llu's Imperial Assault Miniature
Celestra Grey for gloves, boots and armor
Black more Mechanics Standard Grey to black areas
Leadbelcher morw black for rifle
Bugman's Glow for skin
Celestra Grey for gloves, boots and armor
Black most Mechanics Standard Grey to black areas
Leadbelcher blackest rifle
Bugman's Glow for incarnate
Drakenhof Nightshade more Lamiam for Medium gray parts
Leviathan Purple add to the deepest shadows
Nuln Oil rifle
Reikland Fleshshade for skin
Celestra Grey and add White Scar
Halftone with Standard Mechanics diluted Grey and dark tones with black and 5 parts water
Eshin Grey for black and then add Celestra gray (restore shadows and mezzotoni with Nuln Oil)
Leadbelcher more Calgar blue rifle
Bugman's Glow-Cadian Fleshtone-Kislev Flesh to flesh
Beard Drakenhof Nightshade and Lamiam Medium 2/3 layer
wear black armor with + Rinox Hide and then Shining Silver at the center
Ardcoat in shiny armor more Lamiam Medium for black parts. Add Leviathan Purple to the deepest shadows
Nuln Oil for rifle (2 layers)
Reikland Fleshshade for skin
Celestra Grey and add White Scar more time
Halftone with Mechanics Standard Grey diluted and dark tones with black and 5 parts water
Eshin Grey for black and then add Celestra gray (restore shadows and halftone with Nuln Oil)
Leadbelcher more Calgar blue for rifle
Bugman's Glow-Cadian Fleshtone-Kislev Flesh to skintone
Beard Drakenhof Nightshade and Lamiam Medium 2/3 layer
Battle damage with black + Rinox Hide and then Shining Silver at the center
Ardcoat for the armor
I've just created an open Facebook group named
Ilu's Painting
You're welcome.
Dude, you're an inspiration.
Skin with Castellan Green and Iyanden Darksun
Pants Bugman's Glow
Shirt Cadian Fleshtone with edges Doombull Brown
Sleeves Kislev Flesh with edges Screaming Skull
Belts and boots Skrag Brown
Shoulder and knees protections Mechrite Red with edges Screaming Skull
Gloves Skrag Brown
Weapon with Leadbelcher and black
Agrax Earthshade and Waywatcher Green for Skin
Reikland Earthshade for pink and brown parts
Nuln Oil for Gun
Basic color for all the areas more Screaming skull with the exception of areas in Skrag Brown to which I added XV88
Red with Mechrite Red / Red Mephiston / Evil Sunz Scarlet
Gun with Leadbelcher more Cadian Fleshtone and then pure leadbelcher
For the midtones Glazing with Agrax Earthshade more Bloodletter more Guiilliman Blue plus 3 parts of Lamiam Medium
Retouching of shadows with Bloodletter more Guiilliman Blue more Lamiam Medium
Dirt with Steel Legion Drab and Typhus Corrosion
Symbol of mercenaries on the shoulder straps with Screaming skull
Eye with Lamenters Yellow. Then Bloodletter and the upper side with Carrosburg Crimson. Then a little white dot in the upper part.
Ardcoat in the eye and into the shoulder strap
Armor with Khemri Brown more Charadon Granite
Fabric with Ushabti Bones more Screaming Skull
Bags Rinox Hide
Shoes and belts Stormvermin Fur
Backpack 4 parts black more 1 part Leadbelcher
Backpack part in Oro Glorioso more Mournfang Brown
Lower ring backpack Oro Glorioso, Rinox Hide and Mephiston Red
Blanket Khemri Brown
Metal Leadbelcher
Butt rifle Skrag brown
Upper belt Mournfang Brown
Lower belt Castellan Green
Skin Bugman's Glow
Nuln Oil more Agrax Earthshade more 3 parts of Lamiam Medium for Fabric
Reikland Flashshade for face
Nuln Oil for metal
Agrax Earthshade for butt rifle
Fabric with the base color and then adding White Scar up to give pure
Armor with basic color more Ushabti Bone adding it several times for more lights
Face with Bugman's Glow / Cadian Flesh tone / Kislev Flesh / White doing intermediate steps each time adding the next color
Shoes and belt Stormvermin Fur more white
The Rinox Hide and castellan green highlighted with Screaming skull.
