Han Rey Deck is insane!

By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Destiny

yes. Han has 2 resource sides and Rey had 2 as well. It's generally not the best strategy, but if you have a couple of control cards on your hand, like negotiate, you can play it fairly safely against a lot of decks if you get the dice. If not, just discard it for rerolls and pick it up later in the game when you need it.

eHan + Leia is better IMO.

#1 it opens you up to Red cards which gives you more Ambush and red upgrades (weapons mainly)/support; plus Ambush Red give Han shields, blue upgrades on Rey are only helping Rey, not both ways

#2 Leia's 1 dice I feel is more powerful than Rey's 2 dice, as well as 2 more hps than Rey and Leia's character dice can let you reroll 2 dice, so much more powerful than Rey

#3 Blue has nice upgrades, but they're split 50/50 between range/melee, PLUS they're blue character attachment only; red is useable by BOTH Han and Leia

#4 You're mixing melee/ranged dice. I hate this, with the yellow cards, they're a lot of +dmg for ranged and you have less chance of stacking. You want ranged, ranged, and ranged.

That's my opinion anyways. I've been tweaking it, but building up eHan and Leia together is more powerful than separately building eHan and eRey.


Fair point.

I'm willing to have mixed dice though, if it means I can potentially get 3-4 free actions in a row mid game. What I love about this deck specifically, is that it's FUN! Leia does work and I've tried an Elite leia and single die Han. It's not bad, but I'm feeling a lot more fun this way.

And running up all those free actions doesn't necesarrily leave you open and vulnerable - because if you time it right you can do it to finish off an opponent's character before they can use their dice. Maybe someone has 6 health left - so you end up adding 3 weapons to Rey, Roll her, add another weapon to Han, Roll Han, and then finish up with All-In. Your opponent went from thinking you weren't much of a threat - to having a dead main character in a single turn.

You sound just like this guy on FB groups. He threw a tantrum hen people didn't agree with him though

I see the point of the deck, but I feel like it is really weak on damage output. Sure, you will eventually get a reasonable roll ( I did 8 damage to a FInn and killed him) but a lot of times people will just remove dice and take you out of the fight. I was not really that impressed with it and may give it one more shot, but looking elsewhere at the moment.

This deck also hates Jango. That dude is a complete monster and just activates when you do with your 20 activations, but his damage is typically there when your turn ends and Rey is eating some damage putting you on the back foot quickly. I like the idea, I just don't think it was that spectacular.

I'm trying out the deck with Falcon, Hyperspace Jump, and Emporer's Throne Room. For two actions, I can end the action phase when I want. If I draw an ambush upgrade for Rey, I can end the action phase as I play that card. With Infamous, playing Hyperspace Jump gives me one more action I can use after it. So, once I have the Falcon and Infamous in play and have discarded the Hyperspace Jump, I can quickly end the action phase while still getting to take an action after that before my opponent can do anything too scary on their turn. If I activate one character before then I can keep getting in for chip damage or if I draw well with ambush cards I can keep chaining to take a few actions in a row without my opponent getting any actions.

With Infamous, playing Hyperspace Jump gives me one more action I can use after it.

This doesn't work. Once you claim the battlefield, you automatically pass all future actions. So I guess you would technically get the action, but you'd be forced to pass and do nothing with it. It could theoretically work if you combo'ed through it with Outpost, but the auto-shutdown doesn't work except to maybe stall the game out.

Honestly, the Falcon's got a lot of potential to do this sort of thing. This is one of those effects that can seriously constrain design space. I'll be amazed if we don't get a "then remove that event from play" errata, and sooner rather than later.

This deck is anything but insane. The hyper train around it is there, but that's all.

The inconsistency of having a character who's primary focus is melee in a deck full of ranged weapons causes no end of wasted modified dice. Especially since the deck's "power" comes from multi-activation, a lot of the time the momentum you gain from that is wasted because you throw an unusable or sub-par roll (melees with +ranged, ranged with +melee, etc).

The deck also has no strong economy to speak of, and a hp pool that is on the low side.

Once other people around you start building real decks you'll see that this is cute, rather than powerful.

With Infamous, playing Hyperspace Jump gives me one more action I can use after it.

This doesn't work. Once you claim the battlefield, you automatically pass all future actions. So I guess you would technically get the action, but you'd be forced to pass and do nothing with it. It could theoretically work if you combo'ed through it with Outpost, but the auto-shutdown doesn't work except to maybe stall the game out.

Honestly, the Falcon's got a lot of potential to do this sort of thing. This is one of those effects that can seriously constrain design space. I'll be amazed if we don't get a "then remove that event from play" errata, and sooner rather than later.

My thought process was claiming the battlefield makes you pass all future actions [this action phase]. The extra actions gained from ambush on Hyperspace Jump would occur after resolving the Jump, thus they would occur after the action phase has ended, thus they would not be subject to the mandatory passing. If it is clarified claiming the battlefield makes you pass all future actions [this turn] or [for the rest of the game], then I would agree the combo wouldn't work. As is, I think it does.

You are right that the claiming the battlefield precedent does not apply, you are not forced to pass all future actions after playing Hyperspace jump instead you do not get any more actions - the action phase is ended by the card.


After you run wild with your actions, doesn't your opponent end up getting to do the same after your out of actions? Or has this not been an issue? Just curious. I ask because I played a Grevious/2 stormtrooper build with 4 supports last night, and my opponent always got the battlefield, but I had lots of actions to play after they were done already every round and I think it was the turning factor for me.

