Damaged dice

By sejestephan, in Star Wars: Destiny

we aren't here to belittle the OP guys, could he have worded it a little better? perhaps, but the fact remains that with normal wear and tear we are already starting to see these dice beginning to lose the images.

This is something we all need to consider when rolling our dice. Make sure you're rolling them on mousepad surfaces, and store them in area's where they won't move around or bang together during transport.. such as the starter pack dice slots

this way we all have a good chance to make our investment last to the fullest

I opened a couple of boosters, pulled out the dice, and immediately slid them into the starter pack dice slots. After I opened a couple more boosters I decided I needed to organize my dice a little better so I pulled them out and noticed that a couple of my dice had already received scratches on the faces from the plastic tabs on the starter boxes that hold the dice in the slots. They are of course slight, but this was after placing them in and removing them once, and I was rather disappointed.

I opened a couple of boosters, pulled out the dice, and immediately slid them into the starter pack dice slots. After I opened a couple more boosters I decided I needed to organize my dice a little better so I pulled them out and noticed that a couple of my dice had already received scratches on the faces from the plastic tabs on the starter boxes that hold the dice in the slots. They are of course slight, but this was after placing them in and removing them once, and I was rather disappointed.

This is why I really don't like the starter pack for storage--I haven't noticed any scratches on my dice but the tabs seem (to me) way too tight.

You play some place cold? Store your dice in your car and pull them out to play in the shop?

I opened a couple of boosters, pulled out the dice, and immediately slid them into the starter pack dice slots. After I opened a couple more boosters I decided I needed to organize my dice a little better so I pulled them out and noticed that a couple of my dice had already received scratches on the faces from the plastic tabs on the starter boxes that hold the dice in the slots. They are of course slight, but this was after placing them in and removing them once, and I was rather disappointed.

This is why I really don't like the starter pack for storage--I haven't noticed any scratches on my dice but the tabs seem (to me) way too tight.

Agreed. I like using photo cases that you can get at hobby stores.


Could also be the way the dice are rolled. I've seen some videos online where the player takes his dice into both hands, furiously shakes 6-7 times (or more), then drops them on the table/mat. The dropping isn't bad, but during the shaking you can really hear them banging against each other in a way that kind of made me cringe. Definitely bound to be some wear and tear going that method.

I don't see anything "peeling off" though from those pictures.

LOL, the comments in this thread.

"I'm only going to store my dice in a battlefoam insert and I'll never shake them up together and I won't roll them on tables!"

Wow, this is a really fun "dice" game where you're not allowed to put your dice in dice bags or roll them like dice...

Wow, this is a really fun "dice" game where you're not allowed to put your dice in dice bags or roll them like dice...

I think it tells more about the people than about the dice.

I opened a couple of boosters, pulled out the dice, and immediately slid them into the starter pack dice slots. After I opened a couple more boosters I decided I needed to organize my dice a little better so I pulled them out and noticed that a couple of my dice had already received scratches on the faces from the plastic tabs on the starter boxes that hold the dice in the slots. They are of course slight, but this was after placing them in and removing them once, and I was rather disappointed.

Exactly the same thing happened to me. Big scratches on opposite sides of one of my starter dice from the black plastic starter pack tray 'grippers'. Gone right through the images. Only been in and out of the tray two or three times. Not impressed.

Edited by jonamok

Could also be the way the dice are rolled. I've seen some videos online where the player takes his dice into both hands, furiously shakes 6-7 times (or more), then drops them on the table/mat. The dropping isn't bad, but during the shaking you can really hear them banging against each other in a way that kind of made me cringe. Definitely bound to be some wear and tear going that method.

I don't see anything "peeling off" though from those pictures.

LOL, the comments in this thread.

"I'm only going to store my dice in a battlefoam insert and I'll never shake them up together and I won't roll them on tables!"

Wow, this is a really fun "dice" game where you're not allowed to put your dice in dice bags or roll them like dice...

Dude, you obviously missed the point. Nowhere did I say anything about battlefoam or whatnot. What I was basically saying is that if you take a little care with your stuff, the lifespan will be increased. That goes with anything. But if you manhandle it all Frankenstein-style, the wear and tear will come sooner rather than later.

Edited by Darth Landy

I opened a couple of boosters, pulled out the dice, and immediately slid them into the starter pack dice slots. After I opened a couple more boosters I decided I needed to organize my dice a little better so I pulled them out and noticed that a couple of my dice had already received scratches on the faces from the plastic tabs on the starter boxes that hold the dice in the slots. They are of course slight, but this was after placing them in and removing them once, and I was rather disappointed.

Exactly the same thing happened to me. Big scratches on opposite sides of one of my starter dice from the black plastic starter pack tray 'grippers'. Gone right through the images. Only been in and out of the tray two or three times. Not impressed.

Come to think of it, I hadn't seen the scratches before I started using that thing. Could easily be the answer.

I use the "deck boxes" from the pre-release and like FFG deck boxes I have. You can fit 60 dice (20x3 layers) and if you put something in on the side it will keep them from sliding around in the loose space. Working well so far.

The black plastic starter tray grippers are a BIG NO NO , the way they are designed, they scratch the inside of the dice where the picture is. Luckily I was opening my first starter under my hobby light so I noticed it straight away. For the other dice, I had to 'peel' the edges and let the dice fall out rather than taking it out the conventional way.

I highly advise AGAINST storing them in the tray grippers. Even a plastic box is better.


