I think I figured out a way to draft this game.

By AutoEroticForceChoke, in Star Wars: Destiny

Ok, we all gather for the event. we put an amount of tokens in a bag = to the number of players, half Hero, half Villain. Everyone pulls a token. We then seat them in a pod of 6 players Max. They alternate in seating from Hero to Villain.

You then open 3 packs. Draft one, pass the rest until the 15 cards have been drafted. Do it again to the opposite direction with another 3 packs. Hero would normally draft mostly hero/neutral and Villain would normally draft mostly villain/neutral. Some hate drafting/rare drafting is to be expected.

After you have drafted, you get to augment your team with characters up to a point value of 20. ie. if you didn't draft any characters, you have 20 points for characters of your own. If you did draft character(s), you have additional characters you can add but you are still limited to a point total of 30. Your deck has to be 20 cards minimum, 30 max. 20/30 cards you drafted should be playable unless you drafted horribly. I mean, 10 cards for rare/hate drafting is plenty.

You still have to follow the color rules, so pick according to that.

You are not bound by the 2 card limit in draft.

Everything else is normal.


What stops people from on purpose not drafting a character as they can line up the 2 or 3 they already have. Now they have an advantage over others who drafted crappy characters or who don't own a character to match the cards they drafted. Also the new player that has next to nothing.

Plus that is one expensive draft cost. $18 dollars a draft ($3 a pack 6 packs) plus prize money needs to be added.

friendly sure...competitive might not fly.

I prefer giving players full access to Starter Characters - so even if they draft ZERO characters, they are STILL going to be competitive.

Each participant comes to the draft with:

4 Boosters

2 Rey, 2 Finn, 2 Kylo, and 2 Separate 1st Order Stormtroopers.

So at a minimum you could field Kylo +2 Stormtroopers, or eRey +eFinn.

(And if you happen to draft another Stormtrooper you have the option of a swarm type deck).

2 Rounds of drafting, each player opens TWO boosters at once, putting all dice into a bag in the center of the table. Take one card, pass right. At the end, grab all dice that go to your drafted cards.

Edited by Crabbok

I wonder how long OP will get to keep his name for.

What stops people from on purpose not drafting a character as they can line up the 2 or 3 they already have. Now they have an advantage over others who drafted crappy characters or who don't own a character to match the cards they drafted. Also the new player that has next to nothing.

Plus that is one expensive draft cost. $18 dollars a draft ($3 a pack 6 packs) plus prize money needs to be added.

friendly sure...competitive might not fly.

My shop would do $20 for the entire draft. Also, it's not an advantage to not draft characters. If you don't draft characters, you get 20 points worth of Characters to bring. If you do draft characters, you can use those characters PLUS up to 20 points (not to exceed the 30 cap.) Draft a Vader? Ok, you can bring 14 more points worth of characters. Didn't get any characters out of 6 packs and draft passing (unlikely, but possible.) You can still bring 20 points worth of characters. If you are a new player with next to nothing, not even a starter, then maybe a draft isn't for you just yet. Same with any other card game. Draft is not a good way to get into the game, but it is a good way to add to a collection. Also, if they don't own a character to match the cards they drafted... well, maybe they should draft for the characters they do have?

I drink draft when I pls this game. Is that drafting a game?

Drafts should not be complicated or involve too many steps. Currently, I only see one fair way to draft for this game... and it's not really drafting. You bring both current starter sets with you and purchase 5 boosters. From these cards you make a legal 30 point deck following all the rules. Before play begins, trading will be encouraged among players.

Destiny IS NOT MTG or Dice Masters. The game has a unique feel to it. IF this game is going to have a way of playing it other than a constructed deck, it should capture the uniqueness of this game and find a new way to play a CCG (rather than just tread the same old path that other games are already doing very well).

Drafts should not be complicated or involve too many steps. Currently, I only see one fair way to draft for this game... and it's not really drafting. You bring both current starter sets with you and purchase 5 boosters. From these cards you make a legal 30 point deck following all the rules. Before play begins, trading will be encouraged among players.

Destiny IS NOT MTG or Dice Masters. The game has a unique feel to it. IF this game is going to have a way of playing it other than a constructed deck, it should capture the uniqueness of this game and find a new way to play a CCG (rather than just tread the same old path that other games are already doing very well).

