I have friends like these, what are your questions?

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

so ask away.

BTW mandalorian stats

2 in al attributes, 105 xp

1 rank in 1 combat skill of choice or 1 rank each of 2 knowledge skills

Edit: thanks to happy daze for the comment

They have wound threshold = 11+Brawn

Straight threshold is 10 + Willpower (as standard)

Edited by EliasWindrider

Beyond the mando stats. What sort of background and gear do they provide for them. (Not looking for crunchy numbers, more just an idea of how fleshed out they are compared to the mythos

I am also quite interested to see if there is any new gear related to the Mandalorians. Also are there any other playable species introduced?
​How much detail is given to the new factions and the planets that appear?
Although in other rulebooks they have fleshed out Astrogation a bit more, are there any new tables or details added to further flesh out the skill?

Edited by Storn

Is the adventure written for starting characters? If so does it have some helpful tips for increasing the challenges?

so ask away.

BTW mandalorian stats

2 in al attributes, 105 xp

1 rank in 1 combat skill of choice or 1 rank each of 2 knowledge skills

Can they start at Rank 3 like the Corellian Humans? Otherwise, this looks almost strictly worse than standard Humans.

Beyond the mando stats. What sort of background and gear do they provide for them. (Not looking for crunchy numbers, more just an idea of how fleshed out they are compared to the mythos

These mandalorians follow the old ways (noble/honorable warrior mercenaries, but they're not out for galactic conquest), they talk about the language Mando'a which "allows a greater degree of precision in speech when discussion combat." and that "beskar" is mined near the captial city of mandalore.

There's some gear in the book (not much) but it's related to slaving and bounty hunting not the mandos.

explosive implant

electronet launcher

repulsor trap

shock whip

stun collar (which can also do lethal damage)

in the stat blocks of mandalorians there is some gear like

GALAAR-15 Blaster carbine (9 damage, crit 2, long range, accurate 1, stun setting)

Mandalorian battle armor +1 defense, +2 soak (no mention of hard points)

"armored gauntlet"

GHOVOR-22 blaster pistol (not spectacular)

mythosaur axe (rather impressive

SHUKUR-05 light repeater

heavy Beskar'gam armor +2 soack, cortosis, +2 defense (again no mention of hard points)

There are also stats for a gladiator class star destroyer and a

Raider II class corvette (sil 5, speed 4, handling -1, 2 shields in all arcs, 5 armor, 45 hull, 25 strain, 15 officers, 77 enlisted crew, 300 enc, passengers 30 troops, 2 hard points, hyperdrive 2/15, I'll leave off the weapons so you still have to buy the book but me likes a lot)

Is the adventure written for starting characters? If so does it have some helpful tips for increasing the challenges?

I would stay that starting characters would not fare well in this adventure, to match the adversaries in terms of attributes, characters would need to put all their starting x in stats and have 1 or more ranks of dedication.

I am also quite interested to see if there is any new gear related to the Mandalorians. Also are there any other playable species introduced?

​How much detail is given to the new factions and the planets that appear?

Although in other rulebooks they have fleshed out Astrogation a bit more, are there any new tables or details added to further flesh out the skill?

no other playable species, but Talz appears as npcs, and so do Zygerians, among others. There is a good deal of info on the factions and planets, ******Kowakian monkey lizards now have STATS******** HeHeHeHeHeeee

There are some mass combat rules in the book, I have compared them to those in "lead by example"

astrogation checks are hard (3 purple), a 3x3 table of base travel times (between worlds) ranging between 2 and 5 hours. advantage/threat +/- 15 minutes, triumph/despair +/- 1 hour (despair can also be used for a hyperdrive mishap)

so ask away.

BTW mandalorian stats

2 in al attributes, 105 xp

1 rank in 1 combat skill of choice or 1 rank each of 2 knowledge skills

Can they start at Rank 3 like the Corellian Humans? Otherwise, this looks almost strictly worse than standard Humans.

no they can't and yes they are.

