Question to rule - Kylo dmg

By Junona69, in Star Wars: Destiny

I have a question. Today i played on tabletop simulator and my opponent told me that kylo deal unblocakble dmg. It was my second game but i doesnt know abot that rule. Is that true. Is there any place i could find the information about that?

Kylo does not deal unblockable damage. Only abilities that say unblockable are unblockable. The text of Kylo's special ability from his card is: Choose an opponent's character. Then look at a random card in that opponent's hand and deal damage to that character equal to the cost of the card you just looked at.


It is known

And this is why I don't like using programs like TTS and Octgn....too many players dont know the rules and then they often rage quit when you try and correct them....

And this is why I don't like using programs like TTS and Octgn....too many players dont know the rules and then they often rage quit when you try and correct them....

Amen, brother.

Characters or Events that deal unblockable damage will always state on the card if the damage is 'unblockable' or 'ignore shields' :)