
By ramy, in Star Wars: Destiny

Has anyone's local game store had problems getting this game? Mine said their distributor has still not gotten them.

Everyone's local game store is having trouble getting this game. Supplies are going to be a bit dry for about the next month.

I've heard the 22nd for the next round of boosters coming in. The 15th is starters only. Or so my FLGS told me that his distributors have told him.

Edited by netherspirit

I've heard the 22nd for the next round of boosters coming in. The 15th is starters only. Or so my FLGS told me that his distributors have told him.

that is correct. 15th starters, 22nd boosters, then come January it'll be in full motion

This is quite the fail for FFG. No better way to kill demand then to not have product by Christmas.

This is quite the fail for FFG. No better way to kill demand then to not have product by Christmas.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but December 22nd is before Christmas.

Edited by netherspirit

This is quite the fail for FFG. No better way to kill demand then to not have product by Christmas.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but December 22nd is before Christmas.

We'll see if they actually hit that, but places like Miniature Market say they won't have boosters until January. Also, it does the retailers (and consumers) little good if the amount shipped on the 22nd doesn't come close to meeting the Christmas demand. I feel bad for my FLGS's. The largest one in town got two booster boxes only, after requesting 15+.

If December 15th is starters only, that's news to several of my local shops, who are desperately wanting boosters. The game isn't playable as designed with starters only.

This is quite the fail for FFG. No better way to kill demand then to not have product by Christmas.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but December 22nd is before Christmas.

We'll see if they actually hit that, but places like Miniature Market say they won't have boosters until January. Also, it does the retailers (and consumers) little good if the amount shipped on the 22nd doesn't come close to meeting the Christmas demand. I feel bad for my FLGS's. The largest one in town got two booster boxes only, after requesting 15+.

If December 15th is starters only, that's news to several of my local shops, who are desperately wanting boosters. The game isn't playable as designed with starters only.

I guess we'll see what happens. I tend to lean towards optimism. :-D

2 rey starters or 2 kylo starters make an excellent deck for a beginner. $30 you got a great deck to learn.

I do really enjoy the game. Finding boosters on the release date was possible in town, but not easy :)

I do really enjoy the game. Finding boosters on the release date was possible in town, but not easy :)

Pre-orders. I pre-ordered from my store the day it was announced at Gencon.

I wonder if some of the stores out there didn't realize how popular the game was going to be so they waited before ordering and by the time they ordered it was too late? I don't know. Just a thought.

One of our local stores got like 20+ boxes, the other smaller stores in the area only got a couple. Maybe the one just got lucky this time with allocations?

The only pre-order I did was for the Pre-release Event. I don't like pre-ordering from places that don't have stellar reputations of delivering on time. I've even heard some pre-orders haven't been filled yet due to distribution problems. I also don't like my money tied up for long periods of time. (I backed a Kickstarter, but only for a company that has a solid reputation of delivering their products on time.)

I pre-ordered a box on Novermber 21st from Coolstuff. Still waiting. And if the 15th is only starters I'm gonna be a sad panda.

This is quite the fail for FFG. No better way to kill demand then to not have product by Christmas.

What happened if they made all this product and it took off like Rebellion and now they look silly (only referring to Rebellion not going out of stock).


Edited by HoodieDM

Amazon.com has them now but limits the boosters to 3 per order.

Ships on Dec. 12.

Edited by Winter Soldier

Amazon.com has them now but limits the boosters to 3 per order.

Ships on Dec. 12.

It's worth noting that it's listed as an add-on item. So you have to spend $25 to complete an order with 3 packs in your cart.

My LGS had a good amount of stuff (I was sick at the pre-release so i don't know how much got sold then,) but it's all sold out now.

Area stores here are selling out, but the trick is to find booster boxes. Loose boosters don't seem to be as pressing given that boxes at least guarantee Legendaries.

Loose boosters are fine as long as you have time. Buy 5.... open them. If you get a Legendary, then stop. If you don't get one, keep going.... and going..... and going until you buy the rest of the damned box

My FLGS said they would be getting one booster box & limiting 1 booster per customer.

