Deck Brainstorming

By rynot916, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I want to run a red/yellow deck with an Elite General Grievous and I'm having difficulty deciding on my yellow character. I was thinking Jabba so that I can use him as a support character.

I know red/blue using an elite Grievous and a Dooku sounds not bad, but I want yellow so I have access to flamethrower and a few other good yellow cards.


Thanks in advance :)

I love Jango that free activation is just awesome and let's you use his dive before the opponent can deal with him. And it fits perfectly point wise with egreivis.

I don't have Jaba so have not tried him, but I can imagine the focus from Jaba being very useful with those strong Grievous dice.

Jango seems like a good fit. He has a very good ability so even though he's not elite, he might draw the aggro instead of Grievous. If not, use this time to equip him enough to be a threat end-game.

Personally, I'd go blue with Grievious. I like to match damage type with my characters so they are efficient in the opening rounds. Dooku would be my Sith of choice to match with the General.

If you decide to stick to the yellow, it's hard to beat Jango with that free activation. I would run him with two dice though to get full benefit of his ability early in the game.

Edited by Stone37

So with Jango, when his ability activates, all dice associated with him get rolled, right? Like any upgrades and such. It makes sense since it says you 'activate' Jango, but just wanna make sure :P

Yep you activate Jango, rolling all his dice. It's pretty sweet because now it's your action, you can just resolve some the dice just rolled and your opponent can't stop you.

Another yellow to consider is elite Bala-Tik. With grevious, you kill an opponents character, you take their upgrade (grevious) and get to ready bala-tik, to activate him a second time this round.

Yep you activate Jango, rolling all his dice. It's pretty sweet because now it's your action, you can just resolve some the dice just rolled and your opponent can't stop you.

Another yellow to consider is elite Bala-Tik. With grevious, you kill an opponents character, you take their upgrade (grevious) and get to ready bala-tik, to activate him a second time this round.

Only issue I have with him, is that his ability will only trigger once or twice max. I know Grievous' ability might not ever trigger, but his die is really strong. Especially if you have flame thrower dice out or other melee modifying dice.

I know Grievous' ability might not ever trigger, but his die is really strong.

I was just thinking the same thing earlier about grievous' die, killer melee piece. I agree with the jango votes for a yellow counter part. Specials aside he has a good ranged die that is comparable to G's melee one.

I know Grievous' ability might not ever trigger, but his die is really strong.

I was just thinking the same thing earlier about grievous' die, killer melee piece. I agree with the jango votes for a yellow counter part. Specials aside he has a good ranged die that is comparable to G's melee one.

He does, I was thinking of adding disarm to the deck as well and I'd rather pitch one of Jango's dice to use it than one of Grievous'

I just made a eGrievous/Jango deck with 2 flamethrowers, 2 jetpacks, and a couple red weapons for Jango. It seems like a really good combo, and you can include the Underworld connections and Black market to get them in there a little bit cheaper.

I feel like Grieveous/Jango would pretty much be a pure aggro deck - you're really not trying to do anything but make them as killy as fast as possible, then smash the opponent into red mush. If that's the kind of deck you want to run for red/yellow, yeah, I don't think anything else is going to match it in terms of aggression. Running something like Jabba would reduce your damage output, and probably not really give you much in the way of benefits to counteract it.

I just made a eGrievous/Jango deck with 2 flamethrowers, 2 jetpacks, and a couple red weapons for Jango. It seems like a really good combo, and you can include the Underworld connections and Black market to get them in there a little bit cheaper.

Yea seems like a really solid build. Only downside is having a mix of range and melee dice so a few extra actions could be needed to resolve some of the dice, but the power of the deck makes it seem worth it.

I built one with Grievous and Dooko. Basically, I made it a full blown mono blue agro deck. I don't have any Vaders yet, but Grievous has dice similar to Vader's dice, so I figure he will work in place of him. Dooko is tanky enough to survive, allowing me to play "Spot a blue character" cards.

I built one with Grievous and Dooko. Basically, I made it a full blown mono blue agro deck. I don't have any Vaders yet, but Grievous has dice similar to Vader's dice, so I figure he will work in place of him. Dooko is tanky enough to survive, allowing me to play "Spot a blue character" cards.

Yea Dooku is super tanky and is great at surviving. Giving him Royal Escort can help Grievous survive even longer.

From what I've been hearing from my local playgroup (and reading both here on the forums and on a few articles) is that e/Grievous works best with either Dooku or Jango.

Jango seems best suited for a strong Red/Yellow aggro deck.

Dooku seems best suited when you want Blue control alongside the Red and Grievous damage output.

From what I've been hearing from my local playgroup (and reading both here on the forums and on a few articles) is that e/Grievous works best with either Dooku or Jango.

Jango seems best suited for a strong Red/Yellow aggro deck.

Dooku seems best suited when you want Blue control alongside the Red and Grievous damage output.

Its hard to decide between using an elite Jango, or elite Grievous tho. Grievous has stronger character dice I feel but Jango gets a free activation basically, so more dice on him makes sense.

From what I've been hearing from my local playgroup (and reading both here on the forums and on a few articles) is that e/Grievous works best with either Dooku or Jango.

Jango seems best suited for a strong Red/Yellow aggro deck.

Dooku seems best suited when you want Blue control alongside the Red and Grievous damage output.

Its hard to decide between using an elite Jango, or elite Grievous tho. Grievous has stronger character dice I feel but Jango gets a free activation basically, so more dice on him makes sense.

You could use elite Grievous to bait your opponent into focusing on him while you load up Jango with weapons and equipment. Then your opponent is forced to choose between focusing on elite Grievous and the high damage he can put out, or fast-activation Jango and his extra dice. It could put them between a rock and a hard place, so to speak. And while your opponent is busy trying to figure out who's the bigger threat, you can keep bashing on their characters with the cyborg-bounty hunter duo.

From what I've been hearing from my local playgroup (and reading both here on the forums and on a few articles) is that e/Grievous works best with either Dooku or Jango.

Jango seems best suited for a strong Red/Yellow aggro deck.

Dooku seems best suited when you want Blue control alongside the Red and Grievous damage output.

Its hard to decide between using an elite Jango, or elite Grievous tho. Grievous has stronger character dice I feel but Jango gets a free activation basically, so more dice on him makes sense.

To me, Jango doesn't really get that much use out of his own dice - his advantage is being able to tool him up with lots of equipment. Grievous on the other hand relies on his dice for damage, so I'd definitely go with him as the Elite.