. I've played with many a perfect stranger and 99.9% of the time both the other player and myself are more interested in having fun than winning at all costs. I believe the majority of Destiny players will also be like this.

Starters are the 15th, Boosters are the 22nd. This info has been out there for over a week now

Starters are the 15th, Boosters are the 22nd. This info has been out there for over a week now

Doesn't make it accurate though. Especially now that several game stores are reporting that they will have boosters this week. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Does seem like Starters will be a priority though - but it also seems like there will at LEAST be some boosters, depending on the store or the distributor.

Haven't heard anything about only Starters being the only thing coming for Destiny on the next shipment.

But I do know that our store is limiting the purchase availability so they don't run out the same day as delivery again. Only two packs can be bought per day per person once the next shipment of Destiny boxes come in. At least until the Destiny craze reaches a stable level.

I own a store and was told only starters this week from my distributor. Not only that but the amount of starters I could get was allocated. Pretty awful for people that want to play and stores that want to grow a player base. They may turn people off from their game before it really even gets s6tarted. I hope not, but it isn't looking good.

Maybe have more than just 1 distributor for cases just like this? ACD, Alliance, GTS, PHD...lots of options, amigo...

The sky is falling...

Seriously the game has been out 2 weeks. Relax.

Product will come and also local player bases won't die or fail to start up just because of limited product at the outset. If that were true then established games like X-Wing, Armada, Imperial Assault, any LCG etc wouldn't be attracting new players - but they are.

The game is good, so it'll grow.

I can confirm that north of the border, my FLGS got his booster boxes and starters. Bought a box of boosters yesterday.

I helped a guy out last night with some cards...very enjoyable to help out a new player get some key commons/uncommons to make their deck better. I have a brick of the commons that are not doing me any good, so why not use them to help out those that are waiting for boosters to arrive (someday)? Build the community as best you can;that will keep folks that are getting frustrated with the delays from bailing out, IMO.

Good for you! I've got enough cards that i'm sure i could cobble together something competitive for a beginning player. If he or she's REALLY lucky, they'll be playing a Kylo Ren set and i can loan them things like Infantry grenades, commanding presence and general Grevious that i currently don't use (need a villain starter set myself).

I am also in the camp of "keep two sets built at all times" so I can play a game, even if someone doesn't have any cards.

I don't really understand why someone wouldn't get into the game because of short supply of boosters. That problem will eventually easily fix itself, and the starter sets are good, they just don't have enough cards.

But to get the rules, and tokens, and the great majority of a good Hero or Villain deck is a pretty good deal to me for the $15.00 price tag. And you can still temporarily play the game with friends even with a 20 point 20 card deck with really no big difference to the game play.

But I will say this, I am a fiend for fixed-rarity stuff, and I like the starter sets in every game I have played. I guess it's that feeling that as long as all of the items are physically present, then I know exactly what I am getting and paying for, and no one gets an advantage over me because they make more money or have super good luck pulling a chase legend super rare signed holographic piece of cheese. :)

I know many people in my circles who are using Table Top Simulator while they wait for refreshed supplies.

I own a store and was told only starters this week from my distributor. Not only that but the amount of starters I could get was allocated. Pretty awful for people that want to play and stores that want to grow a player base. They may turn people off from their game before it really even gets s6tarted. I hope not, but it isn't looking good.

Maybe have more than just 1 distributor for cases just like this? ACD, Alliance, GTS, PHD...lots of options, amigo...

I was told this by ACD, PHD, Southern Hobby and GTS. They all said that this coming week would be fine. My other distributor doesn't carry it. Maybe know what you are talking about before posting on a subject, amigo....

I was hoping that more boxes would come in this week, but the only product in my area is one store about 45 min away got a few starters. . .

if a new player with only a starter wanted to play I would offer them my deck and play their Starter...

I can report that one store locally (that got a decent release date inventory) only received 2 starters on the 15th. Another big store in town got a big fat nothing, and were told by their distributor they had to wait another week.

One distributor told the first store that FFG didn't get boosters to any US distributors in time to ship them to stores by the 15th.

Edited by SoonerTed

Which is a big fat lie, since a lot of stores got starters yesterday. I think the distributor just gave product to a different store and didn't want to say as much.

Edited by ScottieATF

I said only starters were available, not boosters. And the store that got nothing uses a different distributor than the one that got a measly two starters.

Why assume the distributor who said no boosters were available is lying? Dishonest middlemen eventually get found out, so the incentives against lying are pretty strong.

Edited by SoonerTed

I simply misread. My apologies.

My FLGS in the UK got 6 boxes yesterday

Zippo big fat zero for any store near or in Chicago as nobody got any. 5 have canceled all their orders as they don't want the hassle anymore I was told. Some have stated people are giving away their starters as with the hassle of no boosters they don't want to play the game anymore.

Edited by bravo29