The ring of ventilation in the backpack with Leadbelcher and then Shining silver
The metal parts only leadbelcher while the shotgun little touches even with Shining Silver.
Armor with the base color abd a bit of black and then only with black for the very strong shadows (doulixione 1 to 5)
With the latter I also touched up the shadows in metals.
Scar with a mix of Red Mephiston more Cadian Fleshtone then highlighted with Cadian Fleshtone
Armor damage:
For cuts bllack and Rinox Hide and then Shining Silver in the middle then a slight lines in Screaming skull for lights
Attrition of tapping armor with leadbelcher and Shining Silver
Mud on the shoes with Steel Legion Drab and Rinox Hide
Lights on the armor with Mephiston Red and Blue Temple Guard
Armor with a mix of 2 parts The Fang and 1 part Ironbreacker.
Shoes, overalls and headset with an equal mix of black and Mechanics Standard Grey
Skin with Bugman's Glow
Leadbelcher for blaster
I make two mixes. By a white hand over Shining Silver and other Leadbelcher more black.
Add to base colour the second mix to make the first shadows. With Nuln Oil refresher all online ture of the armor. Then with black diluted with 4 parts water strengthens the darker shadows.
For the lights add to the mix the first base color 2 or 3 times and then i use for the latest lighs Pure Silver Shining.
I then glaze with a mix of Blue Guiilliman more Lamiam Medium more Nuln Oil and knocks him down by the middle tones and shadows to enhance the color you vote for him toward the still more accentuating the shadows.
Shadows with Nuln Oil then first light with Eshin Grey, second lights with Mechanics Standard Grey and then add the white for the last lights. At least apply a little of 'Nuln Oil only in the shadows.
Shadows with Reikland Flashshade.
Then I make eyes with a Screaming Skull whiter mix. Pupil with a mix of Mechanics Standard Grey more black.
First light with Bugman's Glow. Second adding Cadian Fleshtone. Third adding Kislev Flesh. Fourth with pure Flesh Kislev. At least add a little of Screaming Skull.
Shadows with Nuln Oil. First light with Leadbelcher and then with Shining Silver for the most prominent in the lights. Reached the shadows with diluted black.
Yellow suit Yriel
Belts Celestra Grey
Dark straps Stormvermin Fur
Rifle blackest Leadbelcher more Alaitoc Blue
Rear tube and collar Mechrite Red
Buckles and special metal Leadbelcher
xv88 skin more 2cparti of Yriel Yellow
Celestra Grey whiter and then pure white
Lights by adding two or three times Screaming skull to the base color
Shadows with Lamiam Medium and Agrax past Earthshade least three or four times by insisting on the most shadowed parts
Lights with a base color and then adding Screaming Skull flake for flake.
Base color Gorthor Brown.
Lights with Ushabti Bone
Adding white lights
Washing Agrax Earthshade
Washing with Agrax Earthshade
Ushabti Bone and white.
Lip Bugman's Glow
Yellow Yriel more Troll Slayer Orange and black pupil.
Seraphine Sephia more Lamiam Medium
Yriel Yellow for the first lights and then added white for more.
Washing with Agrax Earthshade. Red lights with Mephiston with the addition later of Screaming Skull
Shadows with Nuln Oil more Lamiam Medium
Lights with white
I really like your ISB Infiltrators. I went with slightly purplish armor but Fang+Ironbreaker mix looks awesome and is a lot simpler than what I mixed together.
I wish I had seen your post before painting mine.
Btw. What brush you use for detail work like gun highlighting and hair highlighting? The brush strokes look so fine and delicate. Though I've noticed that my problem is often that I have too much too paint in the brush.
EDIT: Fixed some grammar errors.
Edited by ElrathI use a brush Windsor & Newton Serie 7 n 0 For the details and n. 2 or 3 for the rest of the models.
