I have friends like these, what are your questions?

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

So no new Mandalmotors ships, or new fighters at all? That's disappointing. I was hoping we would get stats for the Crusader, some new Mandalmotors capital ships, and,or some new rebel and maybe CIS capital ships.

To be fair, this is an adventure module first and foremost, not a Mandelorian Space sourcebook.

So, for those that missed it, there IS a mandalmotors class shuttle, the Dikutruni, which is a modified MandalMotors Aka'jor class shuttle. pg 38.


But, since this is a questions thread, I guess I do have a few questions for you! Granted, you haven't run the adventure yet, and it might be a bit before you can read it in depth, but here are some things I'd like to hear about from folks:

1.) Obviously, what do you think? Does what you know have to excited to get this on the table and run and/or play it?

2.) Who is your favorite NPC of the bunch of newly introduced characters?

3.) What do you think of the three new locations? Do you think you'd use them in an adventure regardless of if you actually ever run this adventure or not?

4.) What do you think of how the mandalorians were handled?

5.) What do you think of the time limit element? This is something i incorporate into a lot of my adventures. Do you think it's adding something to the narrative here? Does it make sense? Or is it too much bean counting for the benefits?

6.) Should I do another Obscure Lore scavenger hunt for this adventure like I did for the AOR GM Kit?

1) At first glance, I love it! My table and I are really excited to try it. Bonus points for putting Mando'a in and for the name of the cantina. Shebs Nicktose, bwahhahaha!

2) Not sure yet. Probably Kad, as I think I'll be able to use him in other adventures or as a hook to introduce Vlemoth Port even if we don't play the adventure (unlikely)

3) I will definitely use the locations. Too many good reasons to throw my PC's into moral dilemmas, plus they're just great locations.

4) I think it was perfect, but I may be a little biased ;) Overall I thought it was a great way to introduce Mandalorians to SW fans who may not know a lot about them yet, and I loved the way the lore was handled, and I thought the Mandalorian NPC's were good.

5) I like the time limit, as it forces the PC's to make quick decisions about things that they might ordinarily agonize over, which makes the story more personal IMO.

6) YES!

So, for those that missed it, there IS a mandalmotors class shuttle, the Dikutruni, which is a modified MandalMotors Aka'jor class shuttle. pg 38.


Saw that .... :)

So, for those that missed it, there IS a mandalmotors class shuttle, the Dikutruni, which is a modified MandalMotors Aka'jor class shuttle. pg 38.


That thing is absurdly tough for a Sil 3 craft. I'd be very interested to see the stats on an unmodified Aka'jor-class shuttle.

Yeah, I imagine that's the beskar used in it's construction. The HAVR A9 Floating Fortress is comparable, though, and the LAAT's aren't far off.

Ok, after reading through the book once, I have a question: does any one feel that the operation could go south for the Imperials? Especially if certain groups are more "cunning" or militaristic in their approach.

Hmmm. I've only looked through it the once. Have to look more carefully a second time.

Hmmm. I've only looked through it the once. Have to look more carefully a second time.

That's what I am doing as well. With the expectation of 150 experience for the players, I'm interested in how a group would go about this module. Especially if the group was an EotE group in the beginning.

Ok, after reading through the book once, I have a question: does any one feel that the operation could go south for the Imperials? Especially if certain groups are more "cunning" or militaristic in their approach.

Just wait until the Empire bribes your Zygerrian "allies" to side with them during the battle, or decides to use tractors to fling orbital debris down onto the surface to eliminate ground defenses before they have any real opportunity to impact the battle. The bad guys have many, many better options than just slogging on through the multi-step battle. Keep the bad guys as thinking opponents if you don't want them to be laughable fools.

Yes....the Zygerrians are a really wild card on many levels. Something else to take into account. If I recall correctly, it's even built into the game that they threaten to sell you out once they realize what's going on.

Ok, after reading through the book once, I have a question: does any one feel that the operation could go south for the Imperials? Especially if certain groups are more "cunning" or militaristic in their approach.

Just wait until the Empire bribes your Zygerrian "allies" to side with them during the battle, or decides to use tractors to fling orbital debris down onto the surface to eliminate ground defenses before they have any real opportunity to impact the battle. The bad guys have many, many better options than just slogging on through the multi-step battle. Keep the bad guys as thinking opponents if you don't want them to be laughable fools.

Inefficient and time consuming in regards to using the debris field as weapons. As for the slavers, the Empire might not be so willing to deal with them. Otherwise that would also be covered in the book.

Yes....the Zygerrians are a really wild card on many levels. Something else to take into account. If I recall correctly, it's even built into the game that they threaten to sell you out once they realize what's going on.

Yeah, the Zygerrians seem to be able to cause quite a bit of trouble, especially when around other allies. It certainly doesn't help when the Mandalorians are involved.

