Stats for homebrew ship

By Jedifish, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I have a ship I want to stat up. Will any of the books help with this?

There isn't a statting system or a ship creation system in any of the books... yet. (Some people seem to think it will come with the Engineer book for Age of Rebellion .) However, you can get a general idea for how a ship should look and feel simply by studying ships similar to the one you are statting up found in the current books.

Or ask here. The collective hive mind can probably help with ideas or suggestions

There isn't a statting system or a ship creation system in any of the books... yet. (Some people seem to think it will come with the Engineer book for Age of Rebellion .) However, you can get a general idea for how a ship should look and feel simply by studying ships similar to the one you are statting up found in the current books.

After Endless Vigil anc the Pod Racers section I'm wondering if that's the path FFG will go for making your own small ships.

In EV you choose a chassis which has a set number of hard points, then you choose the engines, Manoeuvring thrusters etc that you want on the Pod.

It would be fairly simple to have blueprints for each chassis, then other blueprints for the hardware you install. The chassis options could be as simple as Swoop, Landspeeder, Airspeeder, Shuttle, Light Starfighter, Heavy Starfighter.

Regularly people argue that the time required to build ships is so long that it's outside the scope of an RPG. Perhaps this is true in most games but I still think it's fine, it's not hard to accommodate by having lengthy breaks in game between adventures or even encounters.

If you’re studying other ship builds, pay particular attention to the work on this forum that is done by a member known as “LibrariaNPC”. He does some really good work, and usually explains a lot about where he gets his ideas from, why he has made certain choices, etc….

He’s done some unofficial ship builds that were later done officially by FFG, and it’s really interesting to compare his versions versus theirs. Sometimes he gets really close, and sometimes they go somewhat different directions. But there’s something to learn with each one of those builds.

There isn't a statting system or a ship creation system in any of the books... yet. (Some people seem to think it will come with the Engineer book for Age of Rebellion .) However, you can get a general idea for how a ship should look and feel simply by studying ships similar to the one you are statting up found in the current books.

After Endless Vigil anc the Pod Racers section I'm wondering if that's the path FFG will go for making your own small ships.

In EV you choose a chassis which has a set number of hard points, then you choose the engines, Manoeuvring thrusters etc that you want on the Pod.

It would be fairly simple to have blueprints for each chassis, then other blueprints for the hardware you install. The chassis options could be as simple as Swoop, Landspeeder, Airspeeder, Shuttle, Light Starfighter, Heavy Starfighter.

Regularly people argue that the time required to build ships is so long that it's outside the scope of an RPG. Perhaps this is true in most games but I still think it's fine, it's not hard to accommodate by having lengthy breaks in game between adventures or even encounters.

I have a ship I want to stat up. Will any of the books help with this?

I want silhouette 4 light transports, i'd also like silhouette 5's but I can see why the designer's might not go for sil. 5's

At present the best guess book that these hypothetical rules would come in is the AoR Engineer book. If they do come there then it's probably going to be small military focused vehicles.

Edge could have an Adventure or Region book with some rules in it to entice more buyers like Mandalorien in FLT.

If you’re studying other ship builds, pay particular attention to the work on this forum that is done by a member known as “LibrariaNPC”. He does some really good work, and usually explains a lot about where he gets his ideas from, why he has made certain choices, etc….

He’s done some unofficial ship builds that were later done officially by FFG, and it’s really interesting to compare his versions versus theirs. Sometimes he gets really close, and sometimes they go somewhat different directions. But there’s something to learn with each one of those builds.

Damnit bradknowles, I've been summoned again before I even get to the topic! :-p

I have a ship I want to stat up. Will any of the books help with this?

Yes and no. As brawknowles said, I did a bit of ship statting and explained my logic. The long and short: find a ship in the same ballpark and make tweaks. It's more complex than that, but that's a good place to at least start and get your feet under you.

Regularly people argue that the time required to build ships is so long that it's outside the scope of an RPG. Perhaps this is true in most games but I still think it's fine, it's not hard to accommodate by having lengthy breaks in game between adventures or even encounters.
This is a line of thought from some of the older games, honestly; ship building from start to finish should take weeks, and sometimes years. Of course, as stated here, it's really not hard to do. If the group is sticking around a specific area while a ship is being built, there's plenty for them to do, or they can borrow a ship from someone (or part of the job is to fly a specific ship), or any other number of possibilities.
General rule of thumb: I'd say that it'd take about 2 weeks per Silhouette up to Silhouette 3, a month per Silhouette from 4-5, and two months per Silhouette over 5. This is just a general baseline I'm just spitballing off the top of my head with little support (and thanks to the cold meds, probably WAY out there).
Edited by LibrariaNPC