Booster Distribution Issues

By aheintz, in Star Wars: Destiny

Obviously it goes without saying this is a great game. Brought me back to CCGs after a long long time.

I think the only major miss that FFG has on this game is that they forgot the 'unwritten rules' of card distribution in CCGs:

- Buy a box and never* get a duplicate rare (* = generally doesn't happen)

In my first ten packs (from the same box), I got two instances of duplicated rares.Scanning on YouTube for box openings, I saw multiple cases where people got duplicate rates within the same box, validating my statement.

Then, I was discussing my concerns re: card distribution with the owner of my LGS; he split a case with his playgroup and they did not get a full distribution of legendaries (6 boxes should yield, ideally, two sets of all 17).

I hope this gets resolved with the next set. I acknowledge that having to pair the die with the card probably is the cause of this issue, and if it is unavoidable then so be it.

Anyone else having similar issues, I assume many?

-- A

This is what random means. Maybe on the first point companies are generous and do it that way.

The second point however is not possible to control. Even if FFG would try to have "sets of boxes" those would ge split up eventually. How could you (even if they wanted to, which i dont think they have a reason) make sure that there is a full set of legendaries within 6 boxes? That just doesn't work out.

ITT: players misrepresenting the value of rare playsets.

Uncommons are the real rares, man.

Uncommons are the real rares, man.

True that. Out of 5 boxes, 1 Electroshock. There were a number of other cards with similar distribution.

Uncommons are the real rares, man.

True that. Out of 5 boxes, 1 Electroshock. There were a number of other cards with similar distribution.

And I'm sure there is some guy with a glut of them. That's how such things work.

Assuming there wasn't some glitch that has led less of a certain card to be printed of course, but we have no reason to assume as much.

Talk about bad luck, I haven't even gotten any uncommons with dice. FFG plz fix.

Obviously it goes without saying this is a great game. Brought me back to CCGs after a long long time.

I think the only major miss that FFG has on this game is that they forgot the 'unwritten rules' of card distribution in CCGs:

- Buy a box and never* get a duplicate rare (* = generally doesn't happen)

In my first ten packs (from the same box), I got two instances of duplicated rares.Scanning on YouTube for box openings, I saw multiple cases where people got duplicate rates within the same box, validating my statement.

Then, I was discussing my concerns re: card distribution with the owner of my LGS; he split a case with his playgroup and they did not get a full distribution of legendaries (6 boxes should yield, ideally, two sets of all 17).

I hope this gets resolved with the next set. I acknowledge that having to pair the die with the card probably is the cause of this issue, and if it is unavoidable then so be it.

Anyone else having similar issues, I assume many?

-- A

Those aren't issues. Why do you think those are things that need to be corrected?

You shouldn't expect an even distribution of Legendary cards in such a small sample size. You are talking 6 boxes out of an entire print run. Easily less then 1%.

6 boxes would yeild 6*6 legendaries. There are 17 legendaries, the odds of getting two of all 17 and only 2 triples are extremely low. It is random, not fixed by the case. I cant' imagine someone expecting to get a specific 34 out of 36 from random, that is like expecting to pull Vader from your first pack. (oh wait I did!)