As I play more, I tend to brainstorm on new things that future sets might include. Here are some things I could see them doing with cards/dice.
- Dice with resource costs of greater than one - Perhaps two resource crates printed in yellow as opposed to just one?
- A Character with shield capacity greater than 3.
- A Character who can equip more than 3 upgrades. - And/or -
- An Upgrade that doesn't count against the upgrade limit.
- Event cards that give a nice boost if a character has SPECIFIC weapons - Spot a character with TWO Lightsaber Weapons to resolve all of their dice and then immediately ready that character. While it might seem like common sense which weapons are lightsabers, it might not always be clear in the future as to which ranged weapons count as blasters, blaster rifles, heavy blaster rifles, etc, in the absence of keywords, this mechanic might work better if you simply refer to it being a melee or ranged weapon (or both if it's die has both symbols).
- Battlefields that HURT you when you claim them - punishing you for going first.
- A 7 point Hero character. I mean come on - please?
- 30 point characters - The Emperor or Yoda? a 3 Die version for 30 points?
Just some thoughts on things they may do. Anxious to see an expansion already rofl!