Han Rey Deck is insane!

By Crabbok, in Star Wars: Destiny

So I got a 2nd Han yesterday and eHan and eRey - all I can say is WOW!

Basically the deck has 2 Holdout Blasters and 2 DL-44s. (I only have 1 DL-44 at the moment but that's ok) and some other equipment plus a few ambush cards. Playing upgrades on Rey that HAVE Ambush ends up giving you +2 extra actions, and if you use one of those to play ANOTHER upgrade on her with Ambush... you just keep ending up with more and more actions!!

It's a very fun deck idea. I encourage everyone to try it at least once.

After you run wild with your actions, doesn't your opponent end up getting to do the same after your out of actions? Or has this not been an issue? Just curious. I ask because I played a Grevious/2 stormtrooper build with 4 supports last night, and my opponent always got the battlefield, but I had lots of actions to play after they were done already every round and I think it was the turning factor for me.

Sounds good but every deck I have played or played against has some form of kryptonite that will beat it. I have built a couple decks that have felt invincible through several matches then someone figures out its weakness. There are strong decks for sure but I haven't seen anything that is so strong that 80% of the decks at a tournament will be running some form of.

Just off the top of my head a couple weaknesses for Han/Rey...

1. Mismatched damage sides.

2. I feel if you burn your actions too fast you give your opponent free reign over the turn late. I have built a couple decks that are good at winning the battlefield roll at the beginning but almost never take the battlefield during the game so I clean up late turn and my benign battlefield doesn't hurt me. Of course Han can bring in Hyperspace Jump so that would be my concern.

After you run wild with your actions, doesn't your opponent end up getting to do the same after your out of actions? Or has this not been an issue? Just curious. I ask because I played a Grevious/2 stormtrooper build with 4 supports last night, and my opponent always got the battlefield, but I had lots of actions to play after they were done already every round and I think it was the turning factor for me.

I've experienced the same. If my opponent burns through actions and claims the battlefield, I know that I can be careless about leaving useful dice in my pool while I do other things. I don't have to worry about my opponent tinkering with my dice. I was unable to really defend against their actions, but they're also unable to defend against mine.

I had one game where Rey dropped several upgrades/ambushes and then claimed the battlefield. I then went about my turn and killed Rey with my aggro deck. When your opponent has no ability to modify your dice and you have basically a full turn's worth of activations... it's not too terribly hard to generate a lot of damage in one round with the right deck.

Cool. Looking to try my similar list after getting my 2nd Han and blaster.

By the way, what are people paying for cards from ebay?

Edited by NeverBetTheFett

After you run wild with your actions, doesn't your opponent end up getting to do the same after your out of actions? Or has this not been an issue? Just curious. I ask because I played a Grevious/2 stormtrooper build with 4 supports last night, and my opponent always got the battlefield, but I had lots of actions to play after they were done already every round and I think it was the turning factor for me.

I've experienced the same. If my opponent burns through actions and claims the battlefield, I know that I can be careless about leaving useful dice in my pool while I do other things. I don't have to worry about my opponent tinkering with my dice. I was unable to really defend against their actions, but they're also unable to defend against mine.

I had one game where Rey dropped several upgrades/ambushes and then claimed the battlefield. I then went about my turn and killed Rey with my aggro deck. When your opponent has no ability to modify your dice and you have basically a full turn's worth of activations... it's not too terribly hard to generate a lot of damage in one round with the right deck.

Why are people claiming the battlefield so early when there opponent has a bunch of actions left to go, just pass.

I was going to say - if they have more than 2 dice in the pool it is almost always better to pass than claim. Unless they have one hit point left and the battlefield says they do 1 unblockable damage. Almost always it is better to pass/wait - even if just a bluff it keeps them on their toes.

My opponent was claiming the battlefield early because they were running Rebel War room (resolve a die with a resource cost without paying the cost). They had the hired gun, so she claimed the battlefield to resolve the Hired Gun's die without paying the resource card (she was worried if she passed I might reroll or remove her die). Her deck was a little resource starved, plus I kept rolling disrupts on my Grevious and outpost die's.

She probably needs to tweak her deck, Hired gun war room may not be the best combo, lol

Also, if you are passing with no resources and only 1 or 2 cards in hand, or zero even, I'm less worried about you pulling shenanigans.

Edited by Ywingscum

After you run wild with your actions, doesn't your opponent end up getting to do the same after your out of actions? Or has this not been an issue? Just curious. I ask because I played a Grevious/2 stormtrooper build with 4 supports last night, and my opponent always got the battlefield, but I had lots of actions to play after they were done already every round and I think it was the turning factor for me.