I don't know anyone that has bought a starter and hasn't mixed the cards to build other decks.

Drafts should not be complicated or involve too many steps. Currently, I only see one fair way to draft for this game... and it's not really drafting. You bring both current starter sets with you and purchase 5 boosters. From these cards you make a legal 30 point deck following all the rules. Before play begins, trading will be encouraged among players.

Destiny IS NOT MTG or Dice Masters. The game has a unique feel to it. IF this game is going to have a way of playing it other than a constructed deck, it should capture the uniqueness of this game and find a new way to play a CCG (rather than just tread the same old path that other games are already doing very well).

I don't know anyone that has bought a starter and hasn't mixed the cards to build other decks.

You may have to unlearn what you have learned...

In all seriousness. We have the list and we know what cards came in those starters. Alternatively, they could sell Draft starter and booster sets as they do with Netrunner. I don't think this is really necessary.

Alternatively, they could sell Draft starter and booster sets as they do with Netrunner. I don't think this is really necessary.

I think just a draft starter would do it, a $15-20 pack of fixed cards & dice, maybe with one copy of each non-unique character. They could even have "DRAFT ONLY" characters that bucked the norm but made draft easier, like a Hero Red- and- Yellow Lando or Neutral (Gray) characters. Gray characters would let you fill to 30 pts, but not allow any additional colors in your deck (besides what your normal characters allow).

Edited by jme

I like 20 point/20 card decks for draft. A simple workaround for character drafting is to allow a player to include one of each generic character in his deck (Tusken Raider, Stormtrooper, Nightsister for Villains; Hired Gun, Padawan, and Rebel Trooper for Heroes). So you have the basic chump characters you need to make any deck playable, and allow every player access to all three colors. They can then draft with that in mind, and if they happen to get better characters in a booster they could use those instead. Requires folks to be able to bring their own generic characters, or for the generics to be provided for them.

I would very much like draft to be a viable option for this game as it keeps interest in the game and sells packs, which in turn keeps the game being made.

Having said that as the game relies so heavily on rares (or more specifically dice) that its hard to have a limited format that doesn’t cost the earth. As it is the base decks come with 3 character die and 6 upgrade/support die and sometimes you just can't draw those support cards often enough with 6 out of 20 card being your target cards.

Going into a draft with 6 boosters there's a better than good chance that 1 or more of those packs will have characters in them, potentially further reducing the number of dice cards your deck will have.

I would say that basically the only way this would ever work would also require all deck building and play restrictions to be removed otherwise you probably won't be able to get 20 cards out of a possible 30 to actually be a legitimate deck.

Cube drafting for this game will be a blast, but normal drafting sells boosters, which keeps the game going. Under the current model of deck necessities to function (rares and dice) I just can't see a viable sealed product draft format being financially viable.

Sure you could draft with 10 -12 packs and make viable decks but not many players can afford $30-$40 for a draft.

Edited by Mace Windu

Why not simply have 6 players buy a box between them. That way there is 6 legendaries to go around.

Get everyone to roll a d20 or something to determine pick order. Reset it for each rarity

How about limiting total dice?

Buy 6 boosters. After opening them you may choose one starter set to mix with the cards and dice you open. Deck construction limitations are:

1. Players may use the contents of one starter and their boosters to build their team and deck.

2. Maximum of 25 character points based on eRey and Finn cost.

3. Each player may have no more than 10 dice in their build including character dice.

4. Decks must have 20 cards.

5. Normal color, faction, and card limit rules apply.

This would create a situation where players are not adding to their starters so much as tuning them. Obviously my numbers could be tweaked a bit to optimize the format. Buy 5 boosters instead of 6, 25 cards instead of 20, etc.

Edited by Starbane

I'm still trying to figure a reasonable way to draft this game as I'm pretty certain that it needs a sealed or draft format to keep it moving. Constructed is fine and fun but if that is all there is then they will either have to have a super fast release rate for sets or people are going to get bored and drift away.

A viable draft format is what keeps players playing a CCG and product trickling into the system. In my view it's necessary for the long term play-ability of the game.

