Best Avatar/Plot combos in Road to Legend

By EvilUncleTony, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I am about to start Road to Legend as the Overlord. What are the best Avatar/Plot combos?

3 and 5..

seriously. play for fun. choose what you like.

EvilUncleTony said:

I am about to start Road to Legend as the Overlord. What are the best Avatar/Plot combos?

I have not thoroughly analyzed the game from this perspective. Just a few thoughts. It seems that the easiest way to win is to burn Tamalir to the ground. If you go for Tamalir rush, it does not really matter which plot you select. It helps to have your avatar's keep close to Tamalir.e.g. Demon Prince or Titan. As regards the plots:

1) Ascension. It helps to have an Avatar whose keep is close to several cities (you need to raze 4 cities to win with the plot) Note, that Titan's lieutenant reduces the defense rating by one. In combination with siege engines and another lieutenant you will get your first siege roll in the second week of the siege in all cities except Forge and Vynelvale!

2) Obsidian shackles. You need an avatar who stands (a better) chance in the final fight. I have heard that sorcerer king is better than most in the final fight. Regardless which avatar you take your chances to win the final fight are not very good.

3) Eternal Night. Pick an avatar whose keep is close to the locations where the scrolls and stone appear. Note that Titan's keep is next to the Plains of the Ruby Gate. So, if you manage to get the Sun Stone into your keep you have practically completed the plot since there is nothing that heroes can do to stop you .