Damaged dice

By sejestephan, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I was led to believe that the dice where near indestructable. I've had my dice for 14 days and my character dice, Han/Rey are already very damaged. The pictures are peeling of, and I'm very worried that in six months time you won't be able to read some sides.

Have anyone else experienced this? I've played most of my games on an x-wing mat, but I've played some games on ordinary tables. Either way I don't like the prospect of my dice being useless fairly soon after getting them.

I can say with fair certainty, that either my dice are poor quality, or the way they make them doesn't work at all.

Do you have a picture?

I can take some tomorrow. Will do :)

I don't understand how your pictures are peeling off, aren't they hot stamped?

As to dice care, I always play on a mat, I always roll on a felt dice tray and I try to store it in foam storage. My hairs stand on end when I hear someone drag and scratch their dice on the table, even when it's not mine.

That's bizarre. I had one of mine go through the washer and dryer. Came out just fine.

Unlike many games, the dice in Star Wars: Destiny do not use stickers. Instead, the dice are plastic-injected like normal dice and rolled in a tumbler to add a fine, smooth polish to every die. The images on each side are then physically heat-pressed onto the dice, essentially printing the artwork directly onto the plastic. Finally, the die is covered in a scratch-resistant coating , allowing you to roll these dice without their quality deteriorating.

There must have gone something seriously wron with your die if the pictures are peeling off.

I'm very intrerested to see some pics of them.

Unlike many games, the dice in Star Wars: Destiny do not use stickers. Instead, the dice are plastic-injected like normal dice and rolled in a tumbler to add a fine, smooth polish to every die. The images on each side are then physically heat-pressed onto the dice, essentially printing the artwork directly onto the plastic. Finally, the die is covered in a scratch-resistant coating , allowing you to roll these dice without their quality deteriorating.

There must have gone something seriously wron with your die if the pictures are peeling off.

I'm very intrerested to see some pics of them.

I am also very curious, the only thing i can think of is his dice somehow missed the clear coating final step.

My dice all look great.


It's also strange that the dice involved are Rey and Han. I would imagine starters have a different print run from the boosters so if it was some kind of factory defect you'd think it would happen to one or the other, not both.

are you using a playmat made out of mousepad style material? that should increase the life of your dice exponentially

Edited by executor

They're not peeling off, they're cracking it seems.

Thats the worst one yet. Others have just tiny cracks so far. :-(

Could we see one of the Rey dice like that?

How are you storing and rolling your dice? If you're storing them in a dice bag or similar, they're going to bang against each other as you move them around and will naturally get dinged up a bit. Also, if you roll them on a hard surface, they could easily get dinged up a little.


This is my Rey die. Notice how it's cracking near the symbol. My millenium falcon is worse, but for some reason photobucket stopped working.

I am storing my dice in the box from the starterdeck. I have rolled them on tables for maybe 10 games, otherwise I've always rolled them on mouse mat material. I have really done nothing weird to them, just played, and not in sandboxes or on broken glass or anything like that.

that's interesting to note, it seems that even with FFG's quality control wear and tear still seems to happen at a high rate, from here on out i'm only exclusively going to be rolling them on mousepad surfaces and storing them in places like the starter box slots to keep them from knocking together and wearing away

this is a good thread to give people a good idea about the quality of the dice and likely to start happening to a lot of people in the near future


This is my Rey die. Notice how it's cracking near the symbol. My millenium falcon is worse, but for some reason photobucket stopped working.

I am storing my dice in the box from the starterdeck. I have rolled them on tables for maybe 10 games, otherwise I've always rolled them on mouse mat material. I have really done nothing weird to them, just played, and not in sandboxes or on broken glass or anything like that.

is it cracking? or just scratches, from the photos they look like scratches. if it were cracking then if you look at it from a horizontal plane the areas that are cracked will have raised up (meaning that the ink is separating from the dice) where as the scratches are just the ink wearing off from wear and tear every time you roll the dice. Cracks are a result of bad quality control, where as the wear and tear scratches are just part of life and bound to happen over time

Could also be the way the dice are rolled. I've seen some videos online where the player takes his dice into both hands, furiously shakes 6-7 times (or more), then drops them on the table/mat. The dropping isn't bad, but during the shaking you can really hear them banging against each other in a way that kind of made me cringe. Definitely bound to be some wear and tear going that method.

I don't see anything "peeling off" though from those pictures.

Edited by Darth Landy

Those pictures do note detail anywhere near the type of wear and tear that you asserted in your first post.

Edited by ScottieATF

You don't think the Han die is pretty banged up for an indestructable die after 2 weeks of normal use?

Those pictures do note detail anywhere near the type of wear and tear that you asserted in your first post.

Agreed, original post made it seem like large portions of the images were peeling off. Looks like wear and tear to me. None of my dice show any wear and tear yet.

I did write that it was slight, but wouldn't take long before it was bad. Again, that Han die doesn't look very indestructable to me. This is after 2 weeks of playing, mostly on a mat. I am pretty disappointed I must say.

I did write that it was slight, but wouldn't take long before it was bad. Again, that Han die doesn't look very indestructable to me. This is after 2 weeks of playing, mostly on a mat. I am pretty disappointed I must say.

Actually you posted that the images were "peeling off" but your pictures do not show anything like that.

I did write that it was slight, but wouldn't take long before it was bad. Again, that Han die doesn't look very indestructable to me. This is after 2 weeks of playing, mostly on a mat. I am pretty disappointed I must say.

I don't get how you can not remember your own words.

Edited by ScottieATF