What stops people from on purpose not drafting a character as they can line up the 2 or 3 they already have. Now they have an advantage over others who drafted crappy characters or who don't own a character to match the cards they drafted. Also the new player that has next to nothing.

Plus that is one expensive draft cost. $18 dollars a draft ($3 a pack 6 packs) plus prize money needs to be added.

friendly sure...competitive might not fly.

My shop would do $20 for the entire draft. Also, it's not an advantage to not draft characters. If you don't draft characters, you get 20 points worth of Characters to bring. If you do draft characters, you can use those characters PLUS up to 20 points (not to exceed the 30 cap.) Draft a Vader? Ok, you can bring 14 more points worth of characters. Didn't get any characters out of 6 packs and draft passing (unlikely, but possible.) You can still bring 20 points worth of characters. If you are a new player with next to nothing, not even a starter, then maybe a draft isn't for you just yet. Same with any other card game. Draft is not a good way to get into the game, but it is a good way to add to a collection. Also, if they don't own a character to match the cards they drafted... well, maybe they should draft for the characters they do have?

But then you limit draft to existing players only. It wont draw in the new players (some may some may not).

You just have to find a way to balance it across the board. As you stated in the end and you proved my point. Allowing people to start with those points to use their own character will allow them to draft around their characters. Draft is to be a somewhat blind run and to build from what you draft. It's not meant to draft around characters that others couldn't draft (characters players own already).

Who knows maybe that will be the only way to draft this game.

I'm still trying to figure a reasonable way to draft this game as I'm pretty certain that it needs a sealed or draft format to keep it moving. Constructed is fine and fun but if that is all there is then they will either have to have a super fast release rate for sets or people are going to get bored and drift away.

A viable draft format is what keeps players playing a CCG and product trickling into the system. In my view it's necessary for the long term play-ability of the game.

I'm not sure FFG agrees with your sentiment for the need of Draft play. The fact that they put almost zero effort into multiplayer rules is evidence of this.

You can't break the deck-building rules of this game. They are there for balance reasons. The only thing you can change is character point totals and deck size. The deck could be reduced to 20 cards and the character total could only be reduced to 21 (the highest cost for an elite character). I still think it would take far too many boosters to reach these numbers. Other suggestions have also been far too complicated.

I think FFG, if it wishes to create a draft format, will have to go a similar route as Android Netrunner. Every year you will need to buy a starter kit. (Something like a fixed set of 10 grey neutral, 5 hero and 5 villain; with 1 character for each faction.) A player brings their starter and buys a set number of boosters. Four would keep it in line with the cost of other drafts.

I know people are looking for a way to open boosters, pick a card and pass... but I don't think that format is a good fit for this game. I think it would be far better for the player to keep all the cards and dice they open and then trade with their fellow players before time starts. Or, all players wishing to "draft" could contribute a set number of dice and non-dice cards. Dice are placed in the middle. Cards a shuffled and separated into sets to be drafted in the usual manor. All deck building rules still apply, but character point total is reduced to 21 and deck size to 20.

Why do people want to draft this game?

#1 there's only 5 freaking cards in each pack

#2 there are two factions, but not many "neutral" cards (at least at this time)

#3 it's hard to balance dice/colors for each person drafting with such a small pool size (I mean a box can literally outrank villain to hero cards/dice 4 to 1 so its not a "fair" playing field - or vice versa and dice are EVERYTHING in this game)

Simply should be a sealed draft with trade if you want to "balance" the game out. You get 12 starters in a box and 36 boosters in a box. 1 starter + 3 boosters for each. Break up into 3 pods (group of 4 - 2 hero, 2 villain) and allow trading amongst those 4 people.

OR if anything, everyone opens their packs and can keep 1 out of 3 of the cards/dice they open. The other 2 go into a villain dice bag or hero bag or neutral bag. Then determine an order and each person can randomly pick out of one bag based off their starter (so hero can only choose from hero/neutral and villain can choose villain/neutral). Then go in reverse order after one round of picking. Then if anyone put all 3 cards/dice into the bags, then can pick a 3rd time in whatever is left.


If there are gonna be any changes to the tournament scene, I would rather it affect the deckbuilding such as Hero v Villain Tourny or Team of characters from the same time period or mono decks only etc. I dislike drafting but if it becomes norm so be it.