I have friends like these, what are your questions?

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Oh, and last post I swear! Someone asked if it's a starting level adventure, and I can tell you it was not written as such. We figured there were plenty of other starter-PC adventures already, this one is for slightly more hardened heroes. The intro section should speak to this specifically somewhere.

I find it odd that the Iskarii-7 is supposed to be taking "a couple hundred" refugees out of system when it can only carry 65 passengers. :huh:

passengers have like, facilities appropriate to the level of consumables, as I understand it. Which, in ships with a few months or whatever, generally means a bed and the possibility for the food stores to hold up and all that. Stuff refugees in like cargo means you can carry a lot more?

Some of those consumables are air and water. You might be be to stuff refugees into the cargo hold in excess of your passenger capacity, but they probably won't survive the trip (and this assumes that cargo is carried internally-- Rebels keeps showing more and more transport ships carrying cargo externally).

Sure, but he's only carrying them for one jump. There could very well be dangers associated with that, though! I imagine despair results or tihngs like that could cause issues!

Those mandalorian stats are at least more interesting than the corellian stats. Bumped wounds, (extra) starting combat skill rank or two knowledge skill ranks, and a smaller deduction of starting XP (than corellians), I think that thematic. I find the point made earlier in the thread, that (as far as I know) these skills are not limited to career or non-career, but can be either, is pretty cool. It also fits somewhat with the portrayal of mandalorians in TCW.

I still don't think it'll be utilised by me or any of my players as a go-to species for new characters (had campaign final last night, session 42. Epic ~1000 XP characters against force wielders), just like the corellian human probably never will. At least not for a long campaign, but a short story, sure, why not. If I plan a 4-5 session long story, then you know there won't be much more than a maximum total of ~125 earned XP total, if I'm generous and reward them 25 xp per session. In cases like that these human types may make sense, at least if you stay in the low-end range of the earned XP. For another 40-session campaign, I don't think so.

Corellian Human has 110 XP, but these guys only have 105 XP. If Mandalorians had 110 XP they would be in the average range, it as is, they are mechanically unappealing.

Corellian Human has 110 XP, but these guys only have 105 XP. If Mandalorians had 110 XP they would be in the average range, it as is, they are mechanically unappealing.

Ah, my bad, I thought they had 100.

I think I'll house-rule the mandalorian humans to have 110 XP, if any player wants to play it.

They're still more limited, in some ways, than the standard human, but the increased wound threshold and the combat skill (or two knowledge skills,) may in some cases be a nicer route to go, but ... well, for story reasons more than mechanical anyhew.

I'd also perhaps house-rules the corellians to gain 1 rank is both pilot skills, allowing both to be trained to rank 3 at character creation (should work if there's any career/spec that gives free ranks in both pilot skill in both career and spec, which I believe, but can't recall just now.) Or perhaps increase their strain threshold by 1. Meh. Human variant species could've been cool, it was always unnecessary, but it could've been cool... at least in my dreams :ph34r:

Edited by Jegergryte

I think the problem with mando humans is the 105xp. 105 is so much worse than 110 for character creation as all characteristics are even number xp to increase. Combined with the fact that they lose a skill over regular humans and they really are under powered. The should have done them like Klatoonians and given them a combat skill (or knowledge skill) and a non-career skill.

I think they're fine stats and once you get past a certain XP level, it doesn't really matter anyway. I'm using them on my Mando PC.

The 105 is ONLY a hindrance if you want 4x3's in your Characteristics. You can still make a character with a 4 and 3, or 3x3. Then the fact the skill choices can be career skills it allows for a very flexible choice on your focused character.

With the option of 2 Knowledge skills that's a great start to many of the commander, diplomat, engineer, consular and colonist careers, plus a bunch of specialisations elsewhere.

That Combat option on the other hand is great if you want any kind of combat character.

Now Klatoonians are nice, but in a highly xenophobic galaxy sometimes it's nice to be human.

The 105 is ONLY a hindrance if you want 4x3's in your Characteristics. You can still make a character with a 4 and 3, or 3x3. Then the fact the skill choices can be career skills it allows for a very flexible choice on your focused character.

With the option of 2 Knowledge skills that's a great start to many of the commander, diplomat, engineer, consular and colonist careers, plus a bunch of specialisations elsewhere.

That Combat option on the other hand is great if you want any kind of combat character.

Now Klatoonians are nice, but in a highly xenophobic galaxy sometimes it's nice to be human.

It also prevents starting with a 5 for what is worth (30+40+50 = 110 + 10xp obligation).

The 105 is ONLY a hindrance if you want 4x3's in your Characteristics. You can still make a character with a 4 and 3, or 3x3. Then the fact the skill choices can be career skills it allows for a very flexible choice on your focused character.

With the option of 2 Knowledge skills that's a great start to many of the commander, diplomat, engineer, consular and colonist careers, plus a bunch of specialisations elsewhere.

That Combat option on the other hand is great if you want any kind of combat character.

Now Klatoonians are nice, but in a highly xenophobic galaxy sometimes it's nice to be human.

It also prevents starting with a 5 for what is worth (30+40+50 = 110 + 10xp obligation).


There's a hidden gem in this book that doesn't get much talk: The Icarii-7 , a bulk transport that's been converted over to being a pirate ship. This thing is Silhouette 6 with good stats all around, a silly number of guns (and way too few gunners as written), and it still has 5 Customization Hard Points left to modify it further. The only downside is that it doesn't carry fighters (but it does carry four Sil 4 shuttles). Even with all of this, it still has a cost of under 10,000,000 credits and a Rarity of only 4! Not the kind of thing that everyone will want to use in their game, but if you're going for a capital ship-based Rebel privateer game, this is a fine hull to base it on.

I do recommend using the following house rule to address the woefully inadequate number of gunners listed:

Ship's Complement: 129 (one captain, one pilot, one co-pilot, one navigator, two sensor operators, three engineers, forty-five gunners, seventy-five pirates and misfits).

I disagree with this rule for privateers or pirate groups because of the fact that I am thinking of the of "Master and Commander" movie where they only left a small detachment on the ship when they went to raid another ship. Mainly because the ship has to be able to sustain a large group of people not just food but also power, water, breathing air and space to hold that many people. Military vessels would have better sustainability because they would have tender ships and support vessels.

There's a hidden gem in this book that doesn't get much talk: The Icarii-7 , a bulk transport that's been converted over to being a pirate ship. This thing is Silhouette 6 with good stats all around, a silly number of guns (and way too few gunners as written), and it still has 5 Customization Hard Points left to modify it further. The only downside is that it doesn't carry fighters (but it does carry four Sil 4 shuttles). Even with all of this, it still has a cost of under 10,000,000 credits and a Rarity of only 4! Not the kind of thing that everyone will want to use in their game, but if you're going for a capital ship-based Rebel privateer game, this is a fine hull to base it on.

I do recommend using the following house rule to address the woefully inadequate number of gunners listed:

Ship's Complement: 129 (one captain, one pilot, one co-pilot, one navigator, two sensor operators, three engineers, forty-five gunners, seventy-five pirates and misfits).

I disagree with this rule for privateers or pirate groups because of the fact that I am thinking of the of "Master and Commander" movie where they only left a small detachment on the ship when they went to raid another ship. Mainly because the ship has to be able to sustain a large group of people not just food but also power, water, breathing air and space to hold that many people. Military vessels would have better sustainability because they would have tender ships and support vessels.

The ship has 45 guns and only 20 gunners. That makes no sense no matter what movie context you want to draw from.

Yeah, the idea here, I believe (It's been a while since I've looked at this draft), was that the ship was getting refitted, so since its a unique ship (and not a generic model), they don't actually have enough crewers yet for all the guns at once. This probably could have used a sidebar or some additional details, which is my fault.

But, since this is a questions thread, I guess I do have a few questions for you! Granted, you haven't run the adventure yet, and it might be a bit before you can read it in depth, but here are some things I'd like to hear about from folks:

1.) Obviously, what do you think? Does what you know have to excited to get this on the table and run and/or play it?

2.) Who is your favorite NPC of the bunch of newly introduced characters?

3.) What do you think of the three new locations?

Do you think you'd use them in an adventure regardless of if you actually ever run this adventure or not?

4.) What do you think of how the mandalorians were handled?

5.) What do you think of the time limit element?

This is something i incorporate into a lot of my adventures. Do you think it's adding something to the narrative here? Does it make sense? Or is it too much bean counting for the benefits?

6.) Should I do another Obscure Lore scavenger hunt for this adventure like I did for the AOR GM Kit?

Edited by EliasWindrider

Congrats on the baby! And while the Mandalorian stats certainly matter, I meant in a broader sense of how they were covered within the adventure, and the lore that was used surrounding them.

Congrats on the baby! And while the Mandalorian stats certainly matter, I meant in a broader sense of how they were covered within the adventure, and the lore that was used surrounding them.

I loved the fluff related to the mandalorians, and how they fit in the storyline. They felt authentic.

One minor complaint... there's some nifty new gear in the mandalorian characters' stat blocks. It would have been really nice if you had included a mandalorian gear page and complete stats (such as hard points, cost, and rarity... the carbine was pretty interesting)

I agree that would have been super sweet.

Yeah, the idea here, I believe (It's been a while since I've looked at this draft), was that the ship was getting refitted, so since its a unique ship (and not a generic model), they don't actually have enough crewers yet for all the guns at once. This probably could have used a sidebar or some additional details, which is my fault.

That's disappointing to hear. I had figured that since the full stats were given--including price and rarity--that they included the modifications, including the turbolasers. Of course, since this ship somehow stuck dozens of weapons onto a bulk transport and still has 5 CHPs left, I'm now thinking that the cost and availability are likely wildly inaccurate too. That's pity since I was looking at this vessel as a Contribution Rank reward for a group with a Commodore.

I agree that would have been super sweet.

Oh and you did awesome work on this one

So no new Mandalmotors ships, or new fighters at all? That's disappointing. I was hoping we would get stats for the Crusader, some new Mandalmotors capital ships, and,or some new rebel and maybe CIS capital ships.

Still the Gladiator and Raider-II should be fun and the Icani-7 should be interesting as well.

Yeah, the idea here, I believe (It's been a while since I've looked at this draft), was that the ship was getting refitted, so since its a unique ship (and not a generic model), they don't actually have enough crewers yet for all the guns at once. This probably could have used a sidebar or some additional details, which is my fault.

That's disappointing to hear. I had figured that since the full stats were given--including price and rarity--that they included the modifications, including the turbolasers. Of course, since this ship somehow stuck dozens of weapons onto a bulk transport and still has 5 CHPs left, I'm now thinking that the cost and availability are likely wildly inaccurate too. That's pity since I was looking at this vessel as a Contribution Rank reward for a group with a Commodore.

If you feel it fits your campaign then go for it. Unless you find yourselves in some weird Party versus Party session with a capital ship battle I doubt anyone will complain.

There is a Zygerrian light fighter. It's pretty unimpressive compared to just about every fighter we've already seen, and the Zygerrian transport is in the same spot.

So no new Mandalmotors ships, or new fighters at all? That's disappointing. I was hoping we would get stats for the Crusader, some new Mandalmotors capital ships, and,or some new rebel and maybe CIS capital ships.

To be fair, this is an adventure module first and foremost, not a Mandelorian Space sourcebook.