Loose boosters are fine as long as you have time. Buy 5.... open them. If you get a Legendary, then stop. If you don't get one, keep going.... and going..... and going until you buy the rest of the damned box

I don't know, I got lucky enough to pull two Legendaries in three loose boosters, which tells me they were not distributed equaling within the box. You could be buying one till you buy the whole box and not pull a single one. For example, I'm not gonna buy boosters from that store until that box I got mine from is gone, for fear of not pulling a Lengendary because I inadvertently pulled them out of order.

Loose boosters are fine as long as you have time. Buy 5.... open them. If you get a Legendary, then stop. If you don't get one, keep going.... and going..... and going until you buy the rest of the damned box

I don't know, I got lucky enough to pull two Legendaries in three loose boosters, which tells me they were not distributed equaling within the box. You could be buying one till you buy the whole box and not pull a single one. For example, I'm not gonna buy boosters from that store until that box I got mine from is gone, for fear of not pulling a Lengendary because I inadvertently pulled them out of order.

I bought 20 packs from a fresh opened box, first pack I opened was legendary; Commanding presence. Didn't get another after that

Bought the last 12 packs from the last booster box (till who knows when) the other day. Opened two Legionaries: Jabba and Thermo Detonator.

This is quite the fail for FFG. No better way to kill demand then to not have product by Christmas.

Well FFG couldnt predict the game would take off like this in initial planning and their production planning takes 6-12+ months before release. So you cant be mad at them.

What happened if they made all this product and it took off like Rebellion and now they look silly (only referring to Rebellion not going out of stock).


This makes no sense. They did predict the demand appropriately, but didn't get the process going on time to have the product ready by Christmas shopping season.

We aren't talking about making a second printing. This is the first printing that they are having trouble getting to market.

There is no excuse to fail to get a Christmas season product out by the shopping season. This is just a fail of epic magnitude.

This is quite the fail for FFG. No better way to kill demand then to not have product by Christmas.

Well FFG couldnt predict the game would take off like this in initial planning and their production planning takes 6-12+ months before release. So you cant be mad at them.

What happened if they made all this product and it took off like Rebellion and now they look silly (only referring to Rebellion not going out of stock).


This makes no sense. They did predict the demand appropriately, but didn't get the process going on time to have the product ready by Christmas shopping season.

We aren't talking about making a second printing. This is the first printing that they are having trouble getting to market.

There is no excuse to fail to get a Christmas season product out by the shopping season. This is just a fail of epic magnitude.

There's always reasons. Do you know whose manufacturing the game? Is it a new company FFG is using? They have to make both the cards and dice and package them together? Or is it multiple steps.

Again, they may not have predicted the game doing this well. Perhaps they purposely planned to have multiple waves of 1st print production. It just sold so well, that the 1st wave sold out day 1 (which isn't true, because many of the online retailers are still selling starters/packs/boxes).

Maybe with all of this year plus planning, for FULL production they wouldn't have been able to have it before Christmas, so maybe it wasn't going to be fully available until Jan/Feb...YET they were able to work it so that it was able to release in December with some, rather than none? Did you think of that approach?

To say it's a "fail of epic magnitude" is rather taking it to the extreme. It's not like they promised and didn't deliver ANYTHING. So it's short in stock. Doesn't mean the demand still isn't there. If anything, it's made people more hungry for the game. Just because you're not getting it for Christmas, means you can't get it now? WTF does that mean? I don't know, maybe you're a kid and don't work and expect it as a present. If you're an adult then why does it matter that you have to have it now, rather than 4 weeks from now? If you didn't get any, then I can see maybe getting a little frustrated, but like I said, you can still buy whole boxes on Miniature Market right now. 2 boxes and it's already free shipping with them.

I just think you're gripes are worthless like griping #1 is going to change anything and #2 by doing so, you expect to get something out of it? If you have an issue, gripe to customer service, they're really good at that.