They are long, have a big body but a point very small. Then many tries I think to have found the best. They are a little expensive but if you keep them well they have more durability.
(Sorry for my bad English . I'm Italian. )
That is the best Bossk paint job I have seen hands down, great job. That Dengar is amazing as well, the eyes look perfect. Thanks for posting.
Thanks FrogTrigger. You are too good!
You inspired me to re-base all my figures onto clear bases. I am loving it. Thanks!
I will never reach your level of expertise in painting sir. You are truly an artist. Thanks for sharing pictures of these great minis!
On Wed Jan 25 2017 at 4:35 PM, Conviction said:You inspired me to re-base all my figures onto clear bases. I am loving it. Thanks!
I will never reach your level of expertise in painting sir. You are truly an artist. Thanks for sharing pictures of these great minis!
Thank you very much Conviction.
I'm happy you like my minis.
Kantor Blue for ubiform
Mechrite Red for red sleeves
Tausept Ocre for yellow sleeves and gold base
Skin in Bugman's Glow
Gun with Leadbelcher more Alaitoc Blue more black
Collar Celestra Grey
Beard and hair in various colors: Grey Eshin, Tausept Ocre, Mournfang Brown, Rinox Hide, Screaming Skull, Celestra Grey.
For the lights add Alaitoc Blue Space and then Space Wolf Grey to base colour
Shadows with Drakenhof Nightshade and Lamiam Medium and then diluted with black for deeper.
Shadows with Nuln Oil and lights with white
Shadows with Reikland Flashshade and lights with Bugman's Glow / Cadian Flesh / Flesh Kislev
Shadows by color with Nuln Oil or Agrax Earthshade or Seraphine Sephia and then highlight with the base color and then adding or white or Screaming Skull by color
Shadows in Seraphine Sephia, then more Yriel Yellow base color and then Screaming Skull. Finally Glazing with Lamenters Yellow.
Shadows with Carroburg Crimson and lights with Mephiston Red mote base color and then add Evil Sunz Scarlet and Screaming Skull
Nuln shadows with oil and then highlights the basic color diluted in order to add Shining Silver
First Shadows with Nuln Oil, Lights with Eshin Grey and then adding Celestra Grey. Restoring the shadows and midtones with diluted black.
Oro Glorioso (Gamecolor), shadows with Reikland Fleshshade and then lights with Glorious Gold and Shining Silver (Army Painter)
Which unfortunately it has spoiled me a bit the minis leaving a few lumps.
I don't like very much the pose and the divise of these units. In fact I painted them for the last. ?
MHD 19
Medical Droid
Basic colors:
Leadbelcher for metallic areas
White for the bust
Metallic parts:
Light adding up Silver Shining to base colour until to give pure
Shadows with Nuln Oil insisting on the darker parts of the legs and black diluted with 5 parts of water for the darker shadows.
Glazing with Waywatcher Green more black more Lamiam Medium for parts in green.
Pass it many times. At least 4 or 5.
Bust :
Washing with Guiilliman Blue and 3 parts Lamiam medium.
Ligths with white.
Rulings with Nuln Oil.
Revision of lights.
Cables :
Eshin gray then washing with Nuln Oil and lights with Eshin Grey and then adding white.
Eyes :
Base colour Mephiston Red. Then interior lights with Yriel Yellow and then white. Glazing with Bloodletter
Bust blue light:
Base color white. Then Glazing with Guiilliman Blue insisting on the bottom. At the end a little white dot on the upper right side for reflex.
Dirty :
For stains and cut black more Rinox Hide and then Shining Silver inside. (For cut line darken in the bottom)
For dirt Typhus Corrosion
Final Touch :
Ardcoat on the eyes and on the light blue on the bust.
Edited by Iluvatar66Awesome job!
I've just added the tutorial about MHD-19
Hey illu, nice work on the mini's keep it up. And thanks for the tutorials on the less covered mini's.
I have a question on what you are communicating in some of your tutorials. When you say " xv88 skin more 2cparti of Yriel Yellow" are you saying a 2:1 ratio of XV88 to Yriel Yellow. In other words:
2 : 1
XV88 : Yriel Yellow