Playing Han/Rey Ambush - two rules questions? (Shoot First/Infamous)

By Humeon, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi all, playing Han and Rey Ambush and have two rules questions I'm hoping someone can help out with - preferably pointing to the rules reference as I can't find anything to support my theories.

1) With Infamous, can I target a yellow card that already has Ambush to stack the Ambush triggers and take multiple extra actions? If I have two Infamous in play, can I target the same card twice to get three extra actions?

1b) If I play a yellow card with Ambush that's augmented with extra Ambush from Infamous, do I get multiple shields on Han Solo or just the one?

2) Can I play Shoot First without me and my opponent having any ranged die just to get an Ambush trigger?


Hi all, playing Han and Rey Ambush and have two rules questions I'm hoping someone can help out with - preferably pointing to the rules reference as I can't find anything to support my theories.

1) With Infamous, can I target a yellow card that already has Ambush to stack the Ambush triggers and take multiple extra actions? If I have two Infamous in play, can I target the same card twice to get three extra actions?

1b) If I play a yellow card with Ambush that's augmented with extra Ambush from Infamous, do I get multiple shields on Han Solo or just the one?

2) Can I play Shoot First without me and my opponent having any ranged die just to get an Ambush trigger?


1. No. "Double Ambush" isn't a thing.

2. I can't get to the Rules Reference Guide right now, but I think you can. Someone else will have to opine.

2) Can I play Shoot First without me and my opponent having any ranged die just to get an Ambush trigger?


Nope. Shoot First has "then" in it's effects text:


In order to resolve an effect that is preceded by the word “then,” the previous effects on the card must have fully resolved (i.e., the game state changes to reflect the intent of the effect in its entirety). If the part of an ability that precedes the word “then” does not successfully resolve in full, the part of the ability that follows the word “then” does not attempt to resolve.

If you don't have a ranged die showing, pretty sure you can STILL play shoot first... just for Ambush (giving han a shield) and then the card basically fizzles.

Nope! This is why I posted the link.

"A player cannot choose to resolve dice symbols if they have no symbols of that type to resolve. A player must resolve at least one die when taking this action."

But IN the link you posted they are saying that you DO get the ambush keyword. That's what I'm agreeing with.

Nope! This is why I posted the link.

"A player cannot choose to resolve dice symbols if they have no symbols of that type to resolve. A player must resolve at least one die when taking this action."

But IN the link you posted they are saying that you DO get the ambush keyword. That's what I'm agreeing with.

Yeah, I think Crabbok is saying, I will pay my 1 cost resource event, it goes Ambush for a shield, and then the rest does nothing. So he's basically saying he's going to pay 1 resource for 1 shield.

Or does the Rules say otherwise?


They're saying that anything preceded by the "then" clause can be resolved, but that's not correct. You must have a valid die face to resolve before you can even play the card.

But IN the link you posted they are saying that you DO get the ambush keyword. That's what I'm agreeing with.

But the card is unplayable. It's conditions can't be met. If there are no ranged die to resolve, the card is illegal to play.

But IN the link you posted they are saying that you DO get the ambush keyword. That's what I'm agreeing with.

But the card is unplayable. It's conditions can't be met. If there are no ranged die to resolve, the card is illegal to play.

It doesn't have any conditions that need to be met for it to be played.

Ok fair enough. There was a comment on the first page of the link that said you could basically pay 1 resource for 1 shield by using Ambush and letting the rest of the card fizzle... I was assuming that was somehow a valid ruling.

Makes sense though that you'd need a target to begin the spell.

You don't need the opponent's die though, right? You can shoot first at an unarmed Greedo in this case right?

But IN the link you posted they are saying that you DO get the ambush keyword. That's what I'm agreeing with.

But the card is unplayable. It's conditions can't be met. If there are no ranged die to resolve, the card is illegal to play.

It doesn't have any conditions that need to be met for it to be played.

Hmm. The more I'm thinking about this... I do believe you're right. The card doesn't say "can only be played", it doesn't ask to spot a character of certain color... it just says pay 1 resource, resolve a yellow die you own with a ranged symbol, if you did your opponent must discard a die with a ranged symbol. Get ambush for playing the card.

Yeah... fair enough.

Gonna retract my statement. I think you can totally play this card with having a yellow die showing a ranged symbol. It won't do anything but it is played and so you do get ambush.

Edited by malcogent

RR p. 06, "Events" section:

"Provided any play restrictions (see “Play Restrictions” on
page 19) are met, a player can play an event even if the
event has no effect."

In this specific case:

Shoot First has no play restrictions at all. Definition of play restrictions below.

RR p. 19, "Play Restrictions" section:

"Play restrictions sometimes appear on a card and are marked
by the word “only.” A player cannot play the card unless the
play restriction is met."

Additionally, how abilities and "then" effects work.

RR p. 16, "Abilities" section:
"Cards can have more than one ability; each ability is its own
paragraph on the card."

RR p. 17, "“Then” Effects" subsection:

"In order to resolve an effect that is preceded by the word
“then,” the previous effects on the card must have fully
resolved (i.e., the game state changes to reflect the intent of
the effect in its entirety). If the part of an ability that precedes
the word “then” does not successfully resolve in full, the part
of the ability that follows the word “then” does not attempt
to resolve.
Example: Scavenge (r132) says “Discard the top 3 cards of
your deck. Then you may add an upgrade or a support from
your discard pile to your hand.” If less than 3 cards remain in
your deck, you cannot add a card to your hand because the
previous effect did not fully resolve. "
In this specific case:
Shoot First has two abilities. "Ambush" (keyword ability) and "Resolve one of your Yellow dice showing ranged damage. Then remove an opponent’s die showing ranged damage." - both abilities resolve independently of each other.
So it's enough to pay 1 resource to resolve Ambush ability.
Now, when it comes to the second ability of Shoot First, the part after "then" attempts to resolve only if the part before "then" fully resolved. Like Crabbok said, you can shoot poor unarmed Greedo. : )

Well, I suppose I have to give you that one.