A blue villian deck not using sith holocron

By LifeGain, in Star Wars: Destiny

I am loving this game! However, I do not have a ton of cards at the moment. I tried to make a villain deck out of what I had. One local guy has been talking about running Vader/Raider so I tried to build this deck to stop that combo and still do good against a wide variety. The idea is to have tons of dice manipulation and removal so if he does get Sith Holocron out I can either remove it or change its side. If they try and go for the Stormtrooper early I can use the F-11D Rifle for rerolls and if they go for the Tusken I can use Electroshock and Scramble for rerolls. I chose Echo Base because I wanted a battlefield that was not very game changing one way or another (and I would likely get two shields this way), and if my opponent brought a battlefield to benefit them greatly, I could choose mine instead. Let me know what you guys think! Any and all comments/critiques are welcome!

Battlefield: Echo Base

2 Dice Kyle Ren
1 Die Tusken Raider
1 Die Stormtrooper

1x Speeder Bike Scout

1x First Order Tie Fighter
2x F-11D Rifle
1x Mind Probe
1x Force Throw

2x Lightsaber

1x Immobilize

1x Nowhere to Run

1x Go for the Kill

2x Take Cover

1x Scramble
1x Electroshock
2x Use the Force
1x Isolation

2x Flank

2x Block

2x Dodge
1x Unpredictable
1x He Doesn’t Like You

1x On the Hunt

1x Power of the Dark
1x Hunker Down

1x Hidden in Shadow

Looks like a fun deck to play, but not play against haha.

Without knowing your card pool hard to make suggestions on tweaking. But if I had 'personal escort' I would insert that. Guardian can be so valuable to keep a specific character alive, removing a 1Dmg side before your opponent can manipulate it into something stronger is cool too.

If no guardian I would consider the best defense or cannon fodder.

To make room, i might drop 1 of either or both Block and Dodge, as they are expensive and not always useable, I'd keep 1 copy of each around though, when they work they really work!

Looks like a fun deck to play, but not play against haha.

Without knowing your card pool hard to make suggestions on tweaking. But if I had 'personal escort' I would insert that. Guardian can be so valuable to keep a specific character alive, removing a 1Dmg side before your opponent can manipulate it into something stronger is cool too.

If no guardian I would consider the best defense or cannon fodder.

To make room, i might drop 1 of either or both Block and Dodge, as they are expensive and not always useable, I'd keep 1 copy of each around though, when they work they really work!

Thanks for the suggestions! I actually do have a "personal escort" but I had never thought of using it like that. I will definitely give it a go. I will probably get all the cards eventually (except for legendaries haha), so any card suggestions are more than welcome :) If I do not have the card now, then I can search for/trade for the suggested cards.

I'm going to make sure to call him Kyle Ren from now on.

I'm going to make sure to call him Kyle Ren from now on.

He had it changed after he got beat by Rey ;)