Probably you want to take the Battlefield that only allows 1 more action for the opponent after you claim it. Then, although you are running through your actions quickly, you can shut down retaliation for finishing your turn quickly.

If you don't win Battlefield choice, you will have to adapt your strategy, though.

This deck is anything but insane. The hyper train around it is there, but that's all.

The inconsistency of having a character who's primary focus is melee in a deck full of ranged weapons causes no end of wasted modified dice. Especially since the deck's "power" comes from multi-activation, a lot of the time the momentum you gain from that is wasted because you throw an unusable or sub-par roll (melees with +ranged, ranged with +melee, etc).

The deck also has no strong economy to speak of, and a hp pool that is on the low side.

Once other people around you start building real decks you'll see that this is cute, rather than powerful.

Which is why you need to play it with more melee and more dice control than Zach did. Reys staff, awakening and all in comes to mind as important cards. Also commlink.

This deck is anything but insane. The hyper train around it is there, but that's all.

The inconsistency of having a character who's primary focus is melee in a deck full of ranged weapons causes no end of wasted modified dice. Especially since the deck's "power" comes from multi-activation, a lot of the time the momentum you gain from that is wasted because you throw an unusable or sub-par roll (melees with +ranged, ranged with +melee, etc).

The deck also has no strong economy to speak of, and a hp pool that is on the low side.

Once other people around you start building real decks you'll see that this is cute, rather than powerful.

Which is why you need to play it with more melee and more dice control than Zach did. Reys staff, awakening and all in comes to mind as important cards. Also commlink.

I'm not talking about that deck, I'm talking about the better version, with more cards. The same problem applies. You then have less ranged damage dice for your +ranged to modify. It's the same in every mixed deck.

However you run a mixed melee and ranged deck, playing it with modifiers in is not great. Awakening partially solves the issue, but that's another card and another resource that you have to spend just to make your deck functional. Also, Awakening resolves only 1 dice for 1 action, meaning you still lose a lot of the tempo generated by your multi-acting Rey/Ambush combos.

The payoff for mixed ranged and melee just in't there in this deck (or any deck I've found so far, to be honest, but I'm sure there is a build that makes it viable). It's got a gimmick, and it's a good gimmick if you roll well without rerolls, but outside of that it's just a mishmash of cards with no synergy outside of Rey/Ambush. It's a tier 2 deck at absolute best and it will get absolutely rolled over by more streamlined decks in a large percentage of games.

You are right that the claiming the battlefield precedent does not apply, you are not forced to pass all future actions after playing Hyperspace jump instead you do not get any more actions - the action phase is ended by the card.


That means the actions from ambush would be gained after the action phase has ended, outside of the action phase. The rules reference guide clarifies that actions gained outside of the action phase are taken immediately (rather than fizzling and simply not occurring like you suggest). The rules suggest you therefore just take the extra ambush action during the upkeep phase.

This deck is anything but insane. The hyper train around it is there, but that's all.

The inconsistency of having a character who's primary focus is melee in a deck full of ranged weapons causes no end of wasted modified dice. Especially since the deck's "power" comes from multi-activation, a lot of the time the momentum you gain from that is wasted because you throw an unusable or sub-par roll (melees with +ranged, ranged with +melee, etc).

The deck also has no strong economy to speak of, and a hp pool that is on the low side.

Once other people around you start building real decks you'll see that this is cute, rather than powerful.

Which is why you need to play it with more melee and more dice control than Zach did. Reys staff, awakening and all in comes to mind as important cards. Also commlink.

I'm not talking about that deck, I'm talking about the better version, with more cards. The same problem applies. You then have less ranged damage dice for your +ranged to modify. It's the same in every mixed deck.

However you run a mixed melee and ranged deck, playing it with modifiers in is not great. Awakening partially solves the issue, but that's another card and another resource that you have to spend just to make your deck functional. Also, Awakening resolves only 1 dice for 1 action, meaning you still lose a lot of the tempo generated by your multi-acting Rey/Ambush combos.

The payoff for mixed ranged and melee just in't there in this deck (or any deck I've found so far, to be honest, but I'm sure there is a build that makes it viable). It's got a gimmick, and it's a good gimmick if you roll well without rerolls, but outside of that it's just a mishmash of cards with no synergy outside of Rey/Ambush. It's a tier 2 deck at absolute best and it will get absolutely rolled over by more streamlined decks in a large percentage of games.

I am disagreeing with you, but I am also interested in hearing what you think are better decks atm?

My thought process was claiming the battlefield makes you pass all future actions [this action phase].

Not sure where you're getting this, but that's not what the rule says:

Pg 14, Claim the Battlefield: For the rest of this round , that player automatically passes all of their future actions.

You are right that the claiming the battlefield precedent does not apply, you are not forced to pass all future actions after playing Hyperspace jump instead you do not get any more actions - the action phase is ended by the card.

There's nothing that restricts actions to the Action Phase, and nothing that says you stop resolving triggered abilities when the action phase ends. Honestly, Hyperspace Jump itself points to completing abilities which have been triggered, because the second portion of the text should obviously still resolve.

My thought process was claiming the battlefield makes you pass all future actions [this action phase].

Not sure where you're getting this, but that's not what the rule says:

Pg 14, Claim the Battlefield: For the rest of this round , that player automatically passes all of their future actions.

Thanks, missed that in the rules reference guide.

What is the difference here?