Edited by MaddenMan

I'm actually finding this line of conversation somewhat entertaining. I know how particular certain people can be about their cards... keeping them in sleeves and constantly worrying about fingerprints and smudges. I think it's going to be impossible to keep the dice in mint or near mint condition if you're actually using them. Regular use will inevitably cause dings and scratches. I've already heard people saying thing like 'well, I have 3x Jabba already, so the play set I'm going to keep at home and never touch is complete, but I need a 4th to complete my play set that I'm going to play with'.

I'm working on a play set for maximizing options, but my realistic expectation is that these cards and dice will eventually end up forgotten and lonely in a shoebox under my bed. I'm never selling these for a profit.

This is from someone who played Magic in '93 when it was first released and didn't use sleeves at the start. In those early Magic days I did not see people using sleeves on their cards. I did see many many raggedy, creased, dirty, stained, and grimy cards (think of an old playing card or UNO deck). Yes, I was one of those people who would throw a rubber band around my Beta Magic cards and stick them in my jeans pocket. I "get" why people want their dice to stay nice and untarnished, as I understand wanting to keep cards new through sleeves (I actually double-sleeve...yeah I know it's overkill).

For me, it's not about the relative value of the card/dice that I'm worried about, as I have no intention or plans to sell. I do like to keep my cards etc in as good condition as I reasonably can. Especially in an expensive game like Destiny it makes sense to me to want it to last. I'm not sure about the best solution to storing the dice yet, but I have tried out a few things and am not really satisfied yet with a solution (they either take way too much work to create or are too expensive). I hate the idea of my dice having a shelf-life, even if it is hundreds of games or whatever.

(I wonder if/when someone will come out with "sleeves" for dice, lol)

I'm waiting for the person who doesn't want to roll their dice.

I can actually imagine a scenario where they pick up the dice from their card and exhaust the card, roll a normal d6, then place the destiny dice down on the correct face.

I opened a couple of boosters, pulled out the dice, and immediately slid them into the starter pack dice slots. After I opened a couple more boosters I decided I needed to organize my dice a little better so I pulled them out and noticed that a couple of my dice had already received scratches on the faces from the plastic tabs on the starter boxes that hold the dice in the slots. They are of course slight, but this was after placing them in and removing them once, and I was rather disappointed.

This is why I really don't like the starter pack for storage--I haven't noticed any scratches on my dice but the tabs seem (to me) way too tight.

Agreed. I like using photo cases that you can get at hobby stores.


This is my favorite option out there--thanks for the rec!

I'm waiting for the person who doesn't want to roll their dice.

I can actually imagine a scenario where they pick up the dice from their card and exhaust the card, roll a normal d6, then place the destiny dice down on the correct face.

Oh, man. I remember in the Decipher CCG days when kids would bring their Lukes and Vaders to tournaments in bricks, then show me the marked-up Rebel Trooper and say, "This is my Luke proxy." LOL Good times.

I opened a couple of boosters, pulled out the dice, and immediately slid them into the starter pack dice slots. After I opened a couple more boosters I decided I needed to organize my dice a little better so I pulled them out and noticed that a couple of my dice had already received scratches on the faces from the plastic tabs on the starter boxes that hold the dice in the slots. They are of course slight, but this was after placing them in and removing them once, and I was rather disappointed.

This is why I really don't like the starter pack for storage--I haven't noticed any scratches on my dice but the tabs seem (to me) way too tight.

Agreed. I like using photo cases that you can get at hobby stores.


This is my favorite option out there--thanks for the rec!

Anytime. :) The 5x7s hold more dice, but some of those containers have a weird bump in the middle.

I like the 4x6s better personally. They have a flat bottom and hold 32 Destiny dice. There's also a big container that contains 16 4x6 containers (which is what I got) and it's awesome. It makes finding the dice you want so much easier.

I'm waiting for the person who doesn't want to roll their dice.

I can actually imagine a scenario where they pick up the dice from their card and exhaust the card, roll a normal d6, then place the destiny dice down on the correct face.

I've already heard people considering this. If I have an opponent who wants to do this, I don't really have an issue... BUT, I'm going to want to verify every single roll and that the correct facing was chosen. There is way too much potential for shenanigans. It's going to massively slow down the game and probably won't be fun for either player.

I'm waiting for the person who doesn't want to roll their dice.

I can actually imagine a scenario where they pick up the dice from their card and exhaust the card, roll a normal d6, then place the destiny dice down on the correct face.

I've already heard people considering this. If I have an opponent who wants to do this, I don't really have an issue... BUT, I'm going to want to verify every single roll and that the correct facing was chosen. There is way too much potential for shenanigans. It's going to massively slow down the game and probably won't be fun for either player.

if it were a tournament environment i'd call a player on it for "stalling" because over the course of the game with all the rolls and re-rolls that could add up to be 5-10 min of game time lost due to them being too afraid to roll their dice. just roll your dice on a padded mat guys, the dice aren't going to get hurt.. worst case scenario, roll them one at a time quickly in different directions of each other so they don't bump.. i'd be fine with that because you will barely lose any time in a match

Ok we've played a few dozen games, kids are 6 11 and 13…so you know that dice are flying everywhere. None of my dice look anything remotely like that. I really don't see an ounce of wear on any of my dice…anywhere. We have X-Wing playmats, but also have hardwood floors….any they are hitting the floor a lot. Just my observation and experience.

I have played about 30 games with the starter decks and just looked at my dice after reading this. we didn't use matts at all and I cant see any damage. That said I expect some kind of wear after a while.

"invents dragon shields for dice"

There we go...

I have come to the conclusion that the Han die is worn beneath the varnish, from before it got coated. The slight scratches are probably from the dicetray, as someone else said.

But we'll see how long they last :)