Good resource cost total for a deck

By AgentV, in Star Wars: Destiny

I was wondering what a good total cost for cards in a deck is. Usually mine total up to low-mid 40's featuring a lot of 1's a few 0's and 2's, with the odd 3 and around 4 cards costing 4+ per deck. Anyone else have an opinion on what the 'ideal' place is for demanding resources?

In my opinion, I don't think total resource costs matter too much but more of the breakdown of each card. This will probably be based on what your deck is doing (fast aggro, control, etc.). If I want to play the long game, I may have some higher cost cards but will require low cost cards to either ramp resources or defend. Again, just my thought.

How much resources you can spend is related to how much you make, I don't think there is a good answer to your question because each deck will be different on its resource gain.

Also you may not plan to get out every high cost card. But just garenty access to one and use any others as discards in the future, since cards have an intrinsic value as discards there really is no such thing as a dead card in your hand.

I think the question needs to be "if I want to reliably be able to drop a 4 cost card what kind of resource generation do I need?"