I've experienced the same. If my opponent burns through actions and claims the battlefield, I know that I can be careless about leaving useful dice in my pool while I do other things. I don't have to worry about my opponent tinkering with my dice. I was unable to really defend against their actions, but they're also unable to defend against mine.

I had one game where Rey dropped several upgrades/ambushes and then claimed the battlefield. I then went about my turn and killed Rey with my aggro deck. When your opponent has no ability to modify your dice and you have basically a full turn's worth of activations... it's not too terribly hard to generate a lot of damage in one round with the right deck.

Why are people claiming the battlefield so early when there opponent has a bunch of actions left to go, just pass.

Sometimes it's pretty obvious that you have nothing left to do. In those cases, I don't mind claiming the battlefield "early", just to make sure I get it.

There are cases where it makes sense and I guess we may see some strategies that play to the strength of claiming early as we explore how the game works. Based on my very limited play and observation, the current 'best' strategies don't favor significantly early claim (more than 3ish actions ahead of the opponent) since it leaves the field wide open. As others have mentioned, sometimes you are just plain out of options and going first next round is critical. I tend to think that unless you have zero cards in hand it is generally better to bluff via passing to see how that shapes their actions. Once a claim happens I tend to let my guard down a bit if I am the one that didn't claim. Just some random thoughts on the matter - not really aimed at responding directly to anyone...

Makes total sense. Probably depends on what kind of deck you're playing. If I'm playing all blue aggro, I'll just go ahead and claim the battlefield. A decent opponent will know that I won't have that many 0 resource cards that would have any real effect. If I'm playing yellow red "sneaky" decks, I'll bluff. Even with 0 resources, there are tons of things I MIGHT do.

Back to the original post. Ehan and Erey is incredibly strong.

I imagine playing han's blaster on rey, then holdout blaster on rey (you have now put 2 shields on Han) activating rey, rolling like 5 ranged and 3 melee damage, and resolving both sets of damage, probably just killed a character and 2 shields on han. Yeah that's tough for your opponent to recover from.

Than said, I don't have a Han yet. Hoping in my second box to pull a Han. I have Evader and a raider. I'd love to see EHan ERey versus Evader/Raider

eHan + Leia is better IMO.

#1 it opens you up to Red cards which gives you more Ambush and red upgrades (weapons mainly)/support; plus Ambush Red give Han shields, blue upgrades on Rey are only helping Rey, not both ways

#2 Leia's 1 dice I feel is more powerful than Rey's 2 dice, as well as 2 more hps than Rey and Leia's character dice can let you reroll 2 dice, so much more powerful than Rey

#3 Blue has nice upgrades, but they're split 50/50 between range/melee, PLUS they're blue character attachment only; red is useable by BOTH Han and Leia

#4 You're mixing melee/ranged dice. I hate this, with the yellow cards, they're a lot of +dmg for ranged and you have less chance of stacking. You want ranged, ranged, and ranged.

That's my opinion anyways. I've been tweaking it, but building up eHan and Leia together is more powerful than separately building eHan and eRey.


Edited by HoodieDM

After trying this deck, I was really underwhelmed by the damage output. Rey is basically useless as a damage dealer, so unless the guns and Han carry the load before you get blasted off the table, you may have issues.

Han/Rey give you lots of resources to buy stuff and get tons of actions, but if you don't roll well damage-wise, or your opponent removes it, he can simply (not so) slow roll you to death. At the end of the day, damage is what counts.

I was having a hard time doing anything meaningful against heavy damage dealers like Grievous and Vader. If they consistently get damage, Rey or Han will be dead too quickly.

Even when your opponent doesn't claim the battlefield, if they have resolved all their dice and only have 2-3 cards in hand, once they pass on a 2 damage or more die I know they have nothing.

eHan + Leia is better IMO.

#1 it opens you up to Red cards which gives you more Ambush and red upgrades (weapons mainly)/support; plus Ambush Red give Han shields, blue upgrades on Rey are only helping Rey, not both ways

#2 Leia's 1 dice I feel is more powerful than Rey's 2 dice, as well as 2 more hps than Rey and Leia's character dice can let you reroll 2 dice, so much more powerful than Rey

#3 Blue has nice upgrades, but they're split 50/50 between range/melee, PLUS they're blue character attachment only; red is useable by BOTH Han and Leia

#4 You're mixing melee/ranged dice. I hate this, with the yellow cards, they're a lot of +dmg for ranged and you have less chance of stacking. You want ranged, ranged, and ranged.

