Just curious what colour people are using for their heroes and allys? I would prefer to do the custom bases but I haven't had a chance to find any at a decent shipping price to Canada yet.. so for now I just want to slap some paint on there. Is there a color that matches the gold from before?
What color is your heroes base?
I paint them black except for the edge. I paint it red for elite and blue plus green for regular if more than two. You can paint them how ever you see fit. Sorastro paints his a light grey color and does red on the edge for elite figures.As far as the unique figures they are just black all the way around the base.
Edited by supersayianI do my hero bases in Citadel's Retributor Armor. They deserve the gold finish.
Mine are all just black. I color the edges if it's a non-unique and they're elite or I have so many copies of the figures I need to differentiate them.
Standard grey until I decide to rebase them on custom ones.
Black for uniques, if differentiating units I have lots of I normally use red, blue, black, then purple, and match the colour with a sticker on the deployment card
I use different colored bases for the different factions (Citadel Mechanicus Standard Grey for Empire, Vallejo Game Color Leather Brown for Mercenaries, and Vallejo Model Color Sky Grey for Rebels). For uniques I paint the rim of the base the same color as the top. For generics, I paint the rims one of the six primary and secondary colors to distinguish groups.
Edit: If I had it to do over again, I'd change the faction colors to something along the lines of VMC German Grey for Empire, Citadel Dawnstone for Mercenaries, and VMC Sky Grey for Rebels.
Edited by LevetonI treat the bases with wood glue and sand (and sometimes more elaborately with small rocks and moss), then wash/paint them with diluted paint. I don't paint the rims, it looks messy to me (and they rub out),
Rebel Heroes: grey
Rebel Allies: red (uniques), sand, green (Wookiee Warriors), white (Echo Base Troopers, Leia)
Imperial groups: red (elite, unique), grey, sand/beige, white (Probe Droid, alternate Stormtrooper group, others from Hoth)
Mercenaries: red (elite, unique), green-gray, white (Wampas, others from Hoth)
Bespin Gambit: pastel cyan, pastel pink, red
For Rebels I use a sort of bronze that's sort of similar to the light brown color that the figures are without any paint.
With heroes I paint the whole base with the bronze color:
And for other units I paint the rim with the squad's color. Or red for elites:
The bronze color is roughly a 50/50 mix of Balthasar Gold and Ironbreaker.
Awesome I really like that bronze. Do you water down your paints to do the base? I have tried both watering and not and I find it hard to get it to look consistently good without brush strokes showing up.
I do thin the mix. I usually paint the bases so that I paint with strokes going one way and then once it has dried a bit, paint another layer in 90 degree angle to the previous one. It helps blend the layers. I paint the base by doing one layer on the base, then the rim, then the base, the rim etc. until the paint looks solid enough. It usually takes 3-4 layers.
With Bossk I tried some Castellan Green (I think) and some silver to get a metallic greenish look the base but it didn't turn out so well:
Older scum I've painted the base with Mechanicus Standard Gray. Same as Imperials. I was thinking about going dark silver for the Imperials to keep the metallic base theme stronger but then I'd have to repaint a whole lot of bases.
I started with Sorastro's guides so all my imperials are mechanicus standard grey. When it came time to do the rebels I didn't want to go through the trouble of rebasing them but I wanted them to be distinct from the imps so I tried a few colours and found that straight Karak Stone is a pretty close match for the unpainted rebel figures. I like that it's close to the unpainted colour so that when I play with a mix of my painted/unpainted figures there's still a consistency to each side.
A light blue-ish/gray from GW then the edge is trimmed according to eliteness(I guess), a trick I picked up here on the forums actually when I got the game and started painting.
Red for elites and heroes, including uniques.
Gray and blue for generic groups.