There's some gear in the book (not much) but it's related to slaving and bounty hunting not the mandos.

explosive implant

electronet launcher

repulsor trap

shock whip

stun collar (which can also do lethal damage)

​This is interesting. The gear seems more suited to an EOTE campaign than an AOR one so it will be interesting to see how it fits into the adventure.

​It does give me another question though; most of these seem very similar to a lot of gear/weapons that already exist in EOTE, you mentioned the Stun Collar can do lethal damage (without detonating) which is neat but how is the Shock Whip different form the Neuronic Whip for instance? Do any others have some unique quirks to them or are they all mostly similar to other things with slightly different stats.

so ask away.

BTW mandalorian stats

2 in al attributes, 105 xp

1 rank in 1 combat skill of choice or 1 rank each of 2 knowledge skills

Can they start at Rank 3 like the Corellian Humans? Otherwise, this looks almost strictly worse than standard Humans.

no they can't and yes they are.

I actually much prefer this version of human. Sure you can't have the 3,3,3,3,2,2 characteristic spread, but that combination of skills is super flexible.

Because the skills are not limited to Out Of Career you can stack them with the free ranks from career/spec.

How interesting is the adventure itself? The blurb was interesting I thought, but how does the adventure measure up? Is it as good as some of the others to date (such as Onslaught on Arda 1 and Mask of the Pirate Queen)?

Thanks Elias

There's some gear in the book (not much) but it's related to slaving and bounty hunting not the mandos.

explosive implant

electronet launcher

repulsor trap

shock whip

stun collar (which can also do lethal damage)

​This is interesting. The gear seems more suited to an EOTE campaign than an AOR one so it will be interesting to see how it fits into the adventure.

​It does give me another question though; most of these seem very similar to a lot of gear/weapons that already exist in EOTE, you mentioned the Stun Collar can do lethal damage (without detonating) which is neat but how is the Shock Whip different form the Neuronic Whip for instance? Do any others have some unique quirks to them or are they all mostly similar to other things with slightly different stats.

shock whip: melee, damage 4, crit 4, range short, encum 3, hp 2, price 600, rarity 8, ensnare 3, stun damage

How interesting is the adventure itself? The blurb was interesting I thought, but how does the adventure measure up? Is it as good as some of the others to date (such as Onslaught on Arda 1 and Mask of the Pirate Queen)?

I like mask of the pirate queen, and friends like these (for the adventure), I don't particularly care for the others (because they don't fit my current campaign), heck friends like these doesn't fit my campaign all that well and I still like it.

I remain thoroughly unimpressed by these Mandalorians. I'd already decided that I wouldn't be using Human subtypes, but these stats really suck. Hmm...unless they have higher WT and/or ST, in which case they might be OK (but I still won't be using them)

I remain thoroughly unimpressed by these Mandalorians. I'd already decided that I wouldn't be using Human subtypes, but these stats really suck. Hmm...unless they have higher WT and/or ST, in which case they might be OK (but I still won't be using them)

I think the official stats for Klatooinians make for better mandalorians.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Beyond the mando stats. What sort of background and gear do they provide for them. (Not looking for crunchy numbers, more just an idea of how fleshed out they are compared to the mythos

in the stat blocks of mandalorians there is some gear like

GALAAR-15 Blaster carbine (9 damage, crit 2, long range, accurate 1, stun setting)

Mandalorian battle armor +1 defense, +2 soak (no mention of hard points)

"armored gauntlet"

GHOVOR-22 blaster pistol (not spectacular)

mythosaur axe (rather impressive

SHUKUR-05 light repeater

heavy Beskar'gam armor +2 soack, cortosis, +2 defense (again no mention of hard points)

There are also stats for a gladiator class star destroyer and a

Raider II class corvette (sil 5, speed 4, handling -1, 2 shields in all arcs, 5 armor, 45 hull, 25 strain, 15 officers, 77 enlisted crew, 300 enc, passengers 30 troops, 2 hard points, hyperdrive 2/15, I'll leave off the weapons so you still have to buy the book but me likes a lot)

What are the stats for the Shukar and the Mythosaur ax?