That's my opinion anyways. I've been tweaking it, but building up eHan and Leia together is more powerful than separately building eHan and eRey.


I'm with you on this one. I'm currently playing a eLeia with Han and they work wonderfully together. Like you said, red cards tend to help Han a little bit more (got to love that Hit and Run card and all those weapon) and they're both range, so all your upgrades can help both character.

And I love running Leia as the Elite instead of Han:

-Her dice can always serve as a reroll 2 dice

-She has the Focus side

-She has 3 side with range damage instead of Han with 2, so while she might do a little bit less damage, she's more consistent if you need a Range Damage side to trigger your modified range damage showing on one of your weapon

-She draw more aggro this way since she's officially a threat, so it can give time for Han to properly equip himself and find the Infamous Support so that every yellow card can have Ambush and regenerate shield more easily.

Would it be wise to run dodge as a counter to this? I currently don't. But that could be a meta call card?

Would it be wise to run dodge as a counter to this? I currently don't. But that could be a meta call card?

The Scruffy Nerf Herder (Han/Leia) deck is designed to burn through cards and survive through damage with Hans shields and Field Medic. Losing some dice isnt a big deal, as much as a mill deck will do to it if you dont kill Padme quickly.


One trick of the deck that is crucial to its success is recycling Second Chance on Han with the Starship Graveyard battlefield.

This decks wend to want a lot of 0 or 1 cost dice interaction. Swing in fast and resolve your dice in a flurry, then sit back and react to your opponent.

eHan + Leia is better IMO.

#1 it opens you up to Red cards which gives you more Ambush and red upgrades (weapons mainly)/support; plus Ambush Red give Han shields, blue upgrades on Rey are only helping Rey, not both ways

#2 Leia's 1 dice I feel is more powerful than Rey's 2 dice, as well as 2 more hps than Rey and Leia's character dice can let you reroll 2 dice, so much more powerful than Rey

#3 Blue has nice upgrades, but they're split 50/50 between range/melee, PLUS they're blue character attachment only; red is useable by BOTH Han and Leia

#4 You're mixing melee/ranged dice. I hate this, with the yellow cards, they're a lot of +dmg for ranged and you have less chance of stacking. You want ranged, ranged, and ranged.

That's my opinion anyways. I've been tweaking it, but building up eHan and Leia together is more powerful than separately building eHan and eRey.


Fair point.

I'm willing to have mixed dice though, if it means I can potentially get 3-4 free actions in a row mid game. What I love about this deck specifically, is that it's FUN! Leia does work and I've tried an Elite leia and single die Han. It's not bad, but I'm feeling a lot more fun this way.

And running up all those free actions doesn't necesarrily leave you open and vulnerable - because if you time it right you can do it to finish off an opponent's character before they can use their dice. Maybe someone has 6 health left - so you end up adding 3 weapons to Rey, Roll her, add another weapon to Han, Roll Han, and then finish up with All-In. Your opponent went from thinking you weren't much of a threat - to having a dead main character in a single turn.

And running up all those free actions doesn't necesarrily leave you open and vulnerable - because if you time it right you can do it to finish off an opponent's character before they can use their dice. Maybe someone has 6 health left - so you end up adding 3 weapons to Rey, Roll her, add another weapon to Han, Roll Han, and then finish up with All-In. Your opponent went from thinking you weren't much of a threat - to having a dead main character in a single turn.

That's what makes it so effective. Turn #1 you can put out 6-10 damage. Turn #2 finish off their character for one less activation. eHan + Ambush (whatever) is awesome. Especially if you can get either the Holdout Blaster or Jetpack Turn #1 (which is what I try to aim for). That's why I love Leia. eHan just puts out so much damage and if you roll crappy Turn #1, Leia can at least help reroll 2 of the dice.


Edited by HoodieDM

I want han so bad!

I play this deck and I love it. I run a single Falcon in it as well, because you can play falcon turn 1 with it OR play it mid or late game to seal the deal when Rey is dead. Han/Falcon is very hard to deal with.

I play this deck and I love it. I run a single Falcon in it as well, because you can play falcon turn 1 with it OR play it mid or late game to seal the deal when Rey is dead. Han/Falcon is very hard to deal with.

What am I missing that you can play Falcon Turn #1? Is that assuming you get all 3-4 resources on your rolls?
