Emperor's Throne Room / Millenium Falcon / Hyperspace Jump

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Destiny

Found an interestingly broken scenario. Had Falcon out, and when I decide to claim I just spin it to the special, play "Hyperspace Jump" and my opponent doesn't get any more of the turn.

Than I go first next turn. Roll - do damage - Jump. Rinse and repeat. My opponent gets two actions.

Seems a bit silly. Am I missing something? Does Hyperspace Jump get removed from the game if I play it from the discard pile?

Resolving Falcon Die would remove it from the die pool making it unable to be used by a Claim Effect from Emperor's Throne Room. Also, since you aren't even claiming the battlefield when you use Hyperspace Jump, you wouldn't get the battlefield effect anyway.

I think you are forgetting that you need to spend an action getting your falcon die into the pool as well meaning that (without some ambush tricks) you need to spend 4 actions looping the combo if you want to deal some damage:

Roll character die

Resolve damage die

Roll falcon die

Claim battlefield - play hyperspace Jump.

So your opponent get 3 actions and potentially 2 rounds of damage, I don’t think this is a particularly good combo sorry.

Edit: having said that this is pure evil to collect insane amounts of resources and win with crime Lord with your opponent virtually unable to stop you. Of course you still have to set it up but still could actually be a legit strategy

Second edit: can't play falcon and crime Lord in the same deck. So close!!! :(

Edited by Mace Windu

Oh, that is where I goofed. I had Falcon as an upgrade, not a Support.

Still mean but less completely evil.

it's a good way to stall for money...

but if you've already got the Falcon out... how much money do you really need?

A friend and I encountered this combo a few days ago and came to some conclusions:

-Non-Falcon player claiming the battlefield as their first action gives them 2 uninterrupted actions next turn (which could allow them to resolve damage that the Falcon player would normally want to hyperspace out of), but lets their opponent take a turn unopposed.

-Removing the Falcon die stops this from working.

-Darth Vader discourages these types of loops with his discard.

-Rey with an ambush upgrade can still roll and resolve some damage.

-Every time your opponent rolls well, and you have an active Falcon die, you can hit reset to try again until they roll badly.