It's mine!!!

By Cidervampire, in Talisman

How annoying that amazon are posting it so late, only a few days to go I guess! With the raiders that is a kick in the nuts! House rules it will have to be, but now it is not a must so it will be more grudging to follow the rules of the raiders.

JCHendee said:

About the new Raiders card....

I have mixed feelings on this one. Many game changes I've heard of or seen... including Warlock Quest cards coming in the Reaper expansion... are geared to speed up the game. I understand this, as many pure boardgamers don't want to take the hours that some enjoy in playing the game the old hard way. Talisman has always been about putting the boardgaming before the RPG origins that inspired it. But perhaps it goes too far when the dangers aren't really dangers anymore.

FFG is trying (in small ways) to address flexibility of play rules. The recent article on the Quest cards offers different ways to use them (or not at all). Then again, the Warlock's Cave once reach has always been (1) the only way to take action to get a talisman and (2) some very paltry costs and ways to do so.

Let's hope this small tendency towards optional play continues. But when cards are rewritten, there's nothing to be done about it. Everyone I've played with has had a love/hate relationship with the Raiders card. But it was always kept in. Some rousing play occurred when some hoarding character drew it. Then the race and brawl was on to get to that lost hoard. Such a shame to lose that when any group of players that disliked it could just remove that one card from the deck. No one is going to race and brawl to get to a few gold.

Thats what I always loved about raiders!

If you didn't like it you could take it out, better than mangling it.

And I'm waiting for upg. pack in my country...mayby in unlucky...;/

The only thing I'm mourning is the disconnect from the GW flavor.

What is the disconnect? I've only played the 3rd edition, but am vary familiar with GW flavour (Dungeonquest, AHQ, WFRP, etc). From looking at the previews of Talisman 4th I was hoping this held that baroque 80's style like early GW games and not have the cartoony flavour we see in Descent, Runebound, WoW, etc.

Jack Hooligan said:

The only thing I'm mourning is the disconnect from the GW flavor.

What is the disconnect? I've only played the 3rd edition, but am vary familiar with GW flavour (Dungeonquest, AHQ, WFRP, etc). From looking at the previews of Talisman 4th I was hoping this held that baroque 80's style like early GW games and not have the cartoony flavour we see in Descent, Runebound, WoW, etc.

Jack is absolutely right. The revised 4th edition sure does capture the old 80's "baroque" style from disconnect there. It does not, however, capture the more recent cartoon and WoW style of art like we saw on the 3rd edition. This is a VERY good thing IMO.

I'd bet that most folks excited about the revised 4th ed were quite familiar with the 1st/2nd edition of Talisman. That early art style was a key part of the old Talisman experience and I feel FFG has captured it nicely and brought it into the modern age as well.

I picked mine up last night. I haven't played it yet, but I organized everything in the box and skimmed through the cards and board. I'm super impressed so far. We are decorating our Christmas tree tonight, so we have family over. I'll be setting the game up to play with some Talisman virgins this afternoon. I can't wait!

Gentlegamer said:

Has anyone had the same issue with the storage tray (six of the slots have "ledges" that keep the cards from going all the way down)?

Those "6" slots are really meant to be 3. They are really 3 long troughs to put the red, blue, green cone counters in. The small cards go in an stacked face down orientation in the 2 small trays at the corner...the ones they were in when you opened the box. The two large trays at the bottom edge hold the character cards and the minis. The remaining tray holds the gold and fate chips. It took me a little to figure that out, but after setting it up this way it seems quite obvious.

Can anyone tell me if the Gold Coins in the FFG version are the same as the ones in the BI ones? I love how those BI coins clink, like a real metal coin would. It makes a big difference between whether I pick up the FFG version or the BI version with an upgrade kit. In fact, it is the deciding factor for me on which copies to get for gifts.

The coins in the revised edition are virtually the same, though they don't appear to have the "antiquing" that the BI ones did. They do have a nice plastic "clink" to them though.

not wanting to be negative but the new coins look like cheap ffakes of the old ones. Still nice but not the same quality. The dice are alos duller and not as classy. On a positive side, the cards seem a lot more sturdy and will probably last a lot longer


Those "6" slots are really meant to be 3. They are really 3 long troughs to put the red, blue, green cone counters in. The small cards go in an stacked face down orientation in the 2 small trays at the corner...the ones they were in when you opened the box. The two large trays at the bottom edge hold the character cards and the minis. The remaining tray holds the gold and fate chips. It took me a little to figure that out, but after setting it up this way it seems quite obvious.

John G has posted some pics over at BGG showing the trays and how they are intended to work, including some tantalisingly out of focus shots of Reaper cards...



Out of focus or not, but the name "Dark Cultist" is clearly visible on the character card once you download the pic and zoom in a little. So the girl is the Dark Cultist, just as I have forseen. Well,at least guessed :D

While it's nice to be getting new characters and other new stuff, I'd like at least the Dungeon and the City updated to 4th edition instead. These two expansions made Talisman for me.

I thank you for your time

Lord Gorthuar de Veris

Cult of Nagash

talismanisland said:

Those "6" slots are really meant to be 3. They are really 3 long troughs to put the red, blue, green cone counters in. The small cards go in an stacked face down orientation in the 2 small trays at the corner...the ones they were in when you opened the box. The two large trays at the bottom edge hold the character cards and the minis. The remaining tray holds the gold and fate chips. It took me a little to figure that out, but after setting it up this way it seems quite obvious.

John G has posted some pics over at BGG showing the trays and how they are intended to work, including some tantalisingly out of focus shots of Reaper cards...



Very cool. I did wonder about those slots, but of course now it all makes perfect sense. It doesn't feel like a quarter empty box waiting for a plug-in like it did when I first opened it.

Going to be playing tonight. A party of six. Looking forward to it.

Well, now I've played it, have to say I like what's changed and I love what's stayed the same. Played in a group of six and it took pretty much the entire evening, from about 8pm till 11pm (with the owner of the game winning!). Didn't mind the Fate system at all either. I can see that really being there for when the expansions kick in. Seemed to get through the cards very quickly with six people, so I'm also looking forward to hopefully more cards in the future. Great game.

Just for those who ordered from Games Paradise in Aus. I just rung them and they said that they are getting the shipment today, and they'll send them out tomorrow. So, he said we'll getting them over the working days next week or so.

He also said the Reaper will be on the next shipment. I think he said that will be in on the 5th of Jan. So, we'll get that a week after the 5th.

Note: They are also having a 15% off sale in January. If you ring them and tell him to hold it until January Delivery instead end of Dec. you'll get the 15% off., Well they did it for me happy.gif

Both Complete game and Repear for about $120.00AUD.

akuma508 said:

Just for those who ordered from Games Paradise in Aus. I just rung them and they said that they are getting the shipment today, and they'll send them out tomorrow. So, he said we'll getting them over the working days next week or so.

He also said the Reaper will be on the next shipment. I think he said that will be in on the 5th of Jan. So, we'll get that a week after the 5th.

Note: They are also having a 15% off sale in January. If you ring them and tell him to hold it until January Delivery instead end of Dec. you'll get the 15% off., Well they did it for me happy.gif

Both Complete game and Repear for about $120.00AUD.

They have it stock yesterday, but were playing to bundle them all with the Reaper. They'll also combine shipping and give you the discount too.

Anyone know how to get the promo cards for Gamesparadise? I keep getting the run around...

Merry Christmas