Only starters shipping on the 15th?

By ReaverRandall, in Star Wars: Destiny

Heard this from our FLGS, way to fail FFG

My FLGS received his second wave of boosters and starters this week with another wave hitting next week so there doesn't seem to be a shortage anymore.

Which countries are these?

Heard this from our FLGS, way to fail FFG

maybe the distributor denied the order of boosters. This is a case of jumping to conclusions. I do understand your frustration!

Which countries are these?

If you don't see a country mentioned it's 99% likely to be the USA - it's how most people in online gaming circles operate

So many rumors about Starters only - Why would anyone make a shipment of 100% starters and ZERO boosters? That just doesn't make sense. You can't even PLAY with only a starter.

Now I could understand if this wave was Starter-Heavy. Plenty of us could use a few more starters. But jeesh.... I still haven't gotten my pre-order box from Mid-November. Really need more boosters!

So many rumors about Starters only - Why would anyone make a shipment of 100% starters and ZERO boosters? That just doesn't make sense. You can't even PLAY with only a starter.

Now I could understand if this wave was Starter-Heavy. Plenty of us could use a few more starters. But jeesh.... I still haven't gotten my pre-order box from Mid-November. Really need more boosters!

A game store near me (not CSG) stated they are only expecting Starters this week and Boosters next week.

I was told the same thing. Starters this week and Boosters closer to end of month.

it is starters this week and boosters next week.

So many rumors about Starters only - Why would anyone make a shipment of 100% starters and ZERO boosters? That just doesn't make sense. You can't even PLAY with only a starter.

Now I could understand if this wave was Starter-Heavy. Plenty of us could use a few more starters. But jeesh.... I still haven't gotten my pre-order box from Mid-November. Really need more boosters!

I own a store and was told only starters this week from my distributor. Not only that but the amount of starters I could get was allocated. Pretty awful for people that want to play and stores that want to grow a player base. They may turn people off from their game before it really even gets started. I hope not, but it isn't looking good.

Edited by Darth Sidious

Starters have been in short/sold-out supply here. Any product is welcome at this point.

You can't even PLAY with only a starter.

Of course you can. I did it for a full week after release.

You can't even PLAY with only a starter.

Of course you can. I did it for a full week after release.

You know what he meant. The starters don't include a full 30 card deck. To be able to play a standard game, you either need two starters or a starter + ~5-10 boosters.

"The starter deck in this box has 20 cards, but a standard deck is exactly 30 cards."

So, you can play "starter games", but you can't play standard games.

Edited by KrisWall

For a game that's been out less than two weeks I see nothing wrong with that. They're obviously meant to be played out of the box, so go play them out of the box!

Considering all the usual 'Fly Casual' hooplah I see over on the X-Wing forums there sure are a lot of people taking this game too seriously. If a new player walked up to you with nothing but a starter would you seriously tell him/her to kick rocks because it's not a 'standard' deck?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

For a game that's been out less than two weeks I see nothing wrong with that. They're obviously meant to be played out of the box, so go play them out of the box!

Considering all the usual 'Fly Casual' hooplah I see over on the X-Wing forums there sure are a lot of people taking this game too seriously. If a new player walked up to you with nothing but a starter would you seriously tell him/her to kick rocks because it's not a 'standard' deck?

Of course not... but I'd make sure they understood that they were probably going to lose. I play a mill deck and they're effectively starting with 1/3 of their deck "pre-milled". It's not going to be a positive experience for either of us.

If a new player walked up to you with nothing but a starter would you seriously tell him/her to kick rocks because it's not a 'standard' deck?

How could I unless I have a starter deck to play against them?

Oh, I'm sure you could find some kiddy gloves, if you really wanted to. I can't speak for everyone, but I know I have the ability, at least, to re-piece together a starter. I know 20 cards is a lot, but...

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

For a game that's been out less than two weeks I see nothing wrong with that. They're obviously meant to be played out of the box, so go play them out of the box!

Considering all the usual 'Fly Casual' hooplah I see over on the X-Wing forums there sure are a lot of people taking this game too seriously. If a new player walked up to you with nothing but a starter would you seriously tell him/her to kick rocks because it's not a 'standard' deck?

I'd not only play with them, but give them 10 cards to bring their deck up to 30.

Roll Casual :D

For a game that's been out less than two weeks I see nothing wrong with that. They're obviously meant to be played out of the box, so go play them out of the box!

Considering all the usual 'Fly Casual' hooplah I see over on the X-Wing forums there sure are a lot of people taking this game too seriously. If a new player walked up to you with nothing but a starter would you seriously tell him/her to kick rocks because it's not a 'standard' deck?

Of course not... but I'd make sure they understood that they were probably going to lose. I play a mill deck and they're effectively starting with 1/3 of their deck "pre-milled". It's not going to be a positive experience for either of us.

Maybe it's just me, but if that occurred, I'd likely ask them to give me 5 minutes to either:

1. Reconstruct the opposite starter from my collection so we are on more event terms


2. let them borrow a character that compliments their starter and 10 more cards so they can get a better appreciation of the game.

Oh, I'm sure you could find some kiddy gloves, if you really wanted to.

Actually, this is one of the reasons I'll generally keep 2-3 decks with me whenever I want to play. I went over to a friend's house this past weekend and one guy only had the starter... "You can borrow one of my decks to see how it plays and afterwards I'll give you enough commons to pad out your deck to 30 cards."

That's my standard go to. An extra 10 commons isn't going to give him a power deck, but they're throw away cards for me since I have so many and gets him up to standard game deck size.

I like those responses, gentlemen. Good form.

For a game that's been out less than two weeks I see nothing wrong with that. They're obviously meant to be played out of the box, so go play them out of the box!

Considering all the usual 'Fly Casual' hooplah I see over on the X-Wing forums there sure are a lot of people taking this game too seriously. If a new player walked up to you with nothing but a starter would you seriously tell him/her to kick rocks because it's not a 'standard' deck?

Of course not... but I'd make sure they understood that they were probably going to lose. I play a mill deck and they're effectively starting with 1/3 of their deck "pre-milled". It's not going to be a positive experience for either of us.

Maybe it's just me, but if that occurred, I'd likely ask them to give me 5 minutes to either:

1. Reconstruct the opposite starter from my collection so we are on more event terms


2. let them borrow a character that compliments their starter and 10 more cards so they can get a better appreciation of the game.

That is how you grow a good community!

Well sure, it's not much of an issue if you have your collection with you or they ask ahead of time.

That's just it. We're Star Wars fans! We Fly Casual in X-wing and will bring that same level of friendship and fun to this game. Let the "serious gamers" have their MTG.