Learning the game and have a few questions!!

By skeeve3000, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I have tried to learn the game through Youtube videos which have really helped. I played my first game last night against my friend while trying to teach him at the same time. Here are a few questions:

1. Is a 3 color deck a bad idea? Is a single color deck also a bad idea? It seems like a two color deck with neutral is really the best idea.

2. Has anyone given any thought to what is the best ratio of support, event and upgrade cards to include in your 30 card deck?

3. How the heck does Sith Holocron work. Here are its abilitlies:

- Special swaps any blue upgrade in for free

- Allows activation of the new upgrade immediately (for a cost)

- Bypasses play restrictions

Do I have to have an upgrade in play to "swap" a new blue upgrade into play? Does this just allow me to play an upgrade on any character and roll the dice immediately.

Thanks for the help.

1) None of those are a BAD idea. They all have their own challenges. I love the idea of a Mono-Blue deck personally. A Mono-Red deck could bring the pain pretty quickly.

2) You want around 10 cards with dice in your deck. Any less than 7 and you'll find yourself outgunned. Any more than 14 and you won't have the events you need to keep yourself in the game when things don't go your way.

3) When you take the action to resolve the special of a Sith Holocron you return Sith Holocron to your hand and put a Blue Ability Upgrade card into play. You may then pay one resource to roll that new Ability Upgrade card's dice into play.

Edited by Stone37

1) None of those are a BAD idea. They all have their own challenges. I love the idea of a Mono-Blue deck personally. A Mono-Red deck could bring the pain pretty quickly.

2) You want around 10 cards with dice in your deck. Any less than 7 and you'll find yourself outgunned. Any more than 14 and you won't have the events you need to keep yourself in the game when things don't go your way.

3) When you take the action to resolve the special of a Sith Holocron you remove it from the game and replace it with a Blue Ability Upgrade card. You may then pay one resource to roll that new Ability Upgrade card's dice into play.

To question 3 you do not remove the Holocron from the game, you return it to your hand.

3) When you take the action to resolve the special of a Sith Holocron you remove it from the game and replace it with a Blue Ability Upgrade card. You may then pay one resource to roll that new Ability Upgrade card's dice into play.

To question 3 you do not remove the Holocron from the game, you return it to your hand.

Also, it plays onto the character the Holocron was attached to. You can't decide who to play it on for free. You're "exchanging" the Holocron for the Blue-ABILITY (make you remember this, doesn't work for Equipment/Weapons/Support) in your hand. Then you can pay the cost to roll it (you don't have to). This is why you typically include Emperor's Throne Room as your battlefield when using Holocron. Even if you roll whatever on the Holocron, you can take the battlefield, turn the dice into a Special, and then resolve it doing the exchange. You could do the 1 roll for 1 cost, but you won't get to resolve it since you're done now (unless you're using Outposts specialty) and you can't do anything else that turn.


2) You want around 10 cards with dice in your deck. Any less than 7 and you'll find yourself outgunned. Any more than 14 and you won't have the events you need to keep yourself in the game when things don't go your way.

Also, don't forget to have dice that give you enough resources to play the cards in your deck. Nothing worse than having all these great cards in your hand you can't get into play.

2) You want around 10 cards with dice in your deck. Any less than 7 and you'll find yourself outgunned. Any more than 14 and you won't have the events you need to keep yourself in the game when things don't go your way.

Also, don't forget to have dice that give you enough resources to play the cards in your deck. Nothing worse than having all these great cards in your hand you can't get into play.

So true. I have a deck with both Black One and the Falcon in it. Leia and eHan are my starting characters and to help them gain resources I have things like Comlink and Play the Odds. I know by round 3 I want one of those out.

Also, sitting with high cost cards in your hand is just begging Kylo to come along and kick your butt with them.

I'm liking 12 cards with dice. Roughly 8 that cost 1 to 2,

2 to 3 at 3 with just 1 or 2 at 4 or more cost. It let's me get dice going early and often so even if people are eating up resources you can still get stuff out.

Edited by ozmodon