Hyped but Hesitant - Waiting for those tourney results

By lorddax, in Star Wars: Destiny

I think it will end up being a million legendaries in the top decks. I mean, Poe for instance runs a lot of legendaries, same with Vader. I belive that those decks will dominate, whoever puts most money into the game will win, just like any other ccg ever made in the world. I hope it's going to be different, but I am already so underwhelmed with the booster format that I am expecting the worst.

This game is really good, and I would recommend it to anyone, but I feel like it should definatly have been an LCG.

A complete deck is 30 cards + 1 battlefield + between 2 and 4 characters. So, a maximum deck size is 35 cards.

Doing the math and building solely to put the maximum number of legendaries in one deck, Villains can get 12 legendaries max and heroes can get 11 legendaries max. At absolute maximum, you can only get up to about a third of the deck currently, obviously with more sets this will increase (it probably won't be until set 3 that you can play a deck of exclusively legendaries).

This being said, currently, playing every available legendary doesn't necessarily synergize all that well together.

I think it will end up being a million legendaries in the top decks. I mean, Poe for instance runs a lot of legendaries, same with Vader. I belive that those decks will dominate, whoever puts most money into the game will win, just like any other ccg ever made in the world. I hope it's going to be different, but I am already so underwhelmed with the booster format that I am expecting the worst.

This game is really good, and I would recommend it to anyone, but I feel like it should definatly have been an LCG.

No it won't. We are already seeing quite a few top decks that don't have any legendary cards at all, or just one or two. Poe is the exception but he's not dominating either.

Name 1

I can do better than that. eVeers/eJango, eGrievous/Dooku, eKylo/eJango, 2x Stormtrooper/Nightsister/Bala-Tik... these are four competitive villain decks with no legendary characters; and the only rare character not represented here is the Tusken Raider. You have ranged aggro, melee aggro, a mixed damage midgame deck, and an attrition deck. Every possible color combination is represented here. Some of these decks benefit from legendary upgrades, but none of them require legendary upgrades to do well. There are many variations to these decks (eJango/2x Stormtrooper, eGrievous/Kylo) as well. I haven't even touched heroes yet -- Qui-gon based decks seem quite promising, and the most powerful mill deck makes use of only rare characters (Padme, Ackbar, Rey).

Legendary characters are popular now, because they're typically some of the more major Star Wars characters... they're also a bit more prestigious, since folks have limited collections and are eager to show off their coolest toys. When folks turn their eye toward making the strongest deck possible, I would not be surprised to see some Rare-only contenders there.

So wait you want him to name other good decks but you get by with just saying Poe and Vader run a lot of legendary cards and will dominate with absolute no argument to back up that statement. Beyond your misguided the most expensive decks alway's are best in a CCG argument.

I call it as I see it. MTG is a buy in game, Deciphers SW was a buy in game and the list goes on. I don't mean to be rude, I'm just saying that I think this game will be the same. But as I said, I hope not.

I play Han/Rey, and I am happy with it, I just don't think it's as good as more expensive decks. But well see.

Seeing as the game's Lead Designer has stated, the complete set is design first, then rarity is set. The rarity for Legendary and Uncommon is chosen on the conplexity of the cards. Thus, keeping the entry level easier for players. I don't forsee a decks built will all legendaries. It just wouldn't make sense.

Edited by mekros41

Seeing as the game's Lead Designer has stated, the complete set is design first, then rarity is set. The rarity for Legendary and Uncommon is chosen on the conplexity of the cards. Thus, keeping the entry level easier for players. I don't forsee a decks built will all legendaries. It just wouldn't make sense.

I tried a general veirs deck with aa much resource generation as I could get it and I think I am going to drop out my only legendary cards AT-ST as I just can't consistently play the card, while my tie special forces consistently did work for me.

Edited by Icelom

So wait you want him to name other good decks but you get by with just saying Poe and Vader run a lot of legendary cards and will dominate with absolute no argument to back up that statement. Beyond your misguided the most expensive decks alway's are best in a CCG argument.

I call it as I see it. MTG is a buy in game, Deciphers SW was a buy in game and the list goes on. I don't mean to be rude, I'm just saying that I think this game will be the same. But as I said, I hope not.

I play Han/Rey, and I am happy with it, I just don't think it's as good as more expensive decks. But well see.

Then it's your meta or you haven't seen much. I can tell you eVeers/EJango won the last tournament I was just in and all he ran for legendaries was Commanding Pressence (that's what, $5-$10 right now?) and 2nd place was eJabba/eDooku and no legendaries in the actual deck, just the eJabbas. So it's not hard to make super great decks right now for around $50-$100 if you just bought the cards. Buying a box or two and trading will net you a great value in the end.

Now if you want to run what I did with eVader/Nightsis (or even the popular eVader/Tusken) then you're looking at 2 Vaders, 2 Force Chokes, and 2 Kylos Sabers. That right there will probably run you about $200 or just lucky in draws/trades before talking about Holocrons/ForceThrows/MindProbes/etc. It's probably the most expensive deck out there, but that's MAINLY because of Vader. You could run the same with 1 more Nightsis if you did the eKylo (13+8=21) and $80-$100 cheaper and that could be more powerful b/c you're adding a 3rd toon (13 hps vs 18 hps) and adding 1 more auto dice.


We haven't seen nothing yet. This is just the core/beginning set. With new sets new strats will be found and built into decks. If the game becomes a point where people don't like to compete because they don't like to spend then its not the games fault. Cards are made to become all powerful and useful. I remember when star wars CCG was out by decipher. Everybody wanted vader and then another set came out and people wanted those characters to compete with the vader decks. Then the outer rim scouts and Jedi training deck dominated the tourney field.

All card games have it powerful cards for powerful decks. Just have to hope your die roll is good in this game.

Edited by bravo29

Have we started tracking or posting results anywhere? Im interested in winning deck list and seeing what the first wave is looking like. From the lively discussion you guys are having it doesnt sound like there are cards that must be in every deck unless you dont want to break into the top 8.

I was in a small (14 person) tournament on Sunday. The winner ran eJango/2 Storm Trooper (as did two other people). Second was eKylo/Tuskan/Storm Trooper. Third was eLuke/Rey and fourth was eFinn/Poe. My deck, which finished fifth, was Quigon/Rey/Padawan. Don't know if this proves or disproves anything, but thought I would offer up the information.

We did a very smail local tournament too. Results were:

1. eJango/2x Strom Trooper

2. eLuke/Padme

3. Han/eRay

eJango/2xStormies is such an amazing deck.

Well, using proxy cards since actual product is so hard to get, we've seen:

Vader decks heavy in Force Chokes, Sith Holocrons, and Ren Lightsabers seem pretty much the brutal best and have won about everything.

Thing is, in the 'real world' I think most people don't yet have nearly all the cards needed to make such a list work yet. Kinda like when Imperial Assault came out, most people hadn't yet bough four Core Sets to make Imp Off + Royal Guard work. Or when X-Wing first came out, most people didn't own 7-8 TIEs to make the TIE Swarm really shine.

As someone completely lost deck building, do you guys mind listing some of the key cards in the decks you are mentioning....

For example, eJango, 2 storm: what cards are key?

eVeers/eJango: i assume a lot of guns, what are some of the reasons to play these 2?

I own these cards, but no direction for trading/building a deck.


One thing I've found so far is that you are looking for between 7-14 cards that give you dice in your deck, and then a distribution of resource costs along that curve. You'll want more 0-2 then 3-5 since you know you'll get 2 resources a turn.. Too many dice cards and you won't have enough event cards to deal with the battle.

As someone completely lost deck building, do you guys mind listing some of the key cards in the decks you are mentioning....

For example, eJango, 2 storm: what cards are key?

eVeers/eJango: i assume a lot of guns, what are some of the reasons to play these 2?

I own these cards, but no direction for trading/building a deck.


Jango likes 2x holdout blaster, 2 x jetpack. 2 the best defence, drudge work, the one that brings back a trooper, on the hunt, he doesn't like you, flamethrowers and the F-11 rifle. Really just all the good control and aggro cards for red and yellow.

too early to tell if there are stand out decks that can rise above the static. one thing i love about this game is how important the actual play and timing of your cards and dice during a round is. right now everything feels playable and not playable at the same time.

I would add eJango with eVeers can be devastating without any legendary.

Did take second at the 19 player event we had last week. First did have Black One, the least expensive legendary, so I guess that's a tally in the need more Legendary cards to win category.

Though I'd say Veers Jango would probably run at least 1 ATST and/or Thermal Detonator. I don't think you need to, but if you had it you would.

I disagree, I played a bit with a Veers/Jango deck and I definetly wouldn't add those to it. The point of the deck is pure aggro without any flashy bits, just play weapon upgrades, roll dice, resolve damage sides, rinse and repeat until opposing dudes are dead. ATST is too costly and too slow for that kind of play and Thermal Detonator too inefficient and unreliable with its damage.

Edited by Don_Silvarro
Though I'd say Veers Jango would probably run at least 1 ATST and/or Thermal Detonator. I don't think you need to, but if you had it you would.

I disagree, I played a bit with a Veers/Jango deck and I definetly wouldn't add those to it. The point of the deck is pure aggro without any flashy bits, just play weapon upgrades, roll dice, resolve damage sides, rinse and repeat until opposing dudes are dead. ATST is too costly and too slow for that kind of play and Thermal Detonator too inefficient and unreliable with its damage.

This is my impression as well, which makes the deck an even better contender for "Rare only." Commanding Presence might be the only Legendary card I'd like to see in that deck, and even then I think it's completely unessential... just stack blasters, roll dice, and win.

I would add eJango with eVeers can be devastating without any legendary.

Did take second at the 19 player event we had last week. First did have Black One, the least expensive legendary, so I guess that's a tally in the need more Legendary cards to win category.

Though I'd say Veers Jango would probably run at least 1 ATST and/or Thermal Detonator. I don't think you need to, but if you had it you would.

I disagree, I played a bit with a Veers/Jango deck and I definetly wouldn't add those to it. The point of the deck is pure aggro without any flashy bits, just play weapon upgrades, roll dice, resolve damage sides, rinse and repeat until opposing dudes are dead. ATST is too costly and too slow for that kind of play and Thermal Detonator too inefficient and unreliable with its damage.

I agree with this pulled my AT-ST out as it was only good for discarding.

I would add eJango with eVeers can be devastating without any legendary.

Did take second at the 19 player event we had last week. First did have Black One, the least expensive legendary, so I guess that's a tally in the need more Legendary cards to win category.

Though I'd say Veers Jango would probably run at least 1 ATST and/or Thermal Detonator. I don't think you need to, but if you had it you would.

I disagree, I played a bit with a Veers/Jango deck and I definetly wouldn't add those to it. The point of the deck is pure aggro without any flashy bits, just play weapon upgrades, roll dice, resolve damage sides, rinse and repeat until opposing dudes are dead. ATST is too costly and too slow for that kind of play and Thermal Detonator too inefficient and unreliable with its damage.

I agree with this pulled my AT-ST out as it was only good for discarding.

It's also good for killing with Cunning :-)