It seems the writers actually took that into consideration and offered the slave revolt option. I'm just curious how often that occurs in various groups.

Ok, after reading through the book once, I have a question: does any one feel that the operation could go south for the Imperials? Especially if certain groups are more "cunning" or militaristic in their approach.

Just wait until the Empire bribes your Zygerrian "allies" to side with them during the battle, or decides to use tractors to fling orbital debris down onto the surface to eliminate ground defenses before they have any real opportunity to impact the battle. The bad guys have many, many better options than just slogging on through the multi-step battle. Keep the bad guys as thinking opponents if you don't want them to be laughable fools.

Inefficient and time consuming in regards to using the debris field as weapons. As for the slavers, the Empire might not be so willing to deal with them. Otherwise that would also be covered in the book.

Yes....the Zygerrians are a really wild card on many levels. Something else to take into account. If I recall correctly, it's even built into the game that they threaten to sell you out once they realize what's going on.

Yeah, the Zygerrians seem to be able to cause quite a bit of trouble, especially when around other allies. It certainly doesn't help when the Mandalorians are involved.

It seems the writers actually took that into consideration and offered the slave revolt option. I'm just curious how often that occurs in various groups.

Ok, after reading through the book once, I have a question: does any one feel that the operation could go south for the Imperials? Especially if certain groups are more "cunning" or militaristic in their approach.

Just wait until the Empire bribes your Zygerrian "allies" to side with them during the battle, or decides to use tractors to fling orbital debris down onto the surface to eliminate ground defenses before they have any real opportunity to impact the battle. The bad guys have many, many better options than just slogging on through the multi-step battle. Keep the bad guys as thinking opponents if you don't want them to be laughable fools.

Inefficient and time consuming in regards to using the debris field as weapons. As for the slavers, the Empire might not be so willing to deal with them. Otherwise that would also be covered in the book.

Yes....the Zygerrians are a really wild card on many levels. Something else to take into account. If I recall correctly, it's even built into the game that they threaten to sell you out once they realize what's going on.

Yeah, the Zygerrians seem to be able to cause quite a bit of trouble, especially when around other allies. It certainly doesn't help when the Mandalorians are involved.

It seems the writers actually took that into consideration and offered the slave revolt option. I'm just curious how often that occurs in various groups.

The book doesn't cover everything. It only sets up for the most basic path of the adventure which works best for new groups. Experienced players are free to take it off the rails, and so too is an experienced GM.

Yeah, there are hard page count limits for print books. We just don't have the room to cover EVERY contingency or potential branching path. We tried to address as many as possible, either giving reasons why that path is not available, or giving some guidance on how to handle choices beyond what seemed most likely/obvious to us.

In the specific realm of orbital debris flinging down to the surface, keep the Admiral's motivation in mind. He needs access to the facility to get the plans. If the facility is inaccessible because he hit it with a meteor, or destroyed, that moves him further from his goals, not closer. And generally speaking, in his mind, he'll own orbital superiority no matter what happens to forces on the ground. If the worst should occur and he's repelled or his forces are wiped out somehow, he can always call in the orbital strikes and run away.

Does this make Mandalorian Humams the only species that cannot get a starting 5 with 10 bonus xp?

Does this make Mandalorian Humams the only species that cannot get a starting 5 with 10 bonus xp?

I'm not sure about it being the ONLY species that can't have a starting 5 with the 10 xp bonus

Does this make Mandalorian Humams the only species that cannot get a starting 5 with 10 bonus xp?

I'm not sure about it being the ONLY species that can't have a starting 5 with the 10 xp bonus

I originally made the comment as another possible point for the balance discussion, but now my curiosity has the better of me and the answer is: Hutts, they are the only other species I noticed that couldn't do this.

I noticed two other species with 105 starting XP while I was at it, Bardottan (Nexus of Power) and Elomin (Forged in Battle). Both have characteristics of all 2s except one 3 and one 1, 9+ Wounds, and 10+ Strain. The former gets one free skill rank while the latter gets two with no other special abilities for either. The three of them together make for an interesting comparison.

1.) Obviously, what do you think? Does what you know have to excited to get this on the table and run and/or play it?

Currently running Friends Like These, one of the best adventure book in the FFG Star Wars rpg IMHO.

2.) Who is your favorite NPC of the bunch of newly introduced characters?

Love a lot of them: Lira Hardin, the Mandos. I must say you put great work in these NPC

3.) What do you think of the three new locations? Do you think you'd use them in an adventure regardless of if you actually ever run this adventure or not?

I will reuse all of them for sure!

4.) What do you think of how the mandalorians were handled?

Great, It was very interesting to read about them.

5.) What do you think of the time limit element? This is something i incorporate into a lot of my adventures. Do you think it's adding something to the narrative here? Does it make sense? Or is it too much bean counting for the benefits?

