Three dice booster format, alternative collectible formats

By TylerTT, in Star Wars: Destiny

FFG has done a fair job with the first set of star wars destiny but I think there is room for improvement.

Players can end up with collections that are not playable or tradable after buying nearly a box of boosters Because players want to trade characters for characters and upgrades for upgrades. If you draw a disproportionate amount of either you are stuck in a bad spot.

This thread is about alternate collectibility formats that will give players more playable and tradable collections. It is not an argument against colectability. If you can't figure that out please don't post.

One potential solve for this problem is to expand each booster pack to include more dice and guarantee one character per pack. This would allow FFG to control the ratio of character and non character dice players receive. Each pack would be more expensive but they would feel way more substantial and you would have a 50/50 chance of pulling a legendary!

Another potential solve would be to put out smaller booster boxes with a guaranteed ratio of characters. A $33 dollar box with 12 packs and guaranteed two legendary and 4 characters would be a great thing!

More dice per pack means a $10 pack? No thanks. In the end, a sealed event needs you to open your packs first, then pick your starter. I also think they need to create starters using different colors. If a person opens a good Red Hero or Yellow Villain card(s) they cant use.

Or allow mix and match of anything outside of still needing to spot. But all restrictions removed. Match Hero with Villain...Red with only Blue/Yellow characters.


This isn't magic. It is fine as it is. I'm sure a second realise is only a few months away. FFG only sent out about 20% of the supplies ordered.

Two booster packs: "Reinforcements" and "Armory" - both are in the same format as the current boosters, but in Reinforcements you're guaranteed a character, and in Armory you're guaranteed a weapon/equipment/ability. That'd help the spread and playability, but ultimately I'm not sure how necessary it is.

I've traded characters for weapon/ability upgrades and vice versa. What's really necessary is enough people being able to get the amount of product they want so that they have the duplicates/triplicates to trade. Or people just being patient for singles prices to come down (which is going to happen when there is enough supply, at least for all but the most rare/sought after cards).

I don't think that different "guaranteed" boosters are necessary. Just getting enough product out to free up the trading/selling.