By Veritas85, in Star Wars: Destiny

Could someone tell me, how following situation is solved correctly?

I did want to use the Special abbility of force throw on the enemies LAUNCH BAY die...

With what value is the X of launch bay-die resolved? 0, my handcard-amount or enemies amount of handcards as he is owner of launch bay?!

FORCE THROW: Remove a die to deal a character damage equal to the value showing on that die (specials and blanks are zeroes.)

LAUNCH BAY: The X on this card is equal to the number of cards in your hand.

Edited by Veritas85

Amount of cards in your opponent's hand

I can see arguments both ways.

Rules as written (raw), you should refer to you the player. That leads to fun event where your opponent can have more damage thrown back at them then they can do or vice versa

Rules as intended (rai), the point of launch Bay is that it gets more powerful for the player based on the handsize. Launchbays you refers to the owner and therefore that's always the value.


If left unchecked I would probably play as written. Launch bays value from when rolled to when played can change.

But I don't really know.

Launch bay is always its owner's handsize. There is no need to dereference the X from that regardless of who's having an effect on the die.

The value doesn't change based on what's interacting with the die. Control of the die or upgrade isn't changing.

There is no grounds to believe that Force Throw removing your opponents Launch Bay due would change the value on it from the number of cards in their hand to the number of cards in your hand.

Edited by ScottieATF

Launch bay is always its owner's handsize. There is no need to dereference the X from that regardless of who's having an effect on the die.

Where does it say that though? All I can find is the word "you" on the card. Nothing else.

Launch bay is always its owner's handsize. There is no need to dereference the X from that regardless of who's having an effect on the die.

Minor correction: It's the controller's hand size, not the owner. Owner doesn't change, but controller might. "You" refers to the controller.

But no, there doesn't seem to be anywhere in the rules that formally defines "you".

Yep Launch Bay references the number of cards in hand of the owner/controller of the die, and currently I do not believe that any effects in game actually allow you to take control of an opponent die (correct me If I'm wrong).

Force throw simply lets you remove a die for the die pool, (yours or your opponents) and sometimes it does damage, I have used it several times as a defensive move to remove an opponent's die showing a special that would wreck me, I didn’t deal any damage but I controlled his die before it could harm me.

I do not believe that any effects in game actually allow you to take control of an opponent die (correct me If I'm wrong).

General grievous takes an upgrade weapon so control shifts

Edited by john_nld

You are removing the die and doing that dies value. The value of that die is the owners hand size.

You are not resolving the die, so anything but what I already stated doesn't matter.

One could argue that since Force Throw clearly states value showing on that die, it doesnt matter what the card say. And that would go with the "specials doesnt count rule" on the force throw card. Do you really have any claim for the X being counted as a number in the rules or a faq anywhere? I cant find anything that support this idea. Except for the text on the launch bay card that is not actually showing on the die itself.