Its a lot of work but put tension. Some options are not explained well vs the time, like the starfighters droid or the possible explosives in the Warehouse. And were can they find a ship with a tractor beam... Could you help on these three questions? :)

6.) Should I do another Obscure Lore scavenger hunt for this adventure like I did for the AOR GM Kit?

The adventure as is already great, no need.

But, since this is a questions thread, I guess I do have a few questions for you! Granted, you haven't run the adventure yet, and it might be a bit before you can read it in depth, but here are some things I'd like to hear about from folks:

At one point, it's mention that player would need a ship with a tractor beam. Which type of ship have those? Could a large land vehicle have that? It's to transport highly explosive large canister as mention in the book right outside the Foundry.

Hi People,

greetings from Italy.

Do you think this adventure would fit in an Edge of the Empire campaign?

(I haven't started my campaign yet, but I have all the EotE adventure books, and I would like to run a long campaign with all this adventures).

Totally! This is actually the easiest adventure to adapt, from what I've seen. It could accommodate straight up rebels, secret Jedi, or wayward mercenaries who have a soft spot for justice and credits.

I actually think that it's best suited for a party that mixes AoR and EotE. Plus, some of the shadier characters might have ties to some of the NPC's.

On 12/8/2016 at 11:34 PM, KRKappel said:

But, since this is a questions thread, I guess I do have a few questions for you! Granted, you haven't run the adventure yet, and it might be a bit before you can read it in depth, but here are some things I'd like to hear about from folks:

1.) Obviously, what do you think? Does what you know have to excited to get this on the table and run and/or play it?

2.) Who is your favorite NPC of the bunch of newly introduced characters?

3.) What do you think of the three new locations? Do you think you'd use them in an adventure regardless of if you actually ever run this adventure or not?

4.) What do you think of how the mandalorians were handled?

5.) What do you think of the time limit element? This is something i incorporate into a lot of my adventures. Do you think it's adding something to the narrative here? Does it make sense? Or is it too much bean counting for the benefits?

6.) Should I do another Obscure Lore scavenger hunt for this adventure like I did for the AOR GM Kit?

1.) I like it and my PCs seemed to enjoy it as well.

2.) One of my PCs was attached to Patrician Lira Hardin. Another enjoyed Zerwirr. I really liked the write-up for Jorec and Mard, though my PCs went a different direction and barely encountered them.

3.) I dig the locations and plan to use them in current and future games using the canon of my PCs' decisions. The rumors of the palace on Kowak being an ancient Sith temple made for a fun game on Halloween (nice, random timing there) where I had the people in the city possessed a la the temple on Dromund Kaas in SWTOR.

4.) I really like the Mandalorian narrative and mechanics.
The honorable clan of mercs is pretty rad.
The Mando racial stats are a bit mechanically inferior, but thematically speaking the race isn't genetically superior, they are formidable because of their culture and training. They offer a well-rounded option and ensure that people pick the Mando race because the lorefits their character, not just because it has the cool mechanical benefits.
The Mando gear mechanics are pretty sweet too.

5.) I liked the time limit elements. In the first 3 chapters the scenes were meant to feel rushed so that 48 hours didn't feel like enough time while in chapter 4 the time was stretched out so it felt like there was no way to hold the Empire off for a whole 5 hours! My PCs didn't seem to appreciate it as much as I did, but I might not have portrayed it properly?

6.) I haven't read that one yet.

I have mechanical questions about the SHUKUR-05 light repeater though. Part of the stat block is "...and either Auto-fire..." Either Auto-fire or what? With the Slow-firing, damage, and Inaccurate it seems mechanically inferior to a regular light repeater: was this intended?

Thanks for the adventure man, it was fun and has tons of cool stuff!

can someone explain to me where to put location on the map of "foundry four" ? (the factory reactor and the turbolift from landing shafts; the northeastern factory; the med center; the belts; security station)


On 2/8/2018 at 8:07 AM, bobmoranne said:

can someone explain to me where to put location on the map of "foundry four" ? (the factory reactor and the turbolift from landing shafts; the northeastern factory; the med center; the belts; security station)


It doesn't look like the writer and artist were communicating perfectly. Here's where I would put those locations.

Turbolift to the Power Generators - Assembly Area A on the south side near the support structure shown on the side-view map

Northeastern factory - I don't think it shows a NE factory, just the northeastern factory belts (which I would say is the path on the right that connects to the Control Center - I would have it be a path underneath the angled walkways up to the Control Center). There should only be the 2 working factories: Starship Component is more westerly and Arms is southeastern

Med Center - I would put this on the same section of walkway as mentioned above, somewhere below the Control Center

Security Center - Med Center & Northeastern factory above.