Mono-Blue Hero Deck

By Ryertangent, in Star Wars: Destiny

I have been considering a blue hero deck, which includes eQui-Gon and eRey. I have been messing with the point totals and in most of my play testing rey seems solid yet I have a regular luke. which I am considering swapping out with rey, however lukes die just doesnt seem that good? Has anyone had luck with luke yet?

Well first of all eQui-Gon with Luke would be 32 points.

Running Qui-Gon with Luke both with one dice seems in advisable - two starting dice is just too few.

As for Luke's die it is the same as Vader's with the 1 disrupt replaces with a 1 Focus. Many would rate focus above disrupt.

That would be correct I did mean to say reg Jin and luke, I do however think maybe I just never roll damage on luke lol (go figure) I wonder if it would be worth running Luke and eRey? Seems more aggro, since I dont have a padawan.

Slightly off topic but I've been running eGrievous and am constantly surprised at how many resources I can generate and how little damage I can do.

The points would tend to agree that Luke eRey would be the better combo.


I can see Ray/eLuke. People with inherently go after Luke (because ain't nobody got time for that) which gives you opportunity to build up Rey and use her ability. So if they go after Rey then great! You have full health elite Luke to use for end game and Luke straight cuts people down.

Slightly off topic but I've been running eGrievous and am constantly surprised at how many resources I can generate and how little damage I can do.

The points would tend to agree that Luke eRey would be the better combo.


It was funny I played against someone running Han/Luke just because thats what he had and rolled damage on luke once, he was god rolling with han all game but 1 damage roll on luke XD

I wonder if eLuke, Rey would be able to compete against other aggro decks. Or if eLuke/padme or ackbar is still the way to go.

Edited by Ryertangent

eLuke and Rey would be a very fun Mono Blue deck. I find Rey a much better support character as her dice are more suited to compliment other melee driven dice. While QGJ has a nifty trick, Luke has better dice, more health, and drawing an additional card is nice too.

My only concern with QGJ is the fact that his 1s for 1d can be countered by dooku for example and your spending 1 shield for 0 damage. However I do love his mechanic lol

I don't know why people want to hate on Luke. Luke rolls basically the same thing as Vader (only difference is 2 disrupt for 1 focus). Now ability wise, yes Vader is better IMO, but Luke is really good. I think sticking either Rey or Padawan (Padawan has better dmg than support of Rey) is a good all blue hero deck. Lightsabers, Force Throws, Force Training, Force Protection, lots of good things to keep them alive.

I think eJinn and eRey is a very good deck. I played against one last night for the first time and it beat my deck. #1 I rolled crappy with dice which will get you every time anyways and #2 I focused on Rey (since she's only at 9 health) than Jinn and he rolled really good and basically finished off my guy after I got Rey. So they won that 1 for 1 battle.


I made a Luke/ERey deck. (I only have 1 luke). It was decent. People went after Rey first, I use her ability early game, before she dies I get One with the force on her, and any redeploy I can. I agree that Eluke/rey would be better, but if you don't have the cards, you don't have the cards. If you want to play Qui-gon though, i'd use Erey over luke.

I currently only have 1 copy of luke, so I may have to play test Luke, eRey and see how it works for now, but I really wish I had his saber as well lol

My only concern with QGJ is the fact that his 1s for 1d can be countered by dooku for example and your spending 1 shield for 0 damage. However I do love his mechanic lol

I run a Qui-Gon deck and I'm very happy to always let Dooku use his ability to stop my constant plinking costs him a card to do so which means that is 1 less card his has available to play, to re-roll dice with, etc....

My only concern with QGJ is the fact that his 1s for 1d can be countered by dooku for example and your spending 1 shield for 0 damage. However I do love his mechanic lol

I run a Qui-Gon deck and I'm very happy to always let Dooku use his ability to stop my constant plinking costs him a card to do so which means that is 1 less card his has available to play, to re-roll dice with, etc....

Which is why I love QGJ with Amidala! The two of them are designed to out last their opponent. Mill, baby, mill!

My only concern with QGJ is the fact that his 1s for 1d can be countered by dooku for example and your spending 1 shield for 0 damage. However I do love his mechanic lol

I think most savvy opponents would just attack QGJ to strip his shields. That counters him pretty well, too. If he doesn't have shields, he can't discard one to deal damage. If I see QGJ hit the table, I mentally paint a huge target on him and start burning him down.

I've been playing QGJ/Rey/Padawan and it's been working well. Each Character is pretty scary in their own right and the shielding mechanics make it irritating to focus on any of them.

Give the Padawan a Lightsaber for 2 and she's pretty scary. Give Rey a whole bunch of upgrades and she's a beast. QGJ works well as an enabler and another platform to spread out the upgrade love a bit. With very little setup it's not too bad taking on most lists, even if you lose a character throughout the game.

I've been running a eQGG/eRey deck and it's pretty tight. QGs ability is great but it's more a way to force the opponent to concentrate on him to strip the shields so you can build Rey into a tank.