I have an Adeptus Administratum Sage character in my game with a desire to craft advanced weaponry on Desoleum Prime. He asked me about it last session and I effectively shut him down with a response about needing to ingratiate himself to a high ranking Magos of a forgeworld (which he interpreted to be a less than viable option), but in hindsight I'm worried I may have been unfair.
How does one get the blueprints for weaponry and armor? Core p117 provides that " The time, difficulty, and materials it takes to create these items are greatly dependent on their complexity, the kind of workshop the character has, and his access to properly sanctified designs or Adeptus Mechanicus data-vaults."
Does he have to buddy up to a Magos on a forgeworld to get the blueprints for a handflamer, plasma pistol, powersword, or bolter? If he doesn't have access to any Magi in the current narrative, would you allow this to be as simple as influence test? At what modifier? Should he be required to sacrifice influence to achieve it?
In terms of time, the Core p97 indicates it should take 1d5 hours to craft weapons and 1d10 hours for armor (I think this is an error--it was 1d5/1d10 days in OW and BC). For stuff that is Rare or less available, would a matter of months or years be more appropriate?
How would you handle this? He is very arguably mentally equipped for the task of crafting: Influence Score of 56, Trade Armorer, Tech-Use +30, Intelligence score of 54, Good Quality Cerebral Implants, and Infused Knowledge talent [meaning that in total he is +20 to any relevant scholastic lore test and automatically adds 2 DoS to a successful test]. He doesn't have Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) or Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus).
For further context of power levels, the players have been awarded 5600 exp after the 1k given at creation. They have a power blade, shock whip, a bionic heart, good quality cerebral implants, a poor quality mesh combat cloak, and a mesh body suit, but otherwise all their weaponry or armor is Scarce or more available although the weapon modifications they have are pretty fancy (i.e. custom grips, motion predictor, laser sights, tox dispensers, quick releases).