Storm Trooper Deck?

By heychadwick, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hi All,

I'm pretty darn new at this game and not played very many at all. I've been looking through the cards and I have talked to a friend or two. I've also tried searching on the interwebs to try to find anything of the sort, but couldn't find anything.

Has anyone tried or thought of a Storm Trooper deck? You can get four of them in one list. From there, you can load up with Holdout Pistols, Sniper Rifles, and Blaster Rifles. There are also a few cool cards like Sweep the Area. There is plenty of room for a couple of Grenades and some other upgrade items. Tie Fighters anyone? Maybe even an AT-ST?

There are plenty of Support cards, as well. Isn't one Depot?

There are two battlefields that I'm thinking of: Death Star Weapons Room (or whatever) and Jakku for the ability to put things back into play.

I originally thought that I could do it all with Red Only cards, but I might need some Yellow to get some more resources in there to deploy all the toys.

Does this sound reasonable? Yes, the lone Trooper isn't much, but if you upgrade them with a bunch of equipment, You can get them a lot of dice. Anyone try it? Any advice? Go all Red? Or throw in a few Yellow cards for cash?

I'd love any feedback, even if it's to dash my dreams.

Squad tactics support would be exellent for this, allowing you to activate all 4 troopers in 1 action

Squad tactics support would be exellent for this, allowing you to activate all 4 troopers in 1 action

Sadly you can only have two of these cards.

This is why Cpt. 2x Phasma is a better choice than 2 more Storm Troopers. I personally like to run 2x Phasma with 1x Storm Trooper and 1x Nightsister. Now that I have access to blue cards, I can also bring in Power of the Dark Side! Also, Nightsister's ability is even better than Guardian at times.

Swap one out for a Night Sister, take two copies of Power of the Dark Side.

I only have 2 troopers so far. But when I get up to 4 I'll be making one. With 4 characters and supports keep in mind you will never be claiming the battlefield. But I think it'll be a blast to play!

Sweep the area would also be hilarious

"Count the number of ready Red characters you have. Reroll that many of an opponent's dice" 0 resource cost

Note that to add yellow cards to your deck you will need to have a yellow character in your starting lineup - 3 Stormtroopers and a Tuskan Raider is 30points so you are good there.

The main issue with this type of deck is simply the number of actions required to get your dice in play. It is not an insurmountable problem by any means, as other have said Squad Tactics is a must have in this deck.


I've been running 3x Stormtrooper + 1x Tusken Raider and it's pretty extraordinary.

Squad Tactics is nuts, easily the best card in the deck as others have noted, but the yellow for Backup Muscle is huge. The ability to close out one or more kills without needing to touch your dice (and bypassing shields) can be all the difference when you're trying to end the game with a few actions.

I would recommend watching last nights Sling paint games where Nyms played 4 trooper deck

and the rematch

this build has some strengths but has a lot more weakness then a mixed colour deck - lots of blank results

Thanks for the link. The Sling Paint guys are local. Joe said he was trying the list last night. I was meaning to look it up.

Edited by heychadwick

Been wondering the same thing myself Jim, just recently got into this as well and after starters and a gravity feed I have 3 troopers. Would love a swarm weenie deck but I am afraid spike damage is too high. 7 hp's even with shields won't cut the mustard against some of these crazy beefed attacks. Not to mention unblockable damage doesn't need to hit too often. Hope future sets make weenies a thing without breaking the game.

Edited by LordFajubi

double post

Edited by LordFajubi

Watch out for Thermal Detonators and Grenades......I have had good success with 3x FO Troopers and 1x Nightsister (for PoDS). Sweep the Area, Squad Tactics, and Endless Ranks are your staples. Go light on upgrades and save money for Endless Ranks. Smart players know its coming so they will disrupt like crazy.

Watch out for Thermal Detonators and Grenades......I have had good success with 3x FO Troopers and 1x Nightsister (for PoDS). Sweep the Area, Squad Tactics, and Endless Ranks are your staples. Go light on upgrades and save money for Endless Ranks. Smart players know its coming so they will disrupt like crazy.

Thermal Detonator is half the reason to bring a Tusken to this party.

Trooper/Trooper/Tusken/Sister can bring Squad Tactics, Power of the Dark Side AND Cunning to the table.

Watch out for Thermal Detonators and Grenades......I have had good success with 3x FO Troopers and 1x Nightsister (for PoDS). Sweep the Area, Squad Tactics, and Endless Ranks are your staples. Go light on upgrades and save money for Endless Ranks. Smart players know its coming so they will disrupt like crazy.

Thermal Detonator is half the reason to bring a Tusken to this party.

Trooper/Trooper/Tusken/Sister can bring Squad Tactics, Power of the Dark Side AND Cunning to the table.

...but is 31 points. /illegalbuzzer

Bala-Tik, Nightsister, 2 x FO Stormtroopers = All in one fun deck. (<---opinion)

Bala-Tik, Nightsister, 2 x FO Stormtroopers = All in one fun deck. (<---opinion)

I second this, then you get to include anything you want in the deck.

Watch out for Thermal Detonators and Grenades......I have had good success with 3x FO Troopers and 1x Nightsister (for PoDS). Sweep the Area, Squad Tactics, and Endless Ranks are your staples. Go light on upgrades and save money for Endless Ranks. Smart players know its coming so they will disrupt like crazy.

Thermal Detonator is half the reason to bring a Tusken to this party.

Trooper/Trooper/Tusken/Sister can bring Squad Tactics, Power of the Dark Side AND Cunning to the table.

...but is 31 points. /illegalbuzzer

Derp. You're right. Bala it is.

(Joke's on them, I LOVE Bala Tik!)

In my personal opinion, I really don't think you throw in Cunning into a Trooper deck just because it's Cunning. You have no specials on the table, so its power is completely dependent on you getting other cards into play first, and even then, what are you really doing with it? Also, Bala is unique, so Tactical Mastery + Squad Tactics + shoot something won't work as well.

Here's my current Trooper deck

1-2x Nightsister

2-3x First Order Stormtrooper

Starship Graveyard

2x Data Pad

2x DH-17 Blaster Pistol

2x F11-D Rifle

2x Holdout Blaster

2x Infantry Grenades

2x Promotion

2x Drudge Work

2x Power of the Dark Side

2x Cannon Fodder

1x Endless Ranks

2x Flank

2x Logistics

2x Squad Tactics

2x Sweep the Area

1x Tactical Mastery

2x The Best Defense...

I wouldn't mind finding room for a 2nd Tactical Mastery. Also, Drudge Work and Logistics is a must, all those upgrades cost money; I usually have the Sister exhaust for Drudge, to represent how much she hates babysitting 3 Troopers. Redeploy is your friend, especially if you're killing off Troopers with Cards like The Best Defense... and Cannon Fodder. Promotion isn't very good and it'll be the first thing to go once better cards come out.

You'll lose to Thermal Detonator, though.

Edited by chiller087

That's the reason you take Cunning.

Not because you have any great specials, but as a direct counter to the hardest counter to your deck concept; Thermal Detonator.

It does slow you down by one action even using Squad Tactics, but that's not too bad for the benefit IMO.