My only question is why doesn't Amazon or any FLGS near me have this yet ? :( lol

Beyond the mando stats. What sort of background and gear do they provide for them. (Not looking for crunchy numbers, more just an idea of how fleshed out they are compared to the mythos

in the stat blocks of mandalorians there is some gear like

GALAAR-15 Blaster carbine (9 damage, crit 2, long range, accurate 1, stun setting)

Mandalorian battle armor +1 defense, +2 soak (no mention of hard points)

"armored gauntlet"

GHOVOR-22 blaster pistol (not spectacular)

mythosaur axe (rather impressive

SHUKUR-05 light repeater

heavy Beskar'gam armor +2 soack, cortosis, +2 defense (again no mention of hard points)

There are also stats for a gladiator class star destroyer and a

Raider II class corvette (sil 5, speed 4, handling -1, 2 shields in all arcs, 5 armor, 45 hull, 25 strain, 15 officers, 77 enlisted crew, 300 enc, passengers 30 troops, 2 hard points, hyperdrive 2/15, I'll leave off the weapons so you still have to buy the book but me likes a lot)

What are the stats for the Shukar and the Mythosaur ax?

I'm away from book but the mythosaur, axe appears (from 2 statblocks) to deal brawn + 4 damage i'm forgetting the rest of it

My only question is why hasn’t MiniatureMarket.com already shipped me copy to me? :(

My only question is why hasn’t MiniatureMarket.com already shipped me copy to me? :(

Maybe they're still digging out from their Thanksgiving sale?

TheWarStore.com shipped mine today, so I am happy. :D UPS says it won't get here until next Friday, so I am also nonplussed. -_-

There's a hidden gem in this book that doesn't get much talk: The Icarii-7 , a bulk transport that's been converted over to being a pirate ship. This thing is Silhouette 6 with good stats all around, a silly number of guns (and way too few gunners as written), and it still has 5 Customization Hard Points left to modify it further. The only downside is that it doesn't carry fighters (but it does carry four Sil 4 shuttles). Even with all of this, it still has a cost of under 10,000,000 credits and a Rarity of only 4! Not the kind of thing that everyone will want to use in their game, but if you're going for a capital ship-based Rebel privateer game, this is a fine hull to base it on.

I do recommend using the following house rule to address the woefully inadequate number of gunners listed:

Ship's Complement: 129 (one captain, one pilot, one co-pilot, one navigator, two sensor operators, three engineers, forty-five gunners, seventy-five pirates and misfits).

Edited by HappyDaze

Glad to see the book is finally getting into the hands of some folks! More than anything else I've worked on for FFG, this one felt like my baby, so it's interesting to see the comments you guys have. I haven't gotten my contributor copy yet, but I'm waiting eagerly by the mailbox tomorrow with high hopes!

As for the Icarii-7, I'm not sure how much is still in the write up, but here's a neat little link that might give you some insight to the ship's history.


But, since this is a questions thread, I guess I do have a few questions for you! Granted, you haven't run the adventure yet, and it might be a bit before you can read it in depth, but here are some things I'd like to hear about from folks:

1.) Obviously, what do you think? Does what you know have to excited to get this on the table and run and/or play it?

2.) Who is your favorite NPC of the bunch of newly introduced characters?

3.) What do you think of the three new locations? Do you think you'd use them in an adventure regardless of if you actually ever run this adventure or not?

4.) What do you think of how the mandalorians were handled?

5.) What do you think of the time limit element? This is something i incorporate into a lot of my adventures. Do you think it's adding something to the narrative here? Does it make sense? Or is it too much bean counting for the benefits?

6.) Should I do another Obscure Lore scavenger hunt for this adventure like I did for